Devil is Me

Haaa…..soul! Where's my soul? I know I am a spirit, an evil one, but how will be able to explain this to Destiny? Her dad is an angel and I am an enemy of goodness. I know that my decision to be close to her is a bad idea! But now that I love her, my situation is more complicated than when I was thinking if getting back my heart would be a good thing to happen in my life. Living for hundreds of years isn't easy. And knowing Destiny now makes me want to bring back the time when I was younger, innocent, good…

Uncle, uncle, uncle…why did you do this to me? I should've just remained mortal. If I remained human, would I have ever met Destiny, or not at all? I don't want to know. But for now, I love where I am at with my girl and who I am for Destiny?

Watching Twilight Saga with Destiny during my sleepovers isn't really my cup of tea. I don't really like romantic films which concerns vampires and wolves all together. But Destiny loves those types which made me think when Edward asked Bella what if the hero you thought is the villain all along, what would you do? Bella believes in Superman, Spiderman and Wonder Woman but if she knows about me and my rue identity, will she still like or even, love me?

I like doing bad things and see people suffer or go crazy about money, power or their physical attributes. But I don't; really necessarily like being evil and happy with humans crying or sick, dying and worrying. I pictured Destiny one time when she felt sad about moving to a unknown country with no friends and all, I wanted to do something for her to make her smile. When she and I became friends, that was the happiest day of my life, my hundreds of years of life on earth. Vampires, wolves, dark realms and spirits roaming on the deep recesses of earth come and visit the high lands because they sometimes miss it. They feed and suck souls, energies and people not because they hate them but because they needed to do it for continued existence, prolongation of their lives as 'invisible lurkers of the night', if you can call it a life on your end, without a heart, soul and death or end is a not exactly the typical meaningful or great life, but I got used to it, and learned to like my cursed situation. I always thought that living has purpose, sense and value like a painter to his/her paintings and a singer to his music or songs.

Damn!, watching Warm Bodies made me realize that I am like R, but since I just gained back my own heart I can say that I'm no longer heartless but a romantic lover, still earning my soul after thousands of years, way back the Egyptian Era. I see myself sleeping and then waking up as a different individual then living the life I needed and dying or sleeping again. I don't actually die but sleep, like a bear hibernating in winter season and waking up when summer comes sets in.

I think Lucio and talking about me I'm sure, I am his favourite niece and his girl when it comes to luring girls or women into dating or having sex with him. I have that magic touch and words for women that always works when I get to talk, look or touch them. It's one of my irresistible charms and I love it whenever girls or women beg me to love or have sex with them, it's so awesome, having power over them is heavenly.

Since I don't resist temptations and love the thrill, adventure and sex, it changed when Destiny came along. I thought I can be the same devil when I kissed her but I was wrong, ever since I made love with her, my taste on women became blunt and weird. I literally couldn't taste the sweetness or deliciousness of girls or women's skin, mouth, breasts and privates striking for me to cum and be satisfied. I still crave for Destiny and this is going to be the hardest thing that has ever happened to me after all these years, I only want one girl and that is the daughter of an angel, my uncle's arch enemy, Mark. I am so screwed that I didn't know what to do so I went outside earth and roamed the universe for a bit.

Earth is a beautiful place and the people are great, but as a devil, can only love evil, chaos and suffering but it came to a point that the feeling of sadness and destruction made me anxious, stressful and unhappy. The universe is so dark and gloomy that if I stayed there I would certainly die though I can't die, I mean maybe try to kill myself (if I can really be killed) because of the cold, heartless and lonely vastness of it. It is so amazing but sad just like the earth, being the only living planet in the solar system. I didn't want to be there. I wanted to be with Destiny, so I closed my eyes and thought of going back to Destiny's room and I did instantly. I was already standing beside her bed and stopped down to look at her innocent and lovely face. Haaa…..God….why did you let this beautiful creature meet me? I never spoke with you but now I am doing it because I don't know if I can resist her any longer. I think I am falling deeply in love with her and this is going to be the hardest decision in my life, leaving or befriending her. I don't want her to know that I am a devil. I want her to see me as good and beautiful because…..

Becca, I love you, don't ever leave me, okay?, Destiny talking in her sleep, while my face is near hers, remembering the curves of her kissable lips, her cute tall nose, long lashes and sweet small face. Haaaa…..yes, Destiny, I am here, I will never leave you, but as a friend, just for now. My uncle still has my soul and I want it back, I couldn't take the risk endangering your life because of my selfishness loving you. It hurts so bad like I really want to die now if I can, not being able to kiss you on your tasty mouth or make love to you…., I thought while lying beside Destiny and wrapping my arms around her crying my heart away since I truly love her. I will do everything just to protect her and that I'll do even if I will sacrifice my feelings for her, just to save her.

So much for that…I was already kissing Destiny on the lips when she suddenly woke up remembering that I was still sleeping over, just for the night, my last night with her.

I was about to go home the next day and I didn't tell Destiny about my decision on staying good friends. I need meet with Uncle at a dinner invitation his assistant sent me yesterday evening. Classy restaurant and fine dining in Jano's Bistro. I can just teleport in Wellington without a scratch on a jiffy but I needed to stay low-key as the ultimate bad guy's relative, right! Uncle is busy in some chaotic weather shifts in the U.K. I'm sure Mark and his legions are at saving mode there too.

Speaking of the devil, Lucio is indeed busy collecting the dead and those who weren't ready to die in the storm. Not really many died but lost or broke business structures, cars, buildings and architectural landmarks in London, Wells Somerset, and the nearby cities after those. Mark and half of his legions were already there even before the storm hit the U.K. that he ordered the angels ro protect the people, the elderly, children, families and bystanders walking, traveling in trams and buses. Citizens were already advised about the coming storm Eunice but some didn't believe that it was that bad and dangerous to stay outside the streets. Cargo ships and boats were salvaged by the angels to swerve them not to hit the pavements, streets and all so as not to destroy whatever they hit on. Professional pilots help save the day for their passengers landing their planes with the help of angels and guided them. The storms came to the U.K. as if they were invited to raise catastrophic events out of nowhere. Same with the citizens and families of Rio De Janeiro in Brazil, days before storm Eunice hit it, Mark ordered Noriel to check the parameters of the country and advised him to save as many as possible. Since angels or heavenly creatures couldn't change or meddle with natural calamities and occurrences, Mark and Noriel along with the legions or battalions of angels can only save, protect and try to divert things, vehicles or situations especially people to escape falling debris, flying roofs or heavy destructive floods. Mark and Noriel with their teams were really working double, triple times to have everything under control as much as they can using their powers.

Angels flock and flew protecting individuals in Rio and tried their best to save as much people as they can when the overflowing flood and lands with mud and soil slid down on the lowest parts of the Petropolis. Cars in mud and water were dragged off to somewhere and houses collapsed and submerged in floodwaters 36 meters deep.