Chapter 209 Too Strong Self-Esteem

When Tonbo left directly and chased Shikuro, Yui frowned slightly: "He left without greeting us…"

As a newcomer, although Tonbo is older than Kanpū and Kanpū, he is still just a junior. If the junior does not greet them first, could it be that he actually waiting for the two seniors to greet him first?

This is a serious rudeness!

Yui is not happy about this.

"Let's take a look at it first."

Kanpū's expression is also somewhat subtle.

It doesn't matter whether he greeted them or not, what is important is that Kanpū gradually recalled the plot about Tonbo after seeing this extra character.

In the original work, during Naruto's Chunin Exams, Tonbo disqualified a cheating exam candidate. Then, the exam candidate questioned Tonbo that there was no evidence, and Tonbo did not present the facts and reason, but flew straight up, pushed the exam candidate against the wall in a strangling posture, and said something extremely domineering: This strength is my proof!

This is an extreme Shinobi who has a strong self-esteem and gets agitated when questioned!

If Tonbo really becomes their teammate, in case he is stimulated by someone during a mission, Tonbo will directly cause trouble…

Kanpū felt his scalp numb.

It didn't take long for Kanpū and Yui to follow to the Hokage Rock, and at this time, Tonbo had already walked up to the vertical cliff 100 meters high.

"There's really no innovation at all."

Kanpū shook his head and sighed, feeling sad for Shikuro's conservativeness!

"He walks so fast." Yui said.

The 100-meter-high cliff seems terrifying, but as long as there is no mental obstacle and enough Chakra, everyone can go up step by step, and there is no technical content at all. Back then, Yui couldn't go up because she was only in the Academy for two years, and Tonbo is several years older than Yui, and the Chakra inside his body is several times that of Yui, and it may even not much worse than Kanpū's.

But just as Tonbo climbed to two-thirds of the cliff, large group of Kikaichū suddenly flew out from the Hokage's head statues, flew towards Tonbo, and quickly wrapped around Tonbo, and then started absorbing his Chakra.

Kanpū and Yui, who are still under the cliff, look at each other in shock, as their assessment was not like this.

"If my uncle is being serious, he would definitely fail the test." Yui frowned.

Kanpū touched his chin, and his eyes flashed: 'Maybe we can take this opportunity to test Tonbo!'

Kanpū turned to Yui and said: "Don't worry, if your uncle wants him to pass, then these tests must not be a problem for Tonbo."

Yui thought that this is true, so she continued to watch the show with peace of mind.

But she didn't notice that Kanpū next to him is showing a dark smile.

As a Shinobi from the Hokage's faction, Shikuro must have inherited the Will of Fire, with the thought of guardian, protection, etc., All the present assessment can't be said to be a separate assessment for Tonbo, and it is better to say that he is assessing Kanpū, Yui and Tonbo!

How could Kanpū and Yui, stand idly by when they saw their companion, Tonbo, is in danger? They will definitely go up to help, and then the three will successfully complete the assessment through their own efforts and perseverance, and then forged a deep friendship...

The script should be like this, but…

Shikuro, who is sitting on Hiruzen's head, has a dark face. 'Why didn't Kanpū and Yui, who are under the cliff, move?'

'If this continues, Tonbo will not be able to hold it.'

'Although there will be no life-threatening danger, but if he fails his test, he will be dismissed.'

Shikuro frowned slightly: 'Should I remind Kanpū and Yui?'


'Yui… Forget it, but Kanpū, that clever brat, must have seen through my purpose of the assessment this time, so why didn't he help?'

'Is he reluctant of losing Shisui, so he doesn't want Tonbo to replace Shisui?'

'Or, he did it on purpose and simply didn't want to be teammates with Tonbo?'

The reason Shikuro chose Tonbo, on one hand, it is because his Shinobi number is close to Kanpū and he felt that they are graduating on the same year, so even if they don't know each other, they are at least familiar with each other. Secondly, Tonbo are older than Kanpū and Yui, so he can take care of them more.

But Tonbo is not without shortcomings, that is, his self-esteem.

Tonbo's self-esteem is unusually strong. Once someone questioned about his strength and status, he would get agitated, and he often fought with others at the Academy.

'Is it because Kanpū knows this, that's why…'

However, it's too late even if he knew this now.

If Kanpū and Yui don't make a move, he can't just make concessions with strong start but weak finish, right?

If this is the case, wouldn't that just telling Tonbo that his strength is not good, and they need to make concessions to let him join?

'Wouldn't this cause a blow to his self-esteem?'

Shikuro instantly felt that he is squished between rock and hard place, unable to retire!

At the same time.

On the cliff, Tonbo, who is wrapped in Kikaichū, is moving around frantically. He is good at Taijutsu and sensing, so after being surrounded by Kikaichū, he naturally uses Taijutsu which he is good at.

Left hook!

Right uppercut!

Then threw another up and down with a dragon fist.

But Kikaichū can fly, and when Tonbo hit them with his fists, they will flap their wings and fly with the wind from the fist, causing the attack to be completely powerless.

After a while, Tonbo found that the Kikaichū around him did not decrease at all, but his Chakra became less and less.

If it goes on like this, he will be sucked dry!

'Damn it!'

'Will I even fail such a simple test?'

At this moment, Kanpū, who is still under the cliff, finally opened his mouth: "Tobitake Tonbo! Do you need help?"

The voice traveled along the cliff to Tonbo's ears, which immediately made him blushed. Not only did he fail to feel the care coming from his companions, but he instead felt that his dignity as a Genin is falling a little bit.

Last night, when he learned that he was about to join Shikuro's Team 2, Tonbo's mood was actually very complicated, because the other two members of Shikuro's Team 2 are 8-years-old brats.

Although they graduated early, they are only 8 years old after all!

Making him team up with the 8-years-old brats, do they look down on his strength? Do you think that with his strength, he, Tobitake Tonbo can only team up with the 8-years-old brats?

Tonbo has a thousand words he wanted to say, but he has no choice but to accept it.

So, after coming here, Tonbo, who felt his self-esteem was attacked, didn't greet Kanpū and Yui.

'But now… I was asked by an 8-years-old brat if I need help?'

'What a great shame!'

Tonbo gritted his teeth and didn't ask for help. Finally, Tonbo was sucked dry by the Kikaichū that he couldn't even sustain the Chakra under his feet. He fell off the cliff in an instant, and then was wrapped by the Kikaichū, causing his fall to slow down.

After landing, the Kikaichū surrounding Tonbo flew towards the head statues on the cliff, leaving only Tonbo in place.

Kanpū and Yui stood beside him, looking at him without saying a word.

Tonbo clenched his teeth while lying on the ground, his hands slowly clenched into fists, and veins were completely shown!

He could feel Kanpū and Yui's gaze, he can sense the gloating, mocking, disdain, and… pity from their gaze, and he feels that his self-esteem is being trampled on!

He gritted his teeth and got up from the ground and then left directly.