Chapter 219 Sir!

In the depths of the icy, dark sea, a huge floating ice floated in the waves. Aoi is wearing a tattered black clothed hood, and sitting there cross-legged to refine Chakra.

The prince of the Land of the Moon, Michiru, squatted on the side with a shirtless upper body and trembling, his eyes full of fear!

After Michiru woke up, he only saw Aoi, but did not see Kanpū where he was going. He boldly asked a few words, but he didn't know that Aoi was not a kind person, so he directly attacked him violently, and even used Ice Release to freeze his bird!



Michiru was full of angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to show the slightest on his face.

Whoosh whoosh…

The dark ocean waves are undulating, splashing cold water from time to time.

Suddenly, several figures came galloping from the darkness.

Aoi's brows were slightly wrinkled, and his breathing changed a little!

Soon, six Kirigakure's Shinobi rushed to the floating ice and surrounded Aoi in a semicircle.

At this moment, Aoi suddenly opened his eyes, and a large number of ice crystals diffused out of him, and slowly revolving.

"Sir, are you okay?"

A Kirigakure's Shinobi asked respectfully.


Aoi's eyelids twitched slightly.


'He actually called me Sir?'

Aoi was slightly overjoyed.

The Aoi in front of them is naturally the transformed Kanpū.

In the last collection a few hours ago, Kanpū successfully collected the incomplete Ice Release, and finally merged them into a complete Kekkei Genkai!

After that, Kanpū immediately put Aoi's body into the sealing scroll, and then transformed into his appearance with Transformation Technique.

Although Transformation Technique is only one of the Three Basic Technique, Kanpū had collected a lot of bronze students at the Academy and fused many Transformation Technique. Although it did not reach the perfect level, it was still three to four times stronger than normal Transformation Technique!

Even if he now has Ice Release, Kanpū was still unsure!

So when Michiru woke up, Kanpū couldn't help but used Ice Release: Bird. Firstly, it was to familiarize himself with Ice Release, secondly, it was to suppress his shock, and thirdly, it was to make Michiru quiet.

Next, Kanpū sat on the floating ice and refine Chakra, while waiting for the Kirigakure's Shinobi.

Kirigakure's Shinobi came to him without any accident, but what Kanpū didn't expect is that the identity of 'himself' seems to be quite high, and these people's attitude towards 'himself' is full of respect!

Kanpū, no, Aoi imitated Aoi's tone, and said with a slightly proud expression: "You are too slow!"

"Sir, didn't we make an appointment to meet on the ship before, you…" One of the Kirigakure's Shinobi start to talk.

"Shut up!"

Aoi said with a snort, "Didn't you see that I went through a big battle?"

"That's true!"

Among the six Kirigakure's Shinobi, one Sensor Shinobi said, "When we were still in the distance, I indeed sense that Sir's Chakra felt so much weaker, I thought..."

'I thought your uncle!'

Aoi, who was frightened by this Shinobi's words, interrupted him with a heavy snort immediately: "Hmph! In addition to the insect clone that protects Tsuki Michiru, there is also a Konoha Shinobi who is very strong and no less powerful than me! That person! He's very terrifying, I fought with him for a long time before finally repelling him! If I was replaced with you, I'm afraid that you would be already sinking into the sea!"

As he spoke, there was a hint of cold sweat on his forehead, but fortunately, it is already dark, so these Kirigakure's Shinobi did not notice it.

'It's so risky!'

'They really used Sensor Ninjutsu, but fortunately, they didn't recognize me! '

Sensor Ninjutsu has the good one and the bad one. Kanpū's Sensor Ninjutsu is the most basic and the most rubbish, the sensing range is only 150 meters, and the other side's Chakra can only be confirmed by the sharpness of the sense's figure, and he is unable to distinguish the specific aura of their Chakra.

Kanpū estimates that this Shinobi can't tell the difference too, otherwise, he would be already dead!

These Kirigakure's Shinobis didn't know the inner drama of their 'Lord'. Seeing their Lord praised that Konoha's Shinobi desperately, they all thought that he was trying to praise himself in disguise, and immediately agreed.

After the flattery was finished, the Kirigakure's Shinobi finally brought up the matter: "Sir, what shall we do next? Should we wait for the two Lords to come back, or go directly to the Land of the Moon to complete the plan?"

