Chapter 240 Innate Extraordinary Strenght?

In the corridor of the underground prison, Kanpū followed the team leader Wild Fox and the others to the resting place. When passing by a rock prison cell, Kanpū couldn't help but look curiously.

There are two prisoners detained in the prison cell. They were wearing light gray prison uniforms with numbers on the back of the prison uniforms, and they had iron rings on their wrists. They walked around the dejected prison cell, looking very desolate.

'If two people are locked in one cell, two thousand people can be locked here.' Kanpū continues to move forward, only to find that not every cell has prisoners.

"Hey, stop!!"

Suddenly, an extremely domineering voice came from the rock prison cell on the right.

Kanpū turned his head to look, and saw two hands with iron rings suddenly stretched out from the prison cell, smashing the iron bars the thickness of a baby's arm on the outer layer like a rotten wood, and then a big fat man came out from inside, then another big fat man came out of it!

Kanpū's brows were raised when he saw this: 'Legendary Stupid Brothers?!'

The elder brother Fūjin, who has beard on his chin, said fiercely, "You…"

"Go back inside!"

Wild Cat threw seven or eight rice balls at them without saying a word!


The Legendary Stupid Brothers' fierce expression suddenly turned into sheep-like warmth. After opening their mouths to eat the rice ball, they chewed it while beaming with joy, and turned back to their prison cell. They even repaired the broken iron bars with brute force, and the docile expression of our two brothers was like a good baby.

"Don't worry about them."

Peppa the Wild Boar said to Kanpū in a calm tone, "As long as you have food, you can make them obey everything, but if they go crazy, it's very terrifying."

Kanpū nodded, as he had naturally heard the name of the Legendary Stupid Brothers, but he didn't expect to meet them so soon.

After walking forward for a while, Kanpū's mind suddenly flashed with a thought!


'The reason why the Legendary Stupid Brothers is so difficult to deal with is because they are born with extraordinary strength, and they're as strong as an ox. Even if their Chakra is sealed, they still have terrifying combat power, and the only one who can suppress them in strength in the huge Konoha is Tsunade!'

'Innate Extraordinary Strength…'

'Innate talent?'

'Is it possible to collect it?'

Kanpū's heart is beating like a drum.

"Hey, are you okay, Husky?" Wild Dog, who is walking beside him, noticed the change of Kanpū's heartbeat, so he immediately asked.

"It's okay, I just feel a little depressed here." Kanpū casually found an excuse.

Along the way, Wild Dog was silent all the time except when he introduced himself. It seemed that he didn't talk much, but he was very sensitive.

"Jailer missions are usually time-consuming, so get used to it as soon as possible, Husky." Wild Dog turned his head.

"Yes, Wild Dog."


Meanwhile, in Kirigakure Battlefield's frontline camp!

Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, Hōzuki Clan, Kaguya Clan and other Kirigakure's Shinobi have already left, leaving only a destroyed camp.

The camp is full of blood-soaked corpse, as well as the scorched black marks left by the water, the Shikotsumyaku, and the powerful Fire Release.

Uchiha, Hyūga, and a large number of Konoha's civilian Shinobi are cleaning up the battlefield, while also rescuing their surviving companions.

Near the main camp, outside a newly built earthen house, several mask-wearing Shinobi are negotiating with Hyūga Clan's Shinobi outside the earthen house.

"We are Anbu, and on Hokage-sama's order, we have come to escort the body of Nobuyuki-sama back to the village! Please cooperate!"

"And the remains of the Uchiha Clan too!"

"This is Hokage-sama's order. You have no right to disobey!"

Several Root's Shinobi pretending to be Anbu spoke coldly.

It's just that the few Hyūga's Shinobi, who were guarding outside the earthen house, looked at them coldly.

"Whether it is Hokage-sama's order or not, we will not hand over Elder Nobuyuki 's body! Please leave!"

"Blatantly disobeyed Hokage-sama's order, have you considered the consequences?" The Root's Shinobi said coldly.

"Hokage-sama's order?"

Suddenly, a slightly disdainful voice came from the side, "Hokage-sama only orders you to recover the remains of Hyūga Clan's Main House Elder, and the remains of our Uchiha Clan? Then what about the remains of Hyūga Clan's Branch House and also civilian Shinobi sacrificed on the battlefield? Don't you need to retrieve them?"

