Chapter 81 Revealing

After the explanation, Kanpū took the group to start searching again.

At this time, Kanpū was walking alone in the middle of the river, staring at the river surface under his feet. Because the search range is only in the middle section, the difficulty is greatly reduced.

Shisui on the left, and Iruka, Anko and the others on the right, also speeded up their pace significantly.

Walking downstream, the Chakra inside Kanpū's body is also slowly depleting, but fortunately, he has obtained the perfect level Chakra Refining Technique, and with a thought, the Spiritual Energy and the Physical Energy in his body instantly begin to merge instinctively, continuously refining a faint trace of chakra, and this process does not affect Kanpū's search for crayfish.

After half an hour, the group of seven had already walked a full two kilometers downstream.

But they still haven't seen any sign of the crayfish.

Kanpū looked up at the sky. As it is the end of October now, the sun was setting earlier every day, and most of the sun has disappeared at the end of the horizon at this time.

'It seems that we can only end it here for today.'


As soon as Kanpū opened his mouth, he heard Shisui suddenly called from the left, "Kanpū, there is a branch here!"

Kanpū froze for a moment, and hurriedly ran over to Shisui's side. He then saw an area overgrown with reeds in the river channel on the left. Shisui had already taken out a kunai and cleared the reeds that were in the way, revealing a small area hidden by the reeds.

Kanpū leaned over to take a look and was overjoyed.

"Is this a crayfish?" Shisui looked at the reddish-brown crayfish swimming around in the river water, 'It did look bigger than ordinary shrimp, especially the head, which took up almost half of its whole body.'

"This is it!"

Kanpū was completely relieved, "Shisui, thank you!"

Shisui smiled slightly: "You're welcome. Kanpū, then are you going to catch them and bring them back directly?"

Kanpū thought for a while and said: "Let's go meet Iruka and the others first."

People are selfish, and Kanpū is no exception. When he first thought of crayfish, his first thought was to make a fortune by himself, but considering that he has no money and is still young, he planned to cooperate with Gekkō Tavern, but now that Shisui, Iruka, and the others are helping him like this, Kanpū decided to openly announce it.

"Kanpū, Shisui, did you find it?"

Iruka vaguely heard the sound from the other side of the river, and when the two came over, he hurriedly asked.

"We have found it."

Kanpū said, "Don't talk for now, listen to me!"

After landing, Kanpū said with a serious expression, "Crayfish is a kind of aquatic organisms with strong environmental adaptability and rapid reproduction. It has high nutritional value and changes in practices. If it goes to the market, I believe that crayfish will be very popular!"

Iruka, Anko and the others look at each other in shock.

"So, you're planning to sell crayfish?"

"Can you make money?"

"Kanpū, aren't you a Shinobi?"

Looking at the expressions on Iruka, Anko, and the others' face, Kanpū was getting dizzy.

'These guys didn't understand what I meant at all.'

Only Shisui, this man who has gone beyond narrow nationalism since he was a child and can think like Hokage, showed an expression of sudden realization: "So that's how it is!"

Therefore, Iruka and the others looked towards Shisui again and asked what was going on with their eyes.

"The ability to adapt to the environment and the rapid reproduction determines that crayfish can be breed on a large scale. Like Kanpū said, if the deliciousness of crayfish can really be welcomed by the people in the village, then, with how fast the reproductive reproduction ability of crayfish is, so much money can be made by those who owned the crayfish!"

Shisui pondered and said, "However, if crayfish really sells well, then other big businessmen will definitely also breed crayfish. When the time comes, the competition will intensify, and the money gotten would be much less."

'As expected of Shisui, not only he can completely understand what I meant, he also able to draw inferences from one another.' Kanpū couldn't help but praised: "Shisui, your knowledge is the most extensive among the peers I know!"

"Kanpū, what do you mean by those words?"

"Kanpū, you are embarrassing us by saying that."

"It's too much."


Iruka, Anko, Tsukasa, and even the little Shiramaru, all complained at Kanpū one after another.

Kanpū was somewhat helpless, and then said with a sigh: "So, do you understand what I mean?"

"Shisui said it so clearly, so of course we understand."

Tsukasa said with a snort, "Don't you just want to say that by selling crayfish, you can make money."

"It's not just me, you can too, breeding crayfish is not too difficult, your family…" Kanpū was interrupted before he could finish his words.

Tsukasa raised her head proudly and said: "My family is not short of money."

"Me too." Shisui said with a smile.

'That's right, these two are from the Inuzuka Clan and the Uchiha Clan, and neither of them are short of money.'

"My wish is to be a great Shinobi!"

Iruka chuckled and said, "As for my parents…"

His parents are both Jōnin, and any mission they done will get them hundreds of thousands or millions of ryō income. So why would they need to breed crayfish?

Anko also said: "I am only interested in sweets."

Kanpū finally turned his gaze to Kotetsu and Izumo.

These two inseparable brothers glance at each other, and simultaneously shook their heads: "Compared to selling crayfish to make money, we want to be Shinobi, and if we become Shinobi, we can also make a lot of money."

Kanpū smiled bitterly and said: "Then, don't you have poor relatives? Letting these poor relatives breed crayfish can greatly improve their living conditions!"

"Kanpū, this is the purpose of your search for crayfish."

Shisui then said, "I heard that Gekkō Clan suffered casualties in this war. And although there is a relief fund, if your clansmen want a better life conditions, they need to think of another way, so you…"

"It turns out to be like that, Kanpū, I didn't expect you…" Anko looked at Kanpū with complicated expression.

The rest of them are similar, making Kanpū somewhat embarrassed, 'I just want to improve my own food, why is the back story become so deep?'

'Since you don't have such thoughts, then my Gekkō Clan has no choice but to wrong you all.' Kanpū sighed silently.


At the same time.

Hokage Tower.

Hiruzen looked at the document in his hands expressionlessly. That document is the list of Shinobi reported by the big clans to fill the casualties of the frontline.

Hyūga, Uchiha, Ino–Shika–Cho, Inuzuka, Aburame, including his Sarutobi Clan, every big clans sent their Shinobi!

From the shadow, Danzō's figure slowly walked out: "Hiruzen, what do you think after reading the list of those big clans?"

Hiruzen put down the document in his hand and said: "What do you want to say?"

"The ones sent by Hyūga and Uchiha are all newly promoted Chunin. According to my investigation, Hyūga Clan is just sending the people from the branch house. As for Uchiha Clan, hmph, there is no one who have awakened Sharingan from the people they sent!"

Danzō felt a little annoyed: 'Uchiha Clan is so stingy, how can I search for Sharingan if they don't sent them to the frontline?'

Hiruzen glanced at Danzō and said, "Sunagakure is a village with few Kekkei Genkai, so there is no need to send Sharingan to battlefield. As for the Hyūga Clan, they did this to protect the Byakugan in their main house."


As soon as Danzō opened his mouth, he was rudely interrupted by Hiruzen: "Enough! The list has been set, so it won't be changed easily! Danzō, you should step down!"

"You... hmph!"

Danzō snorted coldly, then turned around and disappeared into the shadow.


After Danzō left, Hiruzen stood up and called.


From the corner, Hoshino slowly walked out.

Hiruzen handed the list to him and said: "Tomorrow morning, gather and set off!"

"I understand!"