Chapter 45 Make Things Happen

Yu and Taishi invited 30 students from the Class 7 of the fifth grade.

According to the previous discussion between the two, each senior student will get two students, selected from Class 1 and Class 8 of the second year respectively, that is to say, the three classes would be divided into groups for training and study in a ratio of one to one to one.

"I want to be in the same group as Shisui, I want to be in the same group as Shisui, I want to be in the same group as Shisui…"

During the grouping, Tsukasa tightly hugged the little puppy Shiramaru tightly, and kept her mouth keeps muttering, and finally… she didn't realize her wish.

The most beautiful cub in Class 1 eventually formed a team with the Fatty, Ito.

"Why is it Fatty?! Why him? It's not fair!"

Tsukasa stood there in despair and dejection, staring at Fatty with eyes full of negative energy.

Anko, Iruka and the others of the six-person celestial group quickly had teammates, and Kanpū was also assigned a student… from the Hyūga Clan!

"My name is Hyūga Ueki, please give me advice."

The cataract-stricken Hyūga Ueki greeted Kanpū with a reserved and polite smile.

"My name is Gekkō Kanpū, please give me advice."

Looking at these Byakugan, Kanpū felt a little bit depressed in his heart at the moment: 'If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have collected Might Duy, and now… It's uncomfortable!'

"Gekkō Kanpū?"

Ueki asked, "Are you from the Gekkō Clan?"

Kanpū nodded, but he didn't say who his father was, otherwise, his awesomeness will only be attributed to his father, and most importantly, he might not be able to win against the others.

"Awesome! My father said that the Gekkō Clan inherited the purpose of Nidaime-sama's Konoha-Style Kenjutsu, and is a very powerful Shinobi clan in the village!" Ueki has entered the usual mutual praise mode.

Kanpū opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. Finally, facing Ueki's expectant gaze, he had no choice but to praise the other party: "It's nothing, we're still far behind the Hyūga Clan, after all, the Hyūga Clan's Gentle Fist is the strongest Taijutsu in the Shinobi World."

"What do you mean strongest, Kanpū, you are too polite."

Ueki was a little embarrassed after being praised, and his face was red.

"Ueki, what are you talking about?"

The senior student assigned to Kanpū and Ueki walked over.

Kanpū looked at him and regretted it even more in his heart. The senior student is surprisingly a member of the Hyūga Clan member!


Seeing the person coming, Ueki quickly put away his smile and bowed in a serious manner.

"Hello, my name is Hyūga Shinichi."

The senior smiled and stretched out his hand to Kanpū.

"Hello, my name is Gekkō Kanpū." Kanpū shook his hand and found that the other party's palm was extremely rough and full of thick calluses.

Kanpū's heart moved, thinking that this guy's Gentle Fist mastery is not low!

"Are you that Kanpū?"

Shinichi asked curiously.

Kanpū was stunned: "Senpai has heard of my name?"

Shinichi smiled and said: "Just now."

Just now, the students in Class 1 and Class 8 were making a fuss, and the names of Shisui and Kanpū was shouted the most. As the senior students were not far away, they could naturally hear them.

Kanpū has a black line on his face and is a little embarrassed: "Hehehe, they deliberately harassing me."

"Well, the time is limited, so let's not talk about this. Let's just start training first."

Shinichi took Kanpū and Ueki to the side, then opened his ninja bag, and distributed kunai, shuriken, and senbon to Kanpū and Ueki. Then, Shinichi began to explain the throwing technique of these several types of Ninja Tools.

Compared with Yu's explanation, Shinichi's explanation is a bit immature, but it is also easier for novices to understand. Kanpū seems to understand Yu and Taishi's purpose for making this training class.

But unfortunately, Kanpū has already mastered the throwing of the Ninja Tools. He listened boredly, and turned his head to look towards Ueki next to him from time to time, 'This guy has been a lot more serious since Hyūga Shinichi arrived. He's just like an obedient child.'

Kanpū guessed that this should have something to do with Hyūga Clan's strict branch house system, but he would not ask questions ignorantly.

After explaining the basic knowledge points, Shinichi began to teach Kanpū and Ueki the gestures, techniques, and strength of the Ninja Tools' throwing. Kanpū pretended to know nothing and studied silently.

Soon, more than half an hour passed.

Yu and Taishi, who had been watching from the side, saw that everything was going well, so they walked while chatting, sharing their teaching experience, and unconsciously walked away.

Then, someone started messing around.

"Everyone, if my information is correct, this should be the first time you have a class with senior students, right?"

A senior student whose face was painted with the same color and pattern as Tsukasa suddenly spoke, attracting everyone's attention.

The three-person group stopped practicing and looked at the speaker.

Shinichi also stopped, and looked at him helplessly: "That guy Ryota is really…"

"Shinichi-senpai, who is he?" Kanpū asked.

Shinichi smiled bitterly and said: "Inuzuka Ryota, he is my friend."


Kanpū raised his brows, looked at the man's feet, and sure enough, he saw a little wolf dog that was chasing and biting its own tail in a circle.

"Ryota-nii, what are you doing?"

Tsukasa is not far from Ryota, so she immediately stood up and stared at him fiercely. "Don't cause trouble!"

"Woof!" The little puppy, Shiramaru immediately supported its little master.

"Tsukasa, this is the tradition of the Academy, don't interrupt."

Ryota showed a weird smile, then turned to look around the second year's juniors and said, "As your seniors, we are obliged to let you feel the cruelty of this Shinobi World in advance!"

"As seniors, it is indeed our duty."

"You're welcome, just ask us seniors for advice."

There were many students in the fifth year Class 7 who echoed Ryota's words with a very excited expression.

It's just that they were greeted by the stubborn boos from the bronzes from the second year Class 1 and Class 8.

Boo boo!

"Rely on age to show off?"

"You shameless."

"What are you trying to be proud of? You were only born three years earlier than us."

"This guy looks so stupid."

"When Sensei stopped the competition just now, doesn't he know why?"

"Shisui, Shisui!" Someone from Class 1 shouted, "Teach this arrogant guy a lesson."

"Gekkō Kanpū!" It is unknown what Ito was thinking, as he suddenly shouted hoarsely, "You are the strongest in the Academy!!"

When Anko heard Ito's voice, she jumped out and shouted: "Kanpū is the strongest in the Shinobi World!"

Then the rest of the bronzes in Class 8 also reacted. Under the leadership of Anko, Ito and the others, whenever the people from Class 1 finished shouting Shisui's name, they would shout Kanpū's name.

Kanpū stood outside the crowd with a sullen expression on his face: 'Your group of bronzes are trying to mess with me, right?'