Fugaku walked over from the side, and his eyes are flickering with fierceness and unparalleled confidence.

In the previous battle, one of his best friends died in order to save him!

Ironically, under the intense stimulation of his companion's death, Fugaku's eyes actually obtained an unprecedentedly powerful pupil power!

"Uchiha Fugaku, if you have any dissatisfaction with Hokage-sama's order, you can come back to the village with us!" The Root's Shinobi said, his voice and tone did not waver at all. Their feelings have long disappeared because of Danzō's training, and there is only mission and loyalty to Danzō left in their hearts.

"Isn't it for Shimura Danzō?"

Fugaku sneered again, "Anbu, Root, do you think I can't even tell the difference between them?"

The Root's Shinobi didn't seem to expect their identities to be revealed so quickly, but they didn't panic at all. Their emotions are still as stable as an old dog: "No matter whether it is Root or Anbu, they are all directly under the village's higher-ups. You have no right to question it!"

Fugaku narrows his eyes slightly, and his eyes suddenly filled with fierce light.

When his best friend just died and they encountered such a bad thing, he couldn't help but stared at them to death!

Don't doubt it, as Fugaku, who awakened the Mangekyō, definitely has this ability!

Fortunately, someone came over at this time.

"Brother Fugaku, Clan Head is dying, come herequickly!" A blood-soaked Uchiha ran over.

"I understand."

Fugaku snorted coldly at the Root and turned to leave.

"Whether you are Root or Anbu, we will not hand over the Elder's body, please return!"

The Hyūga's Shinobi, who guard the earth house, stared at Root's Shinobi coldly, and they didn't retreat at all.

"You…" The Root's Shinobi was about to get rough, when they suddenly felt a powerful aura approaching quickly.

"Clan Head!"

"Clan Head is here!"

Amidst the cheers of the Hyūga Clan, Hyūga Hirofumi stepped forward with ashen complexion. His white pupils are full of the pain of losing a loved one.

"Get lost!"

Hirofumi looked at Root's Shinobi coldly, "Or die!"

The Root's Shinobi knew that now Hirofumi is here, they could no longer complete the mission, so they instantly disappeared.

Hirofumi entered the earthen house, and there was a small wooden table with a azure blue sealing scroll on it.

In order to prevent the body from decaying, it has been sealed in the scroll.

Unfolding the scroll, Hirofumi pressed the word 'seal' on the scroll one palm, and then poured his Chakra. In an instant, the runes around the word "seal" immediately flashes with light, and soon after, an old corpse appeared in the earthen house.


Hirofumi half-kneeled on the ground, and his hands trembling slightly as he lifted the closed eyelids of his father.

'Fortunately, Byakugan isn't lost!'

Hirofumi breathed a sigh of relief, but then a strong resentment surged in his heart!

'Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, Hōzuki Clan, Kaguya Clan, all of you should be da**ed!!'


In another earthen house.

Uchiha Clan's Clan Head, Uchiha Tengoku is lying on a wooden tatami, his pale face has no blood color.

"Clan Head!" After Fugaku came in, the other clansmen in the earthen house consciously left.

Tengoku opened his eyes slightly, looked at Fugaku's handsome and young face, and a gratifying smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Fugaku, the clan will be left to you."

"Clan Head, you will be fine!" Fugaku said worriedly.

"Even if I can survive, I can no longer carry the Uchiha Clan." Tengoku said softly.

"Clan Head, I…"

Fugaku hesitated a little, and finally closed his eyes tightly. When he opened them again, his black eyes had already turned into Sharingan, blood color, and there are three black tomoe in the blood-colored pupils.

Tengoku showed a puzzled look. But in the next instant, his expression suddenly became horrified, as he saw the three black tomoe in Fugaku's eyes slowly spinning, and finally turned into a strange pattern.

"This, this, this…?!" Tengoku's lips trembled, and his horrified expression slowly turned into ecstasy, "Very good, very good…"

Tengoku's voice became softer and weaker, and the sound is getting weaker and weaker, and gradually dissipates like dust in the earthen house.