Deal between Angel & Devil

Oh, okay then! Thanks for the tea. But what's going on and you called for me? Is it you wanted to come back with the good side and me escorting you back to God? Mortha trying to be innocent and challenging the devil himself.

Not really and you know, goodness never suited me. I'm more of the dark, shallow, malicious and cold kind of guy! Haha! Anyway, the reason why I called you is that there's something in the world that isn't quite right! Some of my dark spirits have disappeared and they're like gone and can't be retrieved from hell nor the world. And I think your angels have been experiencing some changes and weird things happening around the earth and the afterlife?, Lucio added now estranged with the odd things happening with them and the world.

Yes, if you put it that way! I have been monitoring the world and there are unique energies that are surrounding the world today and even though the pandemic or virus have been controlled. This energy seems to hold itself together and adapt to any kind of life form and spirit that it touches or sticks itself into. And it's not a good sign for you and your minions and to me and my team. We can further check and make sure what is it to be able to try to stop it or even destroy it. So the world could live longer, peacefully and happily. No offence, but I know you are not the type to rejoice in person's success or good health but then again, your dark angels are suffering too. I have asked God the Father about this but he had been silent. So, let's just wait for His signal and we can help each other fight this virus or whatever it is that is keeping the balance off of the universe, Mortha cried and Lucio agreed to help out to find about this energy that is spreading chaos and sucking the angels and dark spirits as well as the souls of humans in the world.

Are you serious? Coniving with Lucio and his dark angels? Mark, ehem, sir, have you bumped your head or lost your mind there? And you honestly believe that he had nothing to do with this virus or whatever the heck it is that is sucking our angels and humans souls up too? Noriel argued. You'll see that he is a lot older and taller now compared to Mortha/Mark. But he still respects his commander.

I know, I don't trust him either. But until we find whatever is keeping or killing our angels same as his dark spirits, we can't relax or be lax on destroying this virus or whatever it is that keeps us and the humans' state in danger! I need to head back home and do my own research on this. Give me an update on this virus and keep me posted. Chou!, Mark smiled and tapped Noriel on the back, and he's already gone like smoke in the air, leaving his team head wondering what can be done about this killer and he couldn't find an answer with a deep sigh.

Dad! You're late! Where the hell have you been? Destiny said angrily when she had been waiting for about an hour at the front door of the school. Sorry honey! I needed to have a quick chat with a former friend of mine (meaning Lucio, the devil) and needed to run an errand to save the world!, Mark added laughing while trying to make a joke to sound cool for his daughter. Yup! I know and I am super girl. Dad!!!!, Destiny replied and gave her dad a frown. You hungry? Let's eat at a pizza parlour and it's my treat! Mom would love pizza too, I bet!, Mark cried while driving gently away from Destiny's school, with a feeling that someone or something is watching him and his daughter.

This virus hadn't left the world. It kept mutating and both angels and devils are also doomed to their extinction for it never chooses its victim.

God is all powerful and we don't really know who started to spread the virus on earth. However, I believe that we are saved by the power and mercy of God and not our religion, money, power and influence. For if it were the case, a person should have lived forever or be immortal. Yet, no. Humans die and their souls come back to God.

I have been thinking as the commander of the Supreme Master's league of angels, I should know what happens next after this. But no, I only follow the Creator's orders and in blind faith trust His judgement and wisdom. That everything that is happening now in the world has purpose and I am his instrument to bring that purpose to life, to share, protect and spread the news to people and the world.

After dropping Destiny at home I kissed Belle and told her that I needed to do an errand for God. I need to clear my mind and I need to do it quick. I flew so fast that I reached the white, clear skies and closed my eyes to breathe and welcome the rays of the sun on my skin like its heat is enveloping me with power and warmth of God's everlasting love.

It's no use. How come I feel that it's no use believing that the virus will stop. Lucio and I believes that there is something hidden, like a veil was lifted from the face of the earth is the protection that God has it and now as if He is letting the virus, death win this time. Why? I am not allowed to question God and his doubt his reasons for even I couldn't fathom His knowledge, his age old wisdom that is older than the universe, me or earth.

Bugger! This power I have couldn't even stop or end this irritating virus. It's like a cancer that spreads and sprouts, mutates like mushrooms and regenerates like it has a life of its own, but in fact only gets its energy and life from its host, the humans. And now, it's taking its life source from the angels and dark spirits? It's crazy!

I sound like Belle now, and I think I'm becoming more human every day and it sucks! The feeling of being weak and unsure about things and situations, really suck!, Mark thought while flapping his strong and big wings as he glided in each and every cloud to clear his mind off worries, issues and the virus.

Mark's face changed and lit along with his whole body and like lightning he zoomed back to land, and scouted the countries along with his legion. He motioned battalion of angels to go north, south, east and west parts of the world. Lucio, though also worries about the virus killing his some of his minions sent some on earth to help Mark and his league to save humans from the killer virus.

One by one angels fly and protect one human at a time. From one person to the whole family, to a city, country, and the world.

Mark saw Jesus all in white and sparkling, he was so huge that he kept the people of the world safe, loved and well fed. Jesus looked like he is mirroring the earth then, he went down the stairs from heaven that came from nowhere outside the universe.

Jesus stepped down and when he reached earth he was like a giant but since a spirit whenever he walks on the ground he seemed like floating, gliding and sweeping the seas, mountains and buildings like he was see-through. It's so fascinating to see that I just stopped from whatever I was doing and looked at Him for about 30 minutes. Wow! It was like watching God in 3D film but the only difference is that, Jesus isn't fictionary but real, a God, a powerful and majestic Supreme Being! Wow! I'm not supposed to look like I'm amazed or surprised but I say wow in thought but not seen on my face, since I am the commander of God's League of Angels. But my heart and mind are like flying with excitement and happiness seeing our Saviour, Son of God in his splendour on earth like this.

We escorted Jesus and just guarding Him from afar. He is God anyway, He can protect himself and can even destroy a devil or even the virus with his hand with a single blow or even blow of breath from his mouth.

So why can't He just stop the virus to spread and spare the people or souls from dying? Why? and Why not? God has his reasons but many things were realized when the virus happened. People became closer to their families, friends or love ones. People became more aware of their environment, their actions and situations that help or destroy earth. Maybe, this virus didn't just come here to kill or make people's lives harder but the other way around, giving life, love and realization that there's something more important than ourselves, our jobs, our wealth, our positions, our powers and influences.

Honey, what's wrong?, Bella sitting beside me at the living room. I'm okay honey, but just thinking about the battle we have been doing for years now against the virus, I replied looking at my wife while standing in front of the window trying to check out something which I really don't really know what is.