Chapter 213 I Feel You Can't Carry Me

"Kanpū, it's time to go!"

On the luxurious ship, Shikuro quickly got out of the cabin with Yui on his back, but found that there was no one on the ship!

Shikuro was a little confused: "Where is Kanpū?"

"Uncle, could it be that Kanpū went with your insect clone?" Yui frowned.

"How is that possible?"

Shikuro frowned, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it is really possible.

Just now, after his insect noticed that there was Shinobi approaching from behind, he immediately went to find Yui, and at the same time, he asked the insect clone to notify Michiru and Kanpū outside, and then the insect cloud where the insect clone was located divided themselves again into six clones, and a total of seven clones dispersed and flee with Michiru and his six guards, and then… 'Kanpū ran away with Prince Michiru and my insect clone?'

"Is he… an idiot?!"

Shikuro's face darkened.

"Maybe Kanpū regards your insect clone as your main body." Yui said.

"Didn't he realize that you are still on board?" Shikuro didn't know whether to cry or laugh when he heard this.

But by now, the Shinobi chasing behind him were already very close, and it was too late to notify Kanpū. Shikuro had no choice but to jump off the ship with Yui on his back, and then quickly ran in the other direction.

Soon, nine hooded black-clothed Shinobi headed by the white and clean youngster stepped onto the sea, and in an instant, they surrounded the luxurious ships that stopped on the sea.

"They've left."

A black-clothed Shinobi who followed Aoi said, "As expected of the Aburame Clan's Jōnin, he was aware of us in advance."

"Track their escape route immediately!" Aoi said with a frown.


Some black-clothed Shinobi who are good at Sensor Ninjutsu immediately formed hand seals to use Sensor Ninjutsu, spreading their sense far through the water.

At the same time, some of the black-clothed Shinobi boarded the ship, looking for clues.

"Not good, they dispersed!"

A black clothed Shinobi who is good at sensing exclaimed, "Eight directions!"

"Eight directions, did they use shadow clone?"

Aoi snorted and said, "It must be the Aburame Clan's Jōnin. Can you determine which direction his main body is in?"

"This…" Those black-clothed Shinobi look at each other in blank dismay.

"Leave it to me."

The black clothed Shinobi who has been following Aoi also used Sensor Ninjutsu, and quickly stretched out his finger and pointed at the direction Shikuro and Yui had left, "His main body is there."

"What are you waiting for? Chase them immediately!" Aoi ordered impatiently.

"Wait!" The old black-clothed Shinobi stretched out his hand and stopped him. "Land of the Moon's Tsuki Michiru did not go with Konoha Jōnin. Tsuki Michiru and his guards were taken away by that Konoha's Jōnin's shadow clone and dispersed!"

"What?" Aoi frowned, and asked while pondering, "Does he want us to disperse too?"

Sensor Ninjutsu can confirm enemy's strength and identity by sensing the enemy's Chakra fluctuation and aura, but ordinary people didn't have Chakra fluctuation, so it is impossible to determine who is who even after sensing.

Shikuro separates Michiru from his guards and takes away, so these people must create seven teams to have a chance to capture Michiru. And if they also want to hunt down Shikuro, it will be eight!

"Whether it is to catch Michiru or silence the Konoha's Shinobi, we now have to disperse!"

"If that's the case, then I'll go after that Konoha's Jōnin!" Aoi shouted.

"Absolutely not!"

The old black-clothed Shinobi cold said with a cold snort, "The Konoha's Jōnin will be left to us two Jōnin. With two against one, killing him shouldn't be a problem, there are seven directions left, so the seven of you can each go after one clone! Don't take action directly after you catch up. The clone that Aburame Clan's Jōnin create should be the insect clone, so wait until the chakra of the insect clone is almost consumed before taking action, do you understand, Aoi?"

"I understand!"


On the boundless blue sea, the waves rose and fell from time to time, and Shikuro carries a big fat man on his back and ran wildly in the waves.

Kanpū followed closely, his brows were furrowed, and he always felt like he had forgotten something.

"Shikuro-sensei, Shikuro-sensei..."

Kanpū called out Shikuro, who is in front of him, a few times.

"What's the matter?" Shikuro asked without looking back.

"Did we forget something?" Kanpū vaguely remembered that there was one person in the three-person group besides besides Shisui who had not come.

"Forgot what?" Shikuro asked in confusion.

"That…Did we forget that Yui is on the boat?" Kanpū panicked.


Shikuro paused his stepped, and turned around abruptly, almost throwing the big fat man on his back away.

"Ahhh… why did you stop? Run! Run!" Michiru panicked.

Kanpū's footsteps also stopped, and he happened to stare at Shikuro with his small eyes.

"You… Aren't you a clone?" Shikuro said with a frown.


Kanpū's scalp felt numb upon hearing this, "Shikuro-sensei, you… Isn't this body your main body?"

"Of course not!"

Shikuro looked at Kanpū blankly, "Don't tell me your main body is following me!"

"Hehe, how, how is it possible, I, I, of course I am a clone, haha, haha."

Kanpū didn't feel too good at this moment!

He wants to look back, but there is only the vast sea behind him, so where can he go to find Shikuro and Yui?

Besides, the Shinobi chasing behind him, who knows if they are close!


Shikuro couldn't say anything anymore. If it wasn't for Michiru on his back, he would have cursed at Kanpū.

Helpless, Shikuro turned around and continued to run forward, "Just keep up!"


Kanpū hurriedly followed him. In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Kanpū asked, "Shikuro-sensei, your insect clone is so powerful, it can actually talk."

Kanpū had seen Shikuro's insect clone before when he was picking up the package sent by Shikuro, but he had never heard them speak, otherwise, he wouldn't have regarded the insect clone as Shikuro's main body.

"Hmph, sound is just the vibration of the air after all." Shikuro, no, it should be Shikuro's insect clone said with a cold snort, "Thank you for learning Sensor Ninjutsu, you idiot!"

Kanpū said with bitter expression: "Shikuro-sensei, my Sensor Ninjutsu can only be used after forming hand seals, and it can only distinguish Shinobi, not insect clone, shadow clone and so on."

Shikuro's insect clone was speechless when he heard this.

In the case of insect clone, as long as the sensing ability is strong, it can still be distinguished, but shadow clone is true physical clone, with flesh, blood, Chakra Pathway System, Chakra and also independent thinking. Let alone ordinary Sensor Ninjutsu, it would be hard even for Sharingan and Byakugan to distinguish them.

These people's voices disappeared for a while, and only the waves roared non-stop.

Kanpū doesn't know how long they ran, but he saw that the sun above his head rise from the sea level to the middle of his head, and then gradually began to slide towards the sea level.

Running fast on the sea not only consumes stamina, but also Chakra, as they need to run on water.

Kanpū has Uzumaki Clan physique and strong physical fitness. While running, he is also refining Chakra, and replenished his stamina with military ration pill from time to time.

As for Shikuro's insect clone, he will not feel tired until his Chakra is exhausted.

It's just that the sea is boundless. If they keep running like this, the Chakra of the insect clone will not last long.

"Brother Kanpū, at this speed, we have to run for two days before we can reach the Land of the Moon. Can your teacher's clone hold on until then?"

Michiru said with trembling voice, and he didn't feel any sense of security.

Kanpū calmly said: "Don't worry, I'm here, it's fine!"

Michiru didn't believe it, and his lips trembled: "Don't lie to me, I feel you can't carry me…"

"…You unexpectedly found out about it." Kanpū said calmly.


Michiru is full of tears: Don't make fun of me. Hey!! !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