Departing from the academy at 6:45 p.m, Sara is walking hastily on her way to the hostel with some books in one hand and her phone in the other. She calls Kinza but fails to contact her because she is not picking up the phone call. She is a little bit worried about the closing of the hostel gate because she is late today. She tries to call all of her roommates one by one but doesn't get contacted by any of them. She becomes irritated, seems entangled and more frightened. Looking out for an auto, she is walking at the side of the road. A black car is being driven the wrong way, in the direction opposite to a high speed, gun-metallic colored car, being continuously overtaken by young gallants.As a consequence, suddenly both these cars with opposite directions and high speeds come closer but the boys neglect the black car recklessly and flee away with the same speed. Driver of black car shouts and tries to save himself by turning his car to the side. This car hits Sara and throws her away. After a while, she tries to stand up but reels, turns and looks for her fallen scattered stuff including books, glasses and phone. The crowd gathered around her, collects her things and handovers to her whereas the driver steps out, seems nearly a 50 year old man, frowning angrily at her.

"Hey you poor girl can't you see? don't you know that this is a vehicle pathway? Oh, Yeah! A poor, weird and uneducated girl doesn't know. I have never left you if my car got any damage or even a scratch."

A man from the crowd interferes, "But you were moving the wrong way."

Another man from the crowd says, "Yeah you were running the wrong way!"

The old man replies angrily, "Shut up! Don't you know who I am? I can get you all Locked Up!"

He sits back in his car and goes away. Sara holds her things and continues to walk. She doesn't get any auto and that's why she reaches at 7:20 p.m and the door is closed as per her expectations.