Chapter 34

After I talked to Ocean, I went to Hendrix to figure out what he was doing back at the Dinning. I got to his room and I found him sitting on the window. "Hendrix mind explaining what happened earlier?" I asked.

"I wanted to figure out something" Hendrix said. "What?" I asked. "I wanted to know if the Vampire King was jealous when I carried you and fed you" Hendrix said.

"What? That doesn't even make sense. Why would he be jealous?" I asked. "Perhaps you mean more than you know to him" Hendrix said. "So did you find what ever you needed?" I asked. "No....I haven't gathered enough evidence yet, I just need one more try" Hendrix said.

"What is that?" I asked. "It all depends if you're in on it" Hendrix said. "Argh.....I'd only do this just to prove you wrong" I said. "Alright" Hendrix said. "So what's the test?" I asked. "All you have to do is eat strawberries" Hendrix said. "That's it? Just to eat strawberries?" I asked. "Yes" He replied.

"No problem...but are you aware that all this is affecting Ocean?" I asked. "I know but I'd handle that. I just need to know where you stand in his heart" Hendrix said. And so it was planed that we would do this in the court yard this evening.

I went to the court yard and I met Diamond, Silver and Damian. "Hey Diamond, Hey Silver...Good evening your Majesty" I said to Damian. "How are you?" Diamond asked. "Good" I said. "Girl we thought you we a goner that's why we were so worried about you.....but honestly if we had known you were doing perfectly fine, we would have stayed behind" Silver said.

I smiled. "Thank you guys for caring about me". I said. "So what's going on..... between you and Hendrix?" Diamond asked. "Nothing" I replied. "Really?.....well why did he feed you?" Silver asked. "I have no idea what you're saying" I said. "Well his a nice guy....if you like him I'd support you" Diamond said. I smiled sweetly.

I stood up from the chair, I picked up a strawberry and put it in my mouth. I didn't eat it, I left it in my mouth. Hendrix walked pass me, he came back, he grabbed me by the waist and he placed his mouth on the strawberry. His mouth was just inches away from mine. I know it's fake and all but I felt my heart racing.

He pulled back and I couldn't help but blush. I went to my room and I waited for Hendrix to come. The door soon opened. "So what exactly did you find" I asked. "He really, really cares about you. He came all this way just to help you...indeed you are special to him" Hendrix said.

"I highly doubt that....if I was special to him, he wouldn't have left me to suffer in the dungeon" I said. "He has his reasons" Hendrix said. "How do you know that?" I asked. "I'm a dragon...we know things you can never understand" Hendrix said.

The next morning was the day of the Coronation. Everyone was super busy, including Silver and Diamond. They helped with the decorations well as for Daniam I have no idea where he went to. The coronation was about to begin, everyone was dressed beautifully. I insisted that Ocean wears something decent to the party.

. As for me I wore a very, very long yellow gown, I had my hair packed beautifully. The coronation began everyone was seated. The priest began to coronation, Damian, Diamond and Silver were seated close to Queen Mylah.

The priest stopped and he looked at me. "I now present Queen Lilith to do the honors" The Priest said. I walked up to Hendrix who was seated on the throne. I cleared my throat. "We are gathered here today to witness the coming of age of a new era....a new leader, a new King." I said.

I looked at Hendrix. "Do you Hendrix swear to lead your people with compassion, wisdom and truth" I asked. "I swear to forever lead my people wisdom, compassion, truth and justice" He said. "Never forget this oath you swore on this Throne and before this people" I said

"I shall carry it to my grave" Hendrix said. "Very well" I said. I held the Crown and it began to glow. "I now declear you King of all the dragons" I said. The very minute the Crown touched his head my subconscious was teleported to a place that looked a grave yard. I saw that woman they call Arleta, she stretched forth her hand and for some reason I took her hands.

She disappeared while I stayed behind. "Excuse me....where am I?" I asked. No one answered me, I walked round the place and I saw a beautiful young lady sitting on a well. "Hello? you know where I am?" I asked. "Welcome...Lilith" She said. "Oh come does everyone know my name?" I asked.

"There was a prophecy that say a time would come when a human girl would come to our world and save us all" She said. "Who are you? And where am I?" I asked. "My name is Lucy but someone calls me Perfect" She said. "You're Damian's fiancé?" I asked. "Yes" Perfect said.

"I would have never imagined that I'd be taking to you right now....but where are we?" I asked. "You are currently in the realm of the dead" Perfect said. "Really? do I go back?" I asked. "You're here for a once your purpose has been fulfilled then you shall return" Perfect said.

"What happened to you?" I asked. "I was killed" She replied. "By who?" I asked. "I'm sure you've heard of Ixia" "Yes I have." I said. "Well the reason why Ixia waged a war against magical creature was because Damian killed her in order to peace to rain, she decided to take the thing that's most precious to Damian" She said.

"And that was you?" I asked. "Yes and no...she thought that by killing me she'd change the future" "what future?" I asked. "The future that says that anyone who seats on Damian's throne would be her doom...perhaps this was her plan all along" Perfect said. "She didn't succeed?" I asked.

"No she didn't...unfortunately she read the prophecy wrong" Perfect said. "So your death was in vain?" I asked. "No I died because Damian killed her husband, so in a way I paid the ultimate price....if I hadn't died Damian wouldn't have been this messed up"

"It's not your fault" I said. "There no need to blame myself cause I knew from the very beginning that I wouldn't ascend the Throne....but you will" Perfect said. "You can't possibly be can I do that?" I asked. "When the time comes you would know" Perfect said. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"It means your destiny is tied together with Damian.....You have a great destiny, you are the one that would do something great for the entire magical world...I believe in you" Perfect said. "I don't understand" I said. Perfect smiled.

"I always thought that I was the cure to Damian's inner demon but I was wrong...all i did was suppressed it but you are the permanent solution. Guide Damian with all your life and he shall do the same" Perfect said. I looked at her in confusion.

"Your time is up" Perfect said. I slowly opened my eyes and I found myself in Damian's arm. "What....what happened?" I asked. "Are you alright?" Damiam asked. "Just a bit dizzy" I replied

"let me take you to your room" Hendrix said. Damian looks at Hendrix. "I'd do it myself" Damian said. Damian took me to my room and honestly I have no idea what happened next.