"Just coming home! On the way, Man! Is everything okay?"

Thirty years old Humayun, departing from the airport and sitting in his own Lamborghini, is talking on the phone.

"What?! … Okay, share the location please! Don't worry!"

Horrified, he runs the car swiftly and reaches a hospital where a man in his early forties comes hurriedly at him with a file in his hand.

"These are the requirements they need."

"Uncle Shams, How is he now?" He replies with a question, bringing out his Credit card from the wallet.

"Doctor said he is better and we can meet him after an hour. They did a minor heart surgery."

He replies in a low voice.

"Just go and pay the dues quickly! I am going to see him."

After being guided about the direction, Humayun runs towards the operation theater and catches the sight of Uncle Niaz lying down unconscious over a hospital bed with a nebulizing mask over his mouth, through the glassy door. He keeps standing motionlessly and staring at his immensely glowing face for minutes.

"He will be shifted in a few minutes and will be discharged within 2 days."

Uncle Shams tells Humayun while passing a file and credit card.

"Thanks Uncle Shams! I can't imagine such a thing might also happen. I left him for just a day. You know very well I had to attend a meeting in China yesterday."

"It's Okay, Son! It is my duty to take care. Hope your meeting went well."

Replies Uncle Shams politely.

"Yes, Thank God but my Uncle is more important to me than my showroom! His co-operation, hard work, support, affiliation … In short everything, I was unable to be anything without him!"

He replies with a noble and sweet smile and his eyes still stop on his face.

"Your good deeds led you to achieve success … You might be hungry, Son! I should buy something for you to eat. "

Says Mr. Shams.

"Thank God! I got a gentle staff and such a nice, smart and helpful nurse boy."

He says to himself after Mr. Shams goes away while sitting on a chair and examining his medical file. When he closes the file, his eyes fall over the name of the founder of the hospital at the back of the file and he becomes jocular and amazed when sees the picture of Sara as the founder of the hospital. His dancing heart and a pleasant smile expresses the level of his happiness and rewinds lots of old memories to play as a film on the curtain of his eyes.