Chapter 249 You Still Blame Me

Faced with Kanpū's sudden question, Wild Dog's heart tightened, 'Husky had just joined Anbu. He probably didn't know anything about Hiruko. If he annoys him… Does it make any difference whether he is annoyed or not?'

Wild Dog smiled wryly after thinking of this.

Hiruko looked towards Kanpū and said: "During the war, Anbu's mission was nothing more than assassination and information gathering."

Kanpū grinned: "That's right, our mission is to assassinate Hanzō of the Salamander. The mission undoubtedly failed. Even our team leader died in the hands of Shinobi World's demigod."

Wild Dog, Wild Cat, and Peppa the Wild Boar all looked confused: 'When did our mission become the assassination of Shinobi World's demigod? Stop joking around!'

Fortunately, they are all wearing masks, otherwise, their expressions would have exposed Kanpū's lies in minutes.

Hiruko showed a disdainful smile and said: "Assassinating Shinobi World's demigod? With just you guys? Stop joking around!"

"Sure enough, you have seen it through."

Kanpū smiled and said, "The assassination is just superficial. Our real purpose is to put the blame of this incident on Iwagakure's Shinobi!"

Then, Kanpū took out the Iwagakure's forehead protector.

Hiruko's pupils shrank when he saw this: 'Pretending to be Iwagakure's Shinobi to assassinate Hanzō of the Salamander, so that a war will break out between Amegakure and Iwagakure, relieving the pressure on Konoha?

'What a good strategy!'


'If they are true…'

Seeing the changes in Hiruko's face, Kanpū said at the right time: "We successfully angered Hanzō of the Salamander with this assassination. After we escaped, we deliberately exposed our whereabouts and led Amegakure's Shinobi to the Land of Earth. I believe there will be a large number of Amegakure's Shinobi hunting us coming soon, maybe including the Shinobi World's demigod."

Hiruko stepped back slightly, and his eyes are full of uncertainties.

With his current strength, he is still not the opponent of Shinobi World's demigod yet. If the other party really comes, he must leave immediately!

"So, what are you going to do?"

Kanpū walked out from behind Wild Dog and approached slowly, "Whether to spend time here with us, waiting for Hanzō of the Salamander to come, or…"

Hiruko made his choice directly. His goal is Explosion Release Kekkei Genkai, and his dream is to become a God, so he has no time to get involved with Konoha's Anbu!

In the blink of an eye, Hiruko appeared directly next to Gari and picked him up on his back. However, at this moment, Kanpū actually flickered to fifty meters away from him.

"Hey, don't rush to leave. Wouldn't it be great to stay here to see the Shinobi World's demigod in person?"

Kanpū's heart was beating like a drum. As he spoke, he used Collection Technique on Gari. The green light cluster in his mind finally surged, and then a pale red light dot was ejected.

Overjoyed, Kanpū didn't have the time to see what is it and threw the Collection Technique on Gari again.

At the same time, Hiruko looked at Kanpū, who is fifty meters away from him. His eyes flashed fiercely: "If you dare to hinder me, I will expose your plan! Go away!"

"You're so cold."

Kanpū teased. After the second Collection Technique ended, another pale red light dot was successfully collected. While speaking, Kanpū threw the third Collection Technique!

As soon as the green light cluster in his mind surged, Hiruko had disappeared before his eyes with Gari on his back.

Kanpū was startled, but fortunately, the green light cluster in my mind is still surging like boiling water, and then the third pale red light dot is ejected!

At the same time, the three pale red dots merged in an instant to form a brand new red stardust!

Kanpū was so excited that he quickly wrapped it with consciousness, and saw that it really was Explosion Release!

"Kanpū, you were too reckless just now! But thank you for scaring him away"

After Hiruko left, Wild Dog heaved a long sigh of relief, feeling both fearful and fortunate.


Kanpū suppressed the joy of his heart, and just as he was about to be humble, but a huge flame bullet suddenly fell from the sky.

Wild Dog and Kanpū's expressions changed, and they hurriedly flicker and leave.


In the next instant, the flame bullet landed, and the scorching flames swept around the ground in an instant, forcing Kanpū and the others to retreat again and again.

"I was almost deceived by you."

