Too Foolish!

Cilia was oblivious of her mother's piercing and scornful look of disdain on her. As a child, she didn't care much about it either.

She loved her mother with everything, and though at times after a few slaps from her she would run to room and hide in a closet crying for hours wondering what she had done to warrant such abuse, regardless of it all she still loved her.

Cilia let out another muffled giggle, her hands touching her short hair that had been long to the middle of her back till yesterday.

She had cried after her mother cut them with scissors just to play with a lighter.

She could see George searching around for her and having a tough time doing that after boasting he was better in hide and seek than she was.

George searched close the shrubs and behind places he thought she would be all those while ah laughed at his failed efforts at finding her.