Chapter 233 Beggar's Pork

Three o'clock in the morning.

At a corner of the Forest of Death.

Kanpū's group of four finally found a creek after running around for a long time. There are many small wild beasts on the side of the creek grimacing at them, looking fierce.

Although Kanpū's group of four has eaten military ration pills and drank water before, they were still busy most of the night, so they're sleepy and hungry. Seeing these wild beasts, they suddenly rushed up with red eyes and raised their fists to take care of them at once.

Then Kanpū lit a fire with Fire Release, and the four people started to barbecue. After a full meal, the heavy fatigue came over them, and the four people fought with their eyelids and went to sleep one after another.

Kanpū forced his self to form hand seal and create a shadow clone to watch the night, and then fell asleep on Yama.

When he woke up again, it was already noon. The mottled sunlight poured from the lush branches and leaves overhead, but it did not bring much warmth to Kanpū.

It is the end of February now, and the weather hasn't gotten warmer yet. Kanpū's group of four slept by the creek all night, and if it wasn't for the shadow clone had also watching the bonfire, the four people would have caught a cold long ago.

"Say thank you." Kanpū's shadow clone winked at the sober people.

"Kanpū, your shadow clone… it's really strange." Reifū felt strange.

"Abnormal." Yama insulted rudely while rubbing his body, 'Why did my body feel so sore after waking up?'

Kanpū grinned awkwardly, and there was nothing he could do. The shadow clone he created is either cold and arrogant, or even more wretched and obscene than him, which is simply two extremes.

Kanpū waved his hand to disperse the shadow clone, and the fatigue of the night instantly flooded into his mind.

Kanpū rubbed his temples. If it wasn't for the Uzumaki Clan's physique, he really couldn't hold it!

"What shall we do next?" Yuki asked.

"Didn't the proctor say that this stage is about to survive in the Forest of Death for three days? We can just stay here for three full days." Yama said, "We can just take these three days to take a good rest and prepare for the third stage of the exam!"

Kanpū walked over and patted Yama's shoulder: "Brain is a good thing, don't forget to bring it when you go out."

Yama looked at Kanpū, who seemed to be concerned of him, and subconscious thought that the other side was kind, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt that Kanpū was insulting himself, but it was too late even if he understands it now, as Reifū next to him had already interjected: "Kanpū, do you have any suggestions?"

"Of course we should change location!"

Kanpū said, "The proctor said that the wild beasts in the Forest of Death are violent. It won't take long for me to want those beasts to come to our doorstep."

"But didn't nothing happen last night?" Yuki next to him also asked.

"The first night will definitely let us rest. After all, haven't slept for almost two days and two nights. And with this, they can also make us relax our vigilance." Kanpū said.

After he said that, the ground suddenly shook, and the nearby small wild beast jumped out of the tree hole, the cracks in the ground, and the branches and leaves like crazy, and quickly fled forward for their lives.

"It's coming!"

Kanpū's eyes lit up and he said, "Prepare to fight!"

Reifū and the other two realized it too, and hurriedly turned around and became vigilant.

"No, it's not like this!"

Yama suddenly reacted and exclaimed, "Aren't those wild beasts emotionally out of control? How did they find us?"

"Maybe someone came early in the morning to attract them to us."

Kanpū formed the hand seal to use Sensor Ninjutsu, and he found that there was a man with a strong line coming here from behind. At the same time, he also saw two clearer human-shaped lines hidden near them.


Kanpū stayed calm and collected.

"I see, it's the proctor Chunin!"

Reifū's IQ started working, "They want to increase the difficulty of the exam in this way!"

Hearing Reifū's explanation, the others couldn't help but scolded the family members of the proctor Chunin.

Kanpū has a strong desire to survive, so he didn't say anything.

After a while, the tremors in front of them grew stronger and stronger, and the four people looked at the front with wide eyes, and saw a huge wild boar rushing towards them while roaring.

This wild boar is about five meters tall and twelve or thirteen meters long. It has a pair of blood color eye pupils, and nose is constantly spraying white air currents, and the fangs at the corners of the mouth are as hideous as rhino horns. Moreover, it is covered with a thick layer of cracked 'armor', which is formed by the fusion of wild boars rubbing mud, resin, etc. and is as hard as a rock. Even if they had a sharp Ninja Tool, they would not be able to break this layer of armor, let alone being unarmed.


Reifū suddenly shouted, then turned around and ran away.

"How could they attract such a dangerous wild beast?" Yama followed with a gloomy expression.

They are all Shinobi of the Gekkō Clan. They have been training Konoha-Style Kenjutsu since they were young. Without a sword, they won't even have the half of their original. It would be fine if they are facing an ordinary wild beast, but the 'armored wild boar' is very difficult!

The three of them ran and ran, but found that there was one person missing. When they turned their heads to look, they saw that Kanpū is still standing there, quietly waiting for the big wild boar that came galloping.

"Kanpū, what are you doing? Run!"

Reifū yelled.

"Don't worry, it's just a wild boar."

Kanpū smiled indifferently.

"Aho (Stupid)!!"

Yama was in a panic, "The mud on the boar is very hard. Even if you have a sword, you, you…" Halfway through, he couldn't speak anymore.

They then saw Kanpū formed hand seals, and brazenly spurt water on the wild boar.

Suiton: Mizurappa! (Water Release: Wild Water Wave)

The rapid flow of water hit the wild boar's forehead, and it instantly flows through its whole body and seeps into the hard mud armor.

When the wild boar saw this, it was furious. With red eyes, it jumped like a pig, and its huge and sharp fangs fiercely shot towards Kanpū's chest and abdomen.

Kanpū formed another hand seal and used Body Flicker Technique, turned into a gust of wind and came to the branches and leaves of another tree, and then continued to spurt water.

The wild boar became more and more irritable, and it slammed into Kanpū, smashing dozens of towering trees nearby.

At the same time, Kanpū's water also completely soaks the mud armor on the wild boar!

In the next moment, Kanpū turned his head at Reifū and the others, and said with a smile: "Let's eat beggar's pork for lunch!"

After the words fell, Kanpū's hands are already dancing.

"Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu!" (Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique)

The huge Chakra was highly condensed and compressed in Kanpū's body, and when it spewed out, it turned into a lava-like fire dragon. The crimson aura filled a 100-meter radius, and then the great fire dragon slammed into the wild boar.


The hot flames flow like lava, covering the wild boar's whole body in a blink of an eye. The intense high temperature penetrated through the wet mud, and the wild boar is 'burned' to death in the mud armor in an instant.


Because of the inertia, the wild boar dashed forward a distance of several tens of meters before falling to the ground unwillingly.

Reifū and the others were already stunned.

"No way?"

"Ninjutsu? Is Ninjutsu his strong point?"

"What a terrifying Fire Release Ninjutsu!"

The three people have different expressions, and they looked at Kanpū and the wild boar still blazing with crimson fire on the ground in disbelief.

"What are you doing? Let's start eating. "Kanpū said with a light-hearted smile.