Chapter 78 Are You a Devil?

Fatty clenched his teeth and looked at the test paper in his hand. He is 100% sure that Kanpū copied Iruka's answers, but Kanpū copied a little bit from the left and a little bit from the right, and he even polished some answers himself, so Fatty couldn't find any flaws in his copying!

Even if Yu personally corrected it, there was no way to convict Kanpū!

Fatty felt that he is punching a cotton, and the feeling of powerlessness made him very aggrieved.

When the examination papers are corrected, Yu on the podium immediately said: "The examination papers that fail in your hands should be handed in first."

Fatty took a look at the score: 67.

Nothing to say, but he's feeling uncomfortable.

At the same time, seven people in the classroom stood up and handed over the test papers to the podium.

Out of thirty people, seven of them failed, and the passing rate was only 76.666%.

Yu's face became a little ugly. He lowered his head and looked at the names of the test papers. He then lowered a few of them by ten points afterwards, as these people were all actors from yesterday's physical strength training.

However, from the seven actors, there are only three people among them here, so Yu read out the names of the remaining four actors, and said solemnly: "The test paper of the students whose name I just read will be deducted by ten points!"


"Why is that?"

The eyes of the four actors are about to fall off. They're feeling that this is too much, as Yu deduct their points without reading the test paper.

But faced with Yu's gloomy expression, these students could only lower their heads.

Yu then said: "Are there any who fail?"

Four bronzes stood up with the test papers.

When the four actors saw this, they wailed in their hearts, after all, they knew that those must be their test papers!

"Very well, a total of eleven students failed. Please remember to copy the test papers ten times when you go home."

Yu's head actually hurts too badly, as this year's students are really hard to teach!

But there is no way, no matter how difficult it is, he has to persevere!

Next, Yu asked everyone to return the test papers back to their owners, and then began to explain.

After Kanpū got his test paper, he looked at the score of 67, and was elated.

Looking at the name behind the score again, it turned out to be Ito. Then, he thought of something, and looked towards Iruka's test paper, and read name behind the score. Sure enough, the person who mark Iruka's test paper is indeed Fatty's deskmate.

At that time, Kanpū felt that his spirit was sublimated, it was sour and refreshing, from the inside out!

Then, he tore off a small piece of paper from his book and wrote down the words 'Thank you for reviewing (^_−)☆' folded it, and asked the people in the front row to pass it on to Fatty.

At this moment, Fatty was listening absent-mindedly to Yu's lecture about the test. Suddenly, Fatty felt that someone was pokinh him in the back. He looked back with a wary expression, and saw a small note coming towards him.

Fatty took it calmly, opened it and took a look: 'Thank you for reviewing (^_−)☆'

Fatty was was stunned for a while, and when he realized who wrote it, he immediately turned angry… He was so agitated that he was short of breath, his hands were shaking, his teeth were chattering, and his eyelids were twitching, but he is now a mature fatty. He gritted his teeth and then shredded the small note before hiding it on the desk. Then, he looked down at the test paper.

'I'll lose if I'm angry… I'm not angry, I'm not angry, yes, nothing happened, I'm not angry…'

As Fatty continued to chant this in his heart, the bell rang.

When Yu left the classroom, countless miserable howls were heard from inside the class. Fatty passed the exam with the score of 98, but he looked even more dejected than those who failed.

Fatty secretly looked back at Kanpū, for fear that this fellow would come to provoke him, but found that he was thinking too much.

At this time, Kanpū has come to Anko's desk.

"Anko, I want to discuss something."

Kanpū said seriously, "For your birthday picnic a few days later, can you change the location to the big river two miles east of the village?"

Anko blinked his eyes twice and asked puzzledly: "Why? What is that place?"

"That place…"

Kanpū looked Anko's eyes, guessing that she didn't know that it was the sewage drain from the village, so he said with awe-inspiring manner, "It's a beautiful and picturesque scenery, the environment is fresh and natural, with beautiful green hills around, the birds are singing, the flowers are fragrant, and the butterflies are fluttering. It is the most beautiful place in the village!"

