Chapter 197 Doubting Life


Hiachi's accidental death caused Monga, who was about to grab Shisui, to be stunned on the spot, and immediately became furious, "You guys!!!"

"Hijutsu: Mushitatsumaki!" (Secret Technique: Insect Tornado)

Shikuro adjusted his mood very quickly. After the surprise, he immediately took advantage of the moment of Monga being shock and control all the Kikaichū to form a black tornado and swallowed Monga!

"Quickly retreat!"

Shikuro knew that he could only hold him for a moment, so the instant the insect tornado was formed, he loudly reminded Kanpū who has a special habit for collecting corpses, and at the same time, he rushed to Shisui, who had almost lost his strength, in lightning speed, picked him up on his back, and left quickly.

At this time, Kanpū was exactly as Shikuro thought. He wanted to take out the sealing ccroll, but when he heard Shikuro's reminder, he suddenly realized that the matter was not over, and immediately put away the Moonlight Sword, and then turned invisible.

"Doton: Dochū Senkō!" (Earth Release: Subterranean Voyage)

Monga, who was in the insect tornado, ignored the countless bugs that wanted to suck his Chakra, and directly escaped into the ground after forming hand seals.

Hiachi's death not only completely angered Monga, but also made Monga lose the best opportunity to catch Shisui alive, 'Since you can't be caught, then you all can die here!'

Monga quickly formed hand seals with both hands, and brazenly launched a violent Earth Release Ninjutsu underground.

Doton: Daichidōkaku! (Earth Release: Great Moving Earth Core)


The earth trembled violently, and dust ripples spread wildly around, countless towering trees are like building blocks without roots, instantly lean unsteadily from side to side, and immediately after, the flat ground swelled up layer after layer of huge earth slopes, spreading like waves towards Shikuro and Kanpū.

Just as he became invisible, Kanpū was battered and exhausted by the uplifting slope that he couldn't even stand firmly. He poured Chakra into the soles of his feet, but he still couldn't keep his balance and his steps staggered.

At the same time, after the land was uplifted, the countless trees that lean unsteadily from side to side came rolling along the uplifted land like a mudslide.

At the critical moment, Kanpū could not care about being invisible. He directly formed the clone seal to create a shadow clone, and then stepped on the shadow clone's back and jumped into the air. Vaguely, Kanpū heard the shadow clone seemed to curse him. 'Well, it must be an illusion.'

When the mudslide rumbles down, Kanpū's body gradually falls, and then he quickly hugs a thick branch closest to him with his hands, and then immediately activated the whole body Hardening Technique, closing his eyes hard, and resisting against the crushing and friction of the forest, and drifts away with the flow.

Shikuro in the distance immediately summoned back all the Kikaichū, and then controlled the Kikaichū to fly him and Shisui into the air, and quickly left.

When Monga come out from the ground, the earth surging forward with great momentum, like a dragon turning the earth over, and the thick muddy smell accompanied the grass, wood and stone chips flying all over the sky.

"Damn it!"

Monga looked at the insect cloud that was gradually flying away, his anger still lingering.

But just as Shikuro's insect couldn't do anything to him when he got into the ground, when Shikuro was taken to the sky by the insect, he couldn't do anything to Shikuro.

Unless he kept following behind and chased them until they landed. Monga then saw that the insect cloud suddenly split into three and flew in three directions when he thought of this plan.

'Well, I can't even pursue them now.'


'The invisible Shinobi!'

Monga suddenly turned his head and looked towards the direction where Kanpū had disappeared, and hurriedly rushed over.

Holding a branch and drifting along with the flow, Kanpū used Hardening Technique to forcibly holding against the collision and friction between the tree and the ground. Although his skin is not injured, the pain caused by the friction and collision invaded Kanpū's young heart in waves, but fortunately, his desire for survival was strong enough to hold on to the end!

When the ground is no longer moving, Kanpū does not dare to be careless, and without saying any word, he once again formed the clone seal to create a shadow clone. At this moment, Kanpū feels his body is hollowed out, but he does not dare careless before he can leave safely, so he used Transparent Release and run quickly.

As for the shadow clone, he uses Earth Release: Subterranean Voyage to dive into the ground.

There is no doubt that Subterranean Voyage is an excellent Ninjutsu to be used to escape, but to cast this Ninjutsu in front of a Jōnin of Iwagakure is tantamount to courting death!

