Chapter 296 Killing Mukade

This was originally an abandoned small village in the Land of Rain, with broken walls and ruins everywhere. After Sunagakure's Shinobi arrived, the buildings were repaired with sand and gravel. Although it looks like a patched cloth bag, it is very practical. Compared with the tents on Konoha's main camp, these houses are drier and fresher.

Kanpū and Kakashi, as entourages, were directly arranged to a small lounge by the Sunagakure's Shinobi, and they were left alone with two bowls of water.

As for Minato, he was taken by Rasa to talk about politics.

"It's really boring."

Kakashi boringly walked around the house for a short time, then turned to Kanpū and said, "You stay here and don't run around, I'll go out and have a look."

Kanpū looked at him blankly from behind: 'Hey hey hey, did you go out by yourself but let me stay here?'

'No, I need to monitor you on behalf of Minato-sama!'

Kanpū waited for him to leave, and then immediately lit up Transparent Release and disappeared, and then he went out quietly.

At this stage, Sunagakure has not declared war on Iwagakure yet, so most of Sunagakure's Shinobi stays in the camp. A lot of people coming and going, making the place very lively, so it was able to cover up the sound of Kanpū's footsteps.

Kakashi didn't know that he was being followed. He just walked around the camp, and wherever he went, he would encounter expressionless Sunagakure's Shinobi.

As for the Sunagakure's Shinobi who showed hatred before, they were all sent out on the grounds of missions, lest they stay here and destroy the alliance between the two villages.

Two Sunagakure's Shinobi watched Kakashi passed by and waited for him to walk away before they started to lean against the wall and whispered.

The slightly shorter Sunagakure's Shinobi said: "Damn, it was obviously Konoha who defeated us, but now we are going to form an alliance with Konoha, what an irony!"

"That's right, but compared to Konoha's righteous way of defeating us, Iwagakure's betrayal is even more hateful!" The taller one said.

"Can't we form an alliance with Iwagakure to deal with Konoha?"

The short Sunagakure's Shinobi said angrily, "The current situation in the Shinobi World is very unfavorable for Konoha. If we form an alliance with Iwagakure to deal with Konoha, Konoha will definitely not be able to stop the attacks from Four Great Shinobi Villages. Once they are defeated, we can enact compensation clauses for the defeated country!"

"You are too naïve, Mukade!"

The tall Sunagakure's Shinobi shook his head, "Iwagakure has betrayed us several times. If we form an alliance with them, once Konoha is defeated, how can you guarantee that Iwagakure will not declare the war to us? Sandaime Tsuchikage, Ōnoki is a very cunning fox!"

The short Sunagakure's Shinobi, or to be precise, Mukade, lowered his head, and his eyes flashed with a light called ambition: "In the end, it's all because our strength is not enough! Damn it!"

The two Sunagakure's Shinobi whispered to themselves, completely unaware that their conversation had reached the ears of an invisible person.

Kanpū didn't care at first, as they are just complaining, after all, how can everyone be so tolerant?

But when he heard the taller Sunagakure's Shinobi calling out the shorter Sunagakure's Shinobi's name, Kanpū was dumbfounded!

'Mukade… Anrokuzan… The ancient kingdom of Rōran… Ryūmyaku…'

Kanpū's scalp was tingling!

When Ichiraku Ramen was opened for the first time, Minato and Kakashi did not perform the Rōran mission at all, which shows that Mukade has not passed through the Ryūmyaku and transmigrated to this era from more than 20 years in the future.

And the cause of all this must be the outsider, Kanpū!

Therefore, in