"Really?" Tsukasa, who was sitting next to Anko, was very excited at the time, "Good, good. Just choose there! Anko~~~"

Tsukasa hugged Anko's arm and started acting like a spoiled child, and her little puppy, Shiramaru also stuck out its tongue to please Anko.

Anko was somewhat helpless: "But I have told Shisui to go to Senju Park."

"It doesn't matter, I'll just talk to him later." Kanpū said with a smile.

"Well, that's fine then." Anko didn't think much, and just nodded and agreed.

When Kanpū was walking out of the classroom, he passed seat and couldn't help but stop his hurried steps.

Fatty's eyes gradually became serious.

'I thought I was thinking too much, but in the end… I didn't think too much. Gekkō Kanpū, this guy really came to provoke me!' Thinking of this, Fatty decided to strike first!

"Gekkō Kanpū, don't talk to me, I hate you more and more now."

Fatty said with a snort, "How did you get 67 points, I won't mention that you know it in your heart, but you even wrote me a small note, hmph, don't talk to me, let alone ask me to do things, I won't listen, I won't listen, I won't listen…"


Kanpū asked carefully, "Did you eat something unclean?"


Fatty looked at him blankly: 'Why does this guy always make me wanted to hit him when he says something?'

When Kanpū saw that he stopped talking, he said straightly: "Fatty, do you know that Anko invited Shisui to participate in her birthday picnic?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Fatty was even more unhappy, and the chubby fleshy face was full of gloominess: "Are you not ashamed to say this? You guys are too much, you even robbed my friends…"

"Fatty-kun, don't get agitated, we have done a deep self-examination!" Kanpū said seriously.

"Self-examination?" Fatty's face was full of disbelief.

"Yes, after our self-examination, we decided to solemnly invite you to participate in Anko's birthday picnic!" Kanpū patted Fatty's shoulder, "How is it!"

"Hmph, I don't care about it." Fatty pouted, pretending to be disdainful.

"Oh, then let's just consider that I didn't say it."

After that, Kanpū had already ran out of the classroom.


Fatty is not feeling well.

'Gekkō Kanpū... Are you a devil?!'


The Class 8's classroom is on the third floor, and the Class 1's classroom is on the fourth floor.

After going upstairs, Kanpū quickly followed the sign at the door of the classroom and found the Class 1's classroom.

Kanpū looked inside, and saw many students gathered in groups of three or five to chat, but couldn't see where Shisui is for a while, so he said to a student sitting near the door of the classroom: "School mate, can you please tell Shisui I come to meet him?"

The student turned his head and said directly: "Shisui, someone is looking for you!!"


Shisui walked out of a bunch of people and when he saw Kanpū outside the classroom, he hurriedly ran out, "Kanpū, you are looking for me?"

"Well, it's about Anko's birthday picnic's location. It was changed to beside the big river two miles east of the village." Kanpū said, "It's no problem, right?"


Shisui frowned slightly. He knew that the river was the village's drain sewage, but after thinking about it, he recalled that the river was very big, and the sewage discharged from the village would be washed away by the river. The peculiar smell was actually not heavy, and they would not be disturbed by the pollution of the sewage if they had picnic in the upper reaches. So Shisui nodded happily, "I understand!"

"Then, that's it for now, bye."

Kanpū strongly resisted the thought of collecting, waved his hand and left the Class 1's classroom.

After going back to the third floor and returning to his classroom, Kanpū was blocked as soon as he entered.

Fatty stared at him with expressionless expression and said: "Gekkō Kanpū, I'm telling you, I've decided, I'm going to attend Anko-san's birthday picnic!"

Kanpū smiled: "Just now…"

"Don't mention what happened just now!" Fatty stepped forward with a fierce aura, using his round belly to push Kanpū two steps back, and then said. "Anyway, I'm going to make a reservation."

Kanpū rolled his eyes and said, "Then, bring more sushi when you come."

"I won't bring any!" Fatty flatly refused.

"Shisui especially likes to eat your sushi!" Kanpū said.

"No problem!" Fatty changed his decision faster than changing his underwear.

Kanpū tried his best to hold back his laughter and said seriously: "Fatty-kun, I have already felt your sincerity, then, thank you for your cooperation!"