Chapter 10 Before The War

Hoshino not at all noticed his son's depression. He entered the kitchen, washed his hands, and started to get busy. From time to time, sounds of pots and pans colliding rang in the kitchen. Ten minutes later, Hoshino walked out with a bowl of onigiri in his hand!

"Kanpū, it's time to eat." Hoshino put the bowl on the dining table with relief, and beckoned his son to come over for lunch.

Kanpū walked over while a bit at loss, but when he saw this bowl of onigiri, he instantly felt depressed.

"Tou-san, what is this...?"


Hoshino smiled and said, "Although it doesn't look very good, it should taste good."


Looking at these misshapen onigiri that didn't even be put with sesame seeds, Kanpū forcibly restrained his complaining, and then suggested softly: "Tou-san, in fact, I really want to taste the taste of military rations pills."

"Kanpū, I finally cooked once. You can't let my craftsmanship wasted!" Hoshino put an onigiri into Kanpū's hand solemnly, and said, "Don't look at the ugly appearance of the onigiri, they are super delicious, I promise!"

'…You still know it's ugly.'

Kanpū grimaced, took a careful bite, and suddenly felt a salty taste filled his mouth.

'I shouldn't believe in your evil!'

'How much salt did you fill in onigiri?'

Kanpū was so uncomfortable in his throat, so he hurriedly ran to pour some water to drink.

Hoshino smiled and looked at Kanpū's running figure, his eyes are full of doting and reluctance.

After a heart-wrenching lunch, Kanpū yawned and went straight to take a nap ing.

Hoshino sighed when he saw this. In the past year, he trained Kanpū to help him develop the habit of daily hard training, but he didn't expect that after only a few days of hard work, Kanpū would degenerate into this, but…

'This may also be a good way to live.'

'At least, you can stay away from war!'


Kanpū was lying on the futon, staring at the ceiling with his eyes open. He feels a little sleepy, but he didn't want to sleep yet.

'If my previous guess is correct, then tou-san will go to the battlefield soon.'

The battlefield of Shinobi is not the turn-based fights in the game. You attack once and I attack once, but a large group of people rushing in and all kinds of Ninjutsu poured towards the opposite side like a goddess scattered flowers.

If you are unlucky and hit by a Ninjutsu released by Jōnin, you won't even know how you die.

And the other side is Sunagakure's Shinobi. With all kinds of puppets, all kinds of poisons, and all kinds of assassination methods, it is impossible to guard against it. And thinking about it will only make people desperate.

'However, my current self is too weak. Even if I want to, I can't change anything.'

'No, I want to become stronger, strong enough to change everything!'

Kanpū's spirit was ignited, and a carp flew upright from the futon… he didn't stand up.

'Forget it, why would I need to do such troublesome thing?'

Kanpū climbed up with both hands, then sat cross-legged and started refining chakra!

Due to his aptitude, Kanpū's Chakra refining speed was slightly slower than the others. So, after a while, Kanpū stopped with a look of disgust.

'If I trained for a long time, how can I sleep in the future?'

'Besides, huge Chakra Reserve can't be built overnight, so why don't I take a nap for now?'

'And this is not in line with my low-profile development purpose!'

'Forget it, let's take a nap. I'm still a child, and I won't grow taller if I don't take a nap.'

Kanpū yawned and fell asleep on the futon.

Outside the sliding door, Hoshino listened to the movement inside that is gradually disappearing, shook his head in disappointment, and then left.


In the evening, Keiko returned from her work in the hospital with a very solemn expression on her face.

Kanpū has a strong desire to survive, and tries hard to act cute, making himself looked like a qualified child, but he still can't make Keiko smile.

After dinner, Gekkō Hoshino and Keiko left Kanpū in the house and went for a walk.

"When will you leave tomorrow?" Keiko walked down the street with her head down, surrounded by dim street lights and hurried passers-by.

"Five o'clock."

Hoshino looked up at the night sky and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will come back alive, don't forget, I'm a Jōnin!"

"Even if you are a Jōnin, you can't play a big role in the battlefield." Keiko looked towards Hoshino with a worried look, "And Sunagakure's puppet troops and poison are very powerful, you must be careful."

Hoshino used Konoha-Style Kenjutsu Shinobi, so he is a close combat Shinobi. Whether he likes it or not, he will need to fight Sunagakure's puppet in close combat. When the time comes, once his skin is scratched by the puppet, he will definitely be poisoned!

As a medical staff at Konoha Hospital, Keiko has dealt with a lot of poisoned Shinobi. Good luck has the corresponding antidote. If they are lucky, they will have the corresponding antidote. But if there is no antidote, they can only wait for dead in pain!

"Relax, most of Sunagakure's poison has been cracked by Tsunade-sama, and there are a lot of Medical-nin following this time. You should know this better than me."

Hoshino said with a smile, "Besides, I'm not fighting alone! Our clansmen, our village companions, everyone will fight side by side! We will definitely bring victory back to the village!"


At home, Kanpū is lying on the grass in the backyard with his hands behind his head, crossed his legs comfortably, and swayed his toes against the moon, feeling very comfortable.

There were no guests at home today, so he did not use the Collection Technique at all. This made him feel guilty, and he always felt that the distance to become-stronger was getting slower by a day.

Especially when his father is about to go to battlefield, this feeling of guilt is becoming even stronger.

'No way!'

Kanpū jumped up from the grass.

'I must find someone to collect, even if it is wasted, I have to use up the three collection quotas!'

Kanpū rolled his eyes and immediately ran towards the wall, and then began to climb over the wall.

At this time, Hayate and his father are sitting in the backyard, watching the moon. The night wind blows, gently blowing the hair of Hayate and his father, and this picture is very beautiful, but the movement caused by Kanpū has ruined this scene.

"Big brother, it's big brother, tou-chan."

Hayate happily jumped out of Seiseki's arms, stepping on his two short legs and ran towards the wall to meet Kanpū.

"Yo, Hayate, good evening!"

Kanpū used dog-climbing style to go from his house to Hayate's house, so he adjusted his messy clothes, said with a smile, "Let's train Kenjutsu together!"


Hayate's eyes lit up, and he immediately ran into the house to get the wooden sword.

"Kanpū, have you eaten?" Seiseki stood up and said with a smile.

"Uncle Seiseki."

Kanpū was a little embarrassed, as he just jumped down but didn't see him, "Well, did I disturb you?"

"How could that be? That kid Hayate has always liked to train Kenjutsu with you." Seiseki said with a smile, "And tomorrow, I will go on mission with your father. So, I will trouble you to take care of Hayate in the future."


Kanpū's heart skipped a beat, and then he nodded: "I understand!"