No, even before he arrived, Monga had already sensed the Chakra fluctuations in the ground, and his hands directly formed hand seals and slammed onto the ground: "Doton: Kaido Shōkutsu!!!" (Earth Release: Opening Earth Rising Excavation)


Amid the violent tremors, the ground was squeezed out, forming a huge slope like a volcanic crater, and then Kanpū's shadow clone sprayed directly from the volcanic crater, turned into white smoke and dissipated in mid-air.

As for Kanpū, when the ground shakes, he already ran as fast as he can!

Behind the volcanic crater.

Monga looked at the smoke dissipating from the shadow clone, frowned, and looked the surrounding that look like a disaster scene after an earthquake. At this time, everything is silent, only a few chirping from frightened bird from a dozen miles away and a slight breeze from the wind passing through the trees.

Other than that, there is no other sound.


Soon after, Kitsuchi came back, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he had an ominous premonition in his heart, "What's going on? Where's Hiachi? Where is Konoha's Shinobi?"

"Sorry, I let them run away."

Monga lowered his head with a look of guilt, "Konoha also has a reinforcement hiding in the vicinity, and they assassinated Hiachi…"

"What?" Kitsuchi's face turned ugly, and then he remembered what happened to him just now, and angrily said, "Konoha's Shinobi are too cunning! I… was also tricked, damn it!!!"

The two two-point-two-meter broad men complained to each other, and their feelings suddenly deepened.


When he escaped to the dense forest more than ten miles away, Kanpū was already exhausted. He didn't dare to use Body Flicker Technique just now, because once he did it, he would be out of invisible state and will inevitably be discovered by the Iwagakure's Shinobi, so he can only rely on his two legs to run. This physical exhaustion makes him about to cry.

Furthermore, Kanpū has cast shadow clone several times, and the consumption of Chakra of this technique is directly proportional to 50% of his remaining Chakra. How can he afford it?

Kanpū leaned against a tree, panting like an ox, and then silently took out five military rations pill and swallowed them directly, which cause his condition to become a little better.

After that, he continued to walk silently in the dense forest in the invisible state, not daring to be careless in the slightest.


At the same time.

In the dense forest dozens of miles away.

Yui woke up, and then began to struggle frantically: "Let go of me! Kanpū, what are you doing? I want to go back, no matter what, I will not leave Uncle and Shisui!"

"Idiot! Have your intelligence been demoted?" The shadow clone is not as easy to talk as Kanpū. He threw Yui off directly. With a silent sneer at the corner of his mouth, his tone was full of ridicule, disdain, and a trace of contempt.

"Demoted? Kanpū…what are you talking about?" Yui's frantic expression froze, if she couldn't believe that Kanpū would speak to her in such a tone.

The shadow clone smiled coldly.

Kanpū used shadow clones one after another in the battle. When the shadow clones disappeared, the other shadow clones also received the memories of the disappearing shadow clones, so he knew the danger on that battlefield.

"Among the three Iwagakure's Shinobi who chased Kakashi, two of them are Jōnin, and the other one is most probably a Tokubetsu Jōnin!"

The shadow clone said with a sneer, "Fortunately, with the insignificant ability of the main body, they have successfully escaped!"

"The main body? Are you a shadow clone? Are you telling the truth? Are they all safe?"

Yui's expression suddenly relaxed a lot, "That's great!"

"Great? Hehe, what's so great about it? They were almost killed by you!" The shadow clone said.

Yui was taken aback.

"Didn't you hear what I said? On the other side, there are two Jōnin and one Tokubetsu Jōnin!" The shadow clone said coldly, "If the main body didn't knock you out, you will rush directly into the battlefield like an idiot, and with your strength, you will be caught by them in less than 30 seconds, and then drag everyone as a hostage until all of them are killed! Is this the awareness of how you keep on saying can't abandon your companions? It's really touching! Hmph!"

Yui was extremely shocked, and then her whole body trembled. She wanted to refute, but she couldn't find a reason at all, because after thinking about it carefully, if Kanpū hadn't knocked her out at that time, maybe the situation would have really happened as the shadow clone said, and she… will kill everyone!

'Why is this happening?'

Yui was both feeling guilty and regretting, 'What was I thinking at that time?'

'Kanpū clearly warned seriously that the enemy was very strong, but I didn't listen at all.'


'Why didn't I listen?'

'This is not like me!'

Yui fell into deep self-blame.

"Okay, you can go your own way for the rest. Leave the Land of Grass early, lest you drag others down again."

The shadow clone left a cold sentence, and then directly dissipated himself with a hand seal.