Aoi looked at Michiru calmly.

'So, the target of this group of Kirigakure's Shinobi is Michiru!'

'What are they going to do in the Land of the Moon after catching Michiru?'

'Kidnapping for ransom?'

'That's quite possible, now that Kirigakure and Konoha are at war, if they can extort a sum of money from the Land of the Moon, it will definitely reduce their war expenses!'

'It stands to reason that I, as Konoha Shinobi, should stop this, but… wait for those two Jōnin to come back?'

Kanpū feels that it is dangerous, as it is still too difficult to rely on Transformation Technique to fool Jōnin.

Even in this group of Kirigakure's Shinobi, Kanpū is already trembling in fear, thinking that if he hadn't immediately used Ice Release to make them believed in his identity, maybe he would have been killed!

'Therefore, at this time, I absolutely can't let them have the time to think. Be decisive, and immediately go to the Land of the Moon!'

Thinking of this, Aoi said with proud and arrogant expression: "Of course we will go to the Land of the Moon immediately! Even without them, we can still complete the plan! Also, don't let the Land of the Moon's Prince die, this guy is the prey I have caught!"

"Yes, Aoi-sama!"

After the six Kirigakure's Shinobi responded, they first prepared a few clothes for Michiru, and then carried him back to the luxury ship.

When Kanpū arrived on the ship, he immediately found a cabin and expressed his need for self-training, so he told these Kirigakure's Shinobi to reach Crescent Moon Island as quickly as possible!

Back in the cabin, Kanpū has some headaches, 'Although I had concealed with the Kirigakure's Shinobi for the time being, what should I do next?'

'Follow to the 'original plan' to extort money from the Land of the Moon?'

But what if those two Jōnin came back in the middle?

Kanpū is very panicked. At this time, he was very hopeful that Shikuro would drop down from the sky to save him from this dangerous place, 'No matter how bad he is, he will at least drag those two Jōnin for another ten days to half a month… Although the probability is not very big.'

In the ocean, the six Kirigakure's Shinobis controlled the sea with Water Release to make the luxury ship keep accelerating, and traveled all the way south. After two full days, they finally saw a crescent-shaped island in the sea ahead!

"Sir, it's Crescent Moon Island!"

A Kirigakure's Shinobi got into the cabin tiredly to report.

These Kirigakure's Shinobis used Water Release continuously for two days and nights to control the ship, and they were all very tired. In contrast, Kanpū got plenty of rest during these two days. His stamina, energy and Chakra had recovered, and even his Chakra has risen a bit more than before!

After Kanpū in the form of Aoi came out, he looked at the tiredness on the faces of these Kirigakure's Shinobi, and said with proud and arrogant: "You can't bear this little hard work? Hmph, don't pretend to be dead in front of me! Next, I don't need to teach you how to do it, right?"

"Sir, leave it to us next!"

"We will never reveal our identities!"

Although these Kirigakure's Shinobi are tired, now that their Lord has spoken, they can only brace themselves to show their determination. Kanpū has gained a lot of information from their words, but it seems to be useless to escape.

Then, the group landed on the island in a remote corner with the big fat man, Michiru, and Kanpū immediately put on a pretense: "Do it!"


The two Kirigakure's Shinobi rudely took off the token hanging on Michiru's neck, and then ran toward the depths of the island.

"You guys, can you not kill me?"

Michiru said bravely at this time, and looked at the group of Kirigakure's Shinobi with pitiful eyes, "I will never reveal your identities, I, I will just say that Konoha's Shinobi kidnapped me, okay?"

Aoi's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this.

"Don't worry, we only need money, not your life!" A Kirigakure's Shinobi said to comfort Michiru.

"Your Royal Highness, as long as you cooperate, we promise not to kill you!" Another Kirigakure's Shinobi laughed out loud.

Michiru showed an ugly smile. Although he was stupid and rich, it didn't mean that he was an idiot. Kirigakure's Shinobi's obvious dodging remarks could not deceive him at all.

But, so what if the 'truth' is discovered?

Michiru has no power at all, and at this time, he is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, just waiting for the moment when the butcher's knife comes.