
It has been 4 years since I discovered my qurik and I have found out a lot of things about my quirk. The quirk doctor said that my quirk allows me to summon any creature that I imagine but everytime I summon any creature I will suffer from headache.


I guess every power has its own disadvantage but it still does not change the fact that my quirk is super strong. I have been experimenting a lot with my quirk these past 4 years afterall I have nothing else to do.


In the duration of these 4 years I have summoned many types of creatures like giant wolves, giant eagles, giant frogs etc. But the most op thing about my quirk is that I can even summon original creatures.


I imagined a bunch of small wolves but with horns and as soon as I opened my eyes they were standing there, but it also gave me the biggest headache ever!! I nearly passed out because of it.


Another thing which I found out was that I can even modify them a little even after they have been summoned, I made the pack of wolves that had been summoned have teeth's like the sabertooth tiger.


And the last thing I found out was that after a certain type of creature is summoned, the next time I summon them the headache decreases, not by a lot but it still decreases nevertheless.


Anyways enough about that right now I was heading to the library, in these past years I had also developed a liking in reading. I read about the various types of quirks and how the previous and current hero's use their quirk to their advantage.


I started reading about quirks to find any clues related to my quirk but I couldn't find any but today it was going to be different after begging the librarian everyday for a couple of years he finally agreed to letting me read "THE SUMMONERS AUTOBIOGRAPHY"


He previously stopped me from reading it because he thought I was careless and would damage the book and it is extremely hard to find this book since there are only 8 of these books in Japan.


Me - Good morning sir!!!


Librarian - You came huh, Tch here read the book.




Librarian - YOU BETTER! Or I will come after you with a knife!


I took the book and started to read it, even though the librarian may seem rude he is a really kind hearted guy. He lets me read a lot of books for free knowing what kind of condition my family is in.




The book was mostly talking about the summoners life as he was really poor in the past but with his quirk he proved everyone wrong and became one of the top 3 hero's and he even had a statue built in honor for him and blah blah blah.


I was not really interested in that part but what really interested me was his quirk, it stated that he could summon something called 'rock golems'.


There were no photos but there was a description of these 'rock golems' at the end of the page by another hero. They were 7 foot tall and completely made out of pure stones, they had a posture of gorilla's and had massive bulky arms. One hit from those golems were enough to destroy all 206 bones of human body.


Even without a photo or video I could tell that this 'rock golem' was extremely strong, I returned the book after completing it and gave it back to the librarian. Then I set off to a nearby forest, I couldn't summon this giant at my backyard. If someone saw it there would be a lot of panic.


I silently sneaked into the forest and summoned my wolves, I sent them to check if there was any one there. I didn't want to reveal my super powerful quirk afterall I was still too weak to protect myself and my mom so it was better to avoid attention for the time being.


The wolves returned and that confirmed that no one was there, then I sat down and slowly started to imagine a 7 foot giant monster with massive arms that supported his whole body in the shape of a gorilla.


Now I opened my eyes to see that very monster staring at me, but I couldn't state at it for too long since the biggest headache hit me afterall this was the biggest and strongest creature I had summoned..... More like created.


But I couldn't allow myself to pass out now since there won't be anyone to help me because the summons disappear after I lose my consciousness.


I held on by gritting my teeth to the fullest and gripping the soil under my hand as tightly as I could hoping to negate the pain even if a little bit.


I was probably in that position for atleast 15 mins but after that I finally recovered enough to look at the golem again, it was massive and definitely terrifying.


I went to him and started to pat it and surprising even this giant monster liked it.... I guess everyone likes pats. But now was the exciting part I can finally test out this giants powers.


I asked him to simply try to pull out the giant tree in front of him, he didn't even need two arms only using one arm he easily derooted it. Then I asked him to throw it and.......... I regret that.


The tree went with such a force that it broke atleast a 40 - 50 trees that were in its path before breaking, but it also made me excited since now I am a little stronger than before.


I desummoned all the wolves and the golem and went back home with a book, it was about a hero in the past that also had an explosive quirk. I was planning on giving it to katsuki.


In these years I and katsuki have gotten a lot closer, this time I managed to stop him from becoming the bully he became in cannon. But he still is loud af. We are as close or even closer than brothers.