Hiruko appeared on the treetop carrying Gari, with a bit of shame still on his face. "Assassinating Hanzō of the Salamander? Back then, even Konoha's Sannin were not his opponent. Then, how could you weakling escape from Hanzō of the Salamander?"

"I just said that casually, you are the stupid one for believing it." Kanpū curled his lips.

Now, Hiruko is obviously determined to keep them here. In that case, how can he not take advantage of him verbally?

"Fūton: Daitoppa!" (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)

Wild Dog formed hand seals with his hands, and opened his mouth to spew out a violent hurricane. Sand and rocks were sent flying wherever the hurricane pass. Hiruko jumped down from the treetops, stepped on Gari, who is under his feet, and then his hands started dancing: "Doton: Doryūheki!" (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall)


A huge stone wall instantly rose from the ground to block the hurricane.

But at the next moment...

Puff puff puff...

With the sound of flesh and blood pierced, a sharp stone spear suddenly emerged from the ground, and Hiruko's face changed as he flashed away in an instant!


Gari, who was under his feet, was stabbed by seven or eight stone spears!

Under the severe pain, Gari opened his eyes widely, loudly roared… and died.

This is not over yet. After killing Gari, Kanpū's hands danced again: "Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu!" (Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique)


With the roar, a lava-like fire dragon smashed Hiruko's earth wall and directly hit Gari's body, and the hot flame swept Gari's body in an instant!

With this, Kanpū wanted to see if Hiruko could still swallow Gari's Kekkei Genkai!


When Hiruko looked at Gari's body, which was burned by the flames, his originally fair face completely turned black, and the muscles on his face kept twitching. He turned his neck stiffly, and his eyes, which were full of killing intent, glared at the instigator, and then he said word by word, "How dare you… how dare you! Bastard!!"

He finally found a Kekkei Genkai that satisfied him, finally beat him to death with difficulty, and was about to take a big step towards his dream. But the result, the result…


Hiruko was trembling all over, glaring at Kanpū uncontrollably, as if he wanted to swallow him alive with his eyes!

Kanpū said righteously: "Hiruko, do you feel pain? Do you feel regret? In fact, nothing will happen if you left just now, but you actually turned around! Why did you turn around? Why did you come back? Look, the that Iwagakure's Shinobi you finally caught is dead, and you still blame me?"

Creak creak…

Hiruko was so stunned that he gritted his teeth loudly: "I will cut off the flesh from your body one by one!!"

Kanpū turned his head and looked towards Wild Dog, Wild Cat, and Peppa the Wild Boar, next to him, and was a little speechless: "You guys, why are you standing still? Get him!"

Hearing Kanpū's words, the three came back to their sense and attacked Hiruko instantly.

Peppa the Wild Boar flicked his hands a few times, and kunai come out from his hands continuously and filled the sky.

Wild Cat formed hand seals to use Genjutsu, throwing them one by one at Hiruko.

Wild Dog continued to use Wind Release, and a huge tornado swept away in an instant, swallowing dozens of kunai thrown out by Peppa the Wild Boar, forming a kunai tornado, and the tornado is whistling towards Hiruko.

At the same time, Wild Cat asked curiously: "Husky, what's going on with that Iwagakure's Shinobi? Why did he get so agitated when you kill him?"

"I don't know either."

Kanpū immediately lied with with his eyes open, "I just thought that Hiruko wanted to capture that Iwagakure's Shinobi alive, so I decided to kill him. I didn't expect Hiruko to be so angry."

"If he loses his minds, maybe we have a chance to escape!" Peppa the Wild Boar was quite excited.

"Don't be careless, the other party was already a Jōnin before defecting. So you must never underestimate the other party!" Wild Dog instructed with solemn tone.

At the same time, Hiruko has completely let go of his hands and feet in the rage. Facing Wild Cat's Genjutsu, Hiruko directly disrupted his Chakra flow without blinking, breaking the Genjutsu. And then, his hands started dancing again: "Fūton: Kazekiri no Jutsu!!!" (Wind Release: Wind Cutter Technique)

The huge Chakra was condensed in Hiruko's hands and then turned into a huge wind blade visible by naked eye, and flickered in mid-air.

The kunai tornado released by Wild Dog and Peppa the Wild Boar was instantly cut off by the huge wind blade. The chaotic tornade whizzed and flew away, and the kunai, which had lost the wind's restraint, suddenly fell in a mess!