Sitting upon her bunk, looking at the moon through the window very concentratedly, she says to herself,

"How painful it is to be intelligent and hardworking but still unable to study just because of the lack of money."

Her eyes then moves to Kinza who is sleeping deep on her bunk, left side to her and ponders,

"How peacefully are they sleeping! Why don't they want to build their career? Or am I just mad? Wasting my time and energy!"

Then she looks at the drop of the tears, just dropped over one of the opened books, scattered around her. She immediately cleans the tears from her face and says courageously,

"No, I am strong! I never cry! I am strong enough and have faith! One day I will get whatever I wish for!"

She begins focusing her studies and turns the pages of her workbook and completes her research paper, she was working on!