Angel's Touch 3

Belle was already asleep when I transported back home in New Zealand. It's easier and less time consuming that way than flying faster than the speed of light which I have been doing for many hours since yesterday. I tried to clean myself up and check on Destiny while she's on her drama club workshop in Wellington. I saw that she is having a great time there, so there's no need to worry about her. I picked up my sleeping clothes or pajamas as my wife say all of the time, then brushed my teeth. I ate on my way home, with a quick munch at a 24/7 711 store in the U.S., so I stopped on a doughnut shop and bought a box for my Belle and maybe leave some for Destiny when she comes home from her workshop.

Honey, sorry I'm late!, I whispered to Belle and bid her goodnight. Belle hugged me and kissed me on the lips, comforting me that it's fine and that I'm forgiven. I felt so warm and loved that I hugged my wife. With the pressure I always get when I needed to save people or souls, I want to just disappear into thin air and not be confronted with all the dirty things that I experienced in this world. When I forget that the world is full of bad people and evil, I always look onto my wife and my daughter's faces smiling and loving me unconditionally, I feel lucky and amazing that the task I needed to fulfil like saving humans all the time is like the sweetest mission I have ever accepted in my entire angel life. Well, I have lived for hundreds of years but I just don't know if I would live longer here on earth than if I were still lingering and living up there in heaven. But it's okay because I am with my family and that's what's important and the mission I am still fulfilling I guess forever, as an angel.

I thought while lying down beside my wife that why would America legalize owning guns when it is a weapon only for soldiers, police officers and authorities have. Bureaucracy and business stands in the middle of legalizing guns why even minors can own one though illegally or maybe their parents have them inside their homes. I don't really understand why would a person own or bring a gun to their cars, offices or wherever they go if they know they're safe and protected by law and authorities? Then, it is a flaw on a country's security and protection laws and system, not on owning a gun and shooting people when they feel like it or need to or what. Arguments, misunderstandings between friends, couples, families or colleagues shouldn't end in blood bath or gun fires but through conversations, communication, and sometimes silence. Wars don't happen when a nation handles it carefully through peace talks, summits, conferences, meetings and agreements so that both parties would settle the score or the issue without violence or war.

I don't say that most Americans agree in legalizing guns but they also consider the fact that shootings are continuously happening even in schools. Yet, if they haven't legalized owning guns and banning it, maybe, just maybe, America wouldn't face this issue and could have avoided teenagers' deaths inside school premises or grounds that are supposedly safe for each and every learner. Same as with office buildings or public structures that are also threatened by terrorists with gun fire and bomb scares. Haaa….I need to sleep. I must rest to clear my head. I touched my wife whose back is turned against me. Belle breathed and turned over to look at me. She is awake, I thought she is dead asleep.

Hi!, Belle said drowsily. She was asleep and heck I woke her up, my bad, I thought and smiled. Hi honey! I'm sorry, did I wake you up. Sleep and I'll be fine!

No, I've been sleeping for, I think, about eight hours now. Since Destiny's out like a week, I can do my chores and hobbies all at the same time without having to check on the time. So, I'm good. How are you?, Belle replied kissing my nose, then tried to open her sleepy eyes to look at me. It's kind of hard to because it's dark inside our bedroom.

I couldn't tell her everything because it's a job of an angel that I couldn't disclose my mission as every angel's oath to God. It's, ah… well, let's just say, challenging and tiring. But exciting and we have won the battle in a way!, I cried while pressing my hands to her waist and pull her closer to me while I thought to summarize it as short as possible so it won't be morbid or crazy for her to understand, my work, I mean. After that, Belle hugged me and smiled. I know babe, and I'm sorry, your job must be hard as an angel, plus being a husband and a dad might be tough to handle too! I love you!, Belle said smiling at me like seeing through my eyes which is now sparkling gold because I feel my blood is rising and heating with her passion-filled looks.

Oh, my God, my Lord…here we go!, I thought because I desire for my wife to make love to me now and I don't feel tired but hungry for her. Belle knew and she responded by putting her lips on my mouth deepening the kiss. I played along and got so thirsty I licked, bit her neck, chest, and body. Belle smirked and laughed a little when I kissed her side and took off our clothes at the same time. Belle moved on top of me and let me see her naked and sexy body. My God, you are so beautiful!, I said touching her breasts while she moved her hips hard on me. So are you!, Belle said kissing me on my mouth and looking at my body sparkling gold and white. She laughed and got fascinated when like neon lights I flashed and when she touch me I light and looked like moonbeams in the night. Belle loved it. I tried to play with my powers and this was the best I could do now to make her happy. We made love all through-out the night while the moon is full and lighting us like lovers in heat and ravaging each bodies until we moaned and groaned in ecstasy and cums.

Hey Des….Destiny. Are you awake?, Becca whispered and when Destiny didn't answer she stood and ran to her friend's bed and scooched in her blanket. Uhhhh….Becca???. What are you doing?

Ah, I'm sleeping here. It's so dark I don't usually sleep with lights off, sorry! Can I stay here and cuddle with you? Please…, BEcca added pleading. You're already here aren't you. Okay just this once and tomorrow we can turn on your lamp so it's not that dark, okay!?, Destiny said a bit irritated but forced a smile to calm me down.

Okay. But Destiny, can we cuddle or maybe….ahhh, kiss?, Becca said trying to change the topic, teasing Destiny. Nope!, the thing that happened between us will not happen again. Mwah! Night, Destiny gave me a kiss on the cheek.

That's it…waaaaaahhhhhhh!, no, I want one on the lips, I said revolting. Mwah!, Destiny kissed me on the lips but quick like a smack. I protested and told her that I'll be able to sleep if the kiss is deep and meaningful. So I readied myself and closed my eyes for it. But Destiny is taking too long so I opened my eyes and saw her looking at me seriously. Okay, if you don't want to, then…..I cried but Destiny caught my neck and wrapped her arms around it and kissed me on the mouth. I reciprocated the kiss and we did that for a couple of minutes which I think I died because this was the first time Destiny kissed me this torrid and passionate. I smiled at her when she let go of my lips and placed my forehead on hers like I want to keep my eyes on hers. I also placed my arms on her waist to pull her close to me and we stayed that way until morning.