A Pathetic Sl*t....

Rowland was lying on his bed brooding over his argument with his father. He was pissed at him for always siding with Kiara. He was his son. How could he choose that woman over him all the time?

Ever since he was little, it had always been Kiara over him with the excuse that she was his mother because she was the one who took care of him!

What an excuse! 

"Arrrrrrrgh! Kiara! What do you want from me?" He grunted loudly.

"I want you dead!" Kiara's voice rang out.

Rowland turned to see Kiara at the door of his bedroom looking at him with hatred. He got up from his bed and walked some steps close to her.

"How the hell did you get into my room?" Rowland asked with disgust and anger brimming through his eyes. 

"Watch your tongue, young man," Kiara cautioned. Although Rowland's aura was getting stronger, she tried to bear it.