Chapter 93 Borrowing Notes

In the afternoon, when the actual combat training class was assembled at the training grounds, Kanpū unexpectedly discovered that the next class was actually Class 1. Not far away, the head teacher of Class 1, Hiramatsu Taishi, was chatting with Yu.

"Kanpū Kanpū, look over there…"

Tsukasa suddenly ran to Kanpū's side, shyly pointed at Shisui who is among the crowd of Class 1, and urged him to go and inform Shisui about his 11th birthday.

Kanpū glanced at the little puppy, Shiramaru, who is lying on her shoulders, and shook his head secretly: 'You're the one raising the dog, so why don't you get your dog to be the licking dog?'

Then, Kanpū turned and walked towards Class 1, while waving his hand and shouted: "Shisui."

"Kanpū, do you need anything with me?"

Shisui walked out of the crowd with a faint smile on his face.

Since the news of him applying for graduation in advance came out, Shisui has become the most famous figure of the Academy. The attitude of bronzes in the same year is admiration, while the seniors are envious, and there is no lack of dissatisfaction from some bronze seniors with bad characters.

But for these, Shisui is indifferent.

Kanpū then asked: "Shisui, do you have time after school on the 11th?"

"11th?" Shisui thought for a while, then nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Kanpū invited: "It's my birthday that day, so I want to invite you to come to Senju Park."

"So it's like that, all right."

Shisui didn't refuse, after all, they had gotten to know each other a lot these days, and they were considered friends.

After that, Kanpū asked him about applying for graduation in advance.

Shisui didn't conceal it, and said it openly.

After chatting for a long time, the class bell rang, and Taishi and Yu, who were standing in the middle of the chat, seemed to have finished talking, and each walked towards the students of their own class.

When Kanpū returned, he happened to be coming back with Yu.

Yu seemed to be in a good mood and asked: "Kanpū, are you friends with Shisui?"

"Yes, we met this semester."

Kanpū said calmly, "Yu-sensei, I am so envious of Shisui, he actually can graduate early. I wonder if anyone in our class can graduate early?"

"Shisui is a very talented genius. Letting him stay at the Academy will only waste his talents, so the Academy is allowing him to graduate early."

Yu continued, "As for our class, Yui-kun and Anko-kun should be the best in terms of talent, but rather than graduating early, I still hope that they can learn more theoretical knowledge in the Academy and lay a good foundation in becoming Shinobi, so that they can go further on this path of Shinobi. "

Hearing Yu said this, Kanpū understood.

'Iruka's information is indeed reliable. If I apply for graduation now, Yu-sensei will definitely not agree, unless I completely grasped six years of theoretical knowledges.'

After school was over at 3:30 in the afternoon, Kanpū returned home with Hayate, and then immediately went out to find Inoue and Matsushita.

The two old men are inseparable every time they go out, and even their homes were next to each other, just like Kanpū and Hayate's houses.

Knocking on the door of Inoue's house, Kanpū smiled like a warm man: "Grandpa Inoue, I…"

"Eh eh eh…"

Inoue stretched out his hand to stop Kanpū at the time, with a look of 'I have seen through your scheme, you kid, don't try to fool this old man', and then said, "Kanpū-chan, by calling me Grandpa as soon as you speak, do you have something to ask me?"

"Grandpa Inoue is so smart!"

Kanpū gave a thumbs up, "I happen to have a little thing to ask Grandpa Inoue for help."

"Hahaha, tell me, what's the matter?"

Inoue was very proud when he saw through Kanpū's schemes, and laughed out loud.

"Actually, I recently wanted to study the theoretical knowledge of the Academy, so I want to borrow a set of class notes from first year to the sixth year!" Kanpū said, "So I come to trouble Grandpa Inoue."

"The Academy's class notes?"

Inoue chuckled and said, "I thought it was something. If you wanted notes, you will have it at Grandpa Matsushita's house."

"Really?" Kanpū eyes lit up.

"Your Grandpa Matsushita has a granddaughter. She was very serious when she was at the Academy, and she took notes in every class. Your Grandpa Matsushita often brags to me about his granddaughter's excellence."

Inoue waved his hand and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to find him."

Just after taking a few steps, the one old and one young pair arrived at Matsushita's house next door.

Explaining the purpose of their visit, Matsushita took them to a log cabin in the backyard, and at the same time, he said, "After my granddaughter graduated, I put all those notes in a box, I remember that I put it in this room. You two can wait for me here, I'll take it."

Outside the log cabin, Kanpū asked curiously: "Grandpa Inoue, what is the name of Grandpa Matsushita's granddaughter? In what year did she graduate? Is she a Shinobi now?"

"Your Grandpa Matsushita's granddaughter is called Gekkō Tabako. It has been two years since she graduated, and she is now Genin."

Inoue smiled and said, "That girl's talent is pretty good, I recalled that she is preparing for Chunin Exams now."

"She sounds kind of amazing." Kanpū said.

It's amazing not because Gekkō Tabako is preparing Chunin Exams, but because of her name, which sounds like a protagonist, giving people a sacred and inviolable feeling. (T/N: Her name is Gekkō Yan, but I changed her to Tabako as Yan means cigarette in Chinese. As for what this sentence means, I don't really get it.)

But Kanpū's younger brother is also called Hayate, but isn't he still a cannon fodder in the end?

'The name in Gekkō Clan is better than the other, but it's a pity that life is thinner than paper.'

Kanpū is full of emotion.

"Found it!"

At the same time, Matsushita, who is in the log cabin, finally found a box in the corner. The box was filled with notebooks as thick as fingers, and the covers of the top notebooks is covered with a thin layer of dust.

"It should be these."

Matsushita pushed the box out and said, "Kanpū-chan, take it, your elder sister Tabako has already graduated, so she doesn't need these things anymore."

"Thank you, Grandpa Matsushita!"

Kanpū hurriedly went to pick up the box. It was a little heavy, but fortunately, these days of exercise had made him a lot stronger.

Saying goodbye to the two old men, Kanpū went straight back to his home with the box, and then took out all the books inside and divided them according to the year.

There are four notebooks for the first year, six for the second year, and seven for each of the third to sixth year, for a total of thirty-eight notebooks.

Kanpū felt a little dizzy when he saw this.

'It will take at least 13 days to collect all this. If there is a failure in the middle, the time would be pushed back.'

"Big brother, what are those?"

At this moment, Hayate heard the movement in the room and ran in with his short sword while sweating profusely.

Kanpū said: "Notes, these are all the theoretical knowledge of the six years of the Academy."


Hayate's eyes lit up," Big brother, are you going to learn theoretical knowledge now?"

Kanpū glanced at Hayate and said with a snort: "It's not me, it's you!"

Hayate was stunned when he heard this. He looked at Kanpū and then at the thirty-eight notebooks lined up on the ground. He couldn't help but clenched the sword in his hand tighter and took two steps back. At the next moment, like a frightened rabbit, he turned around and ran: "I don't want it!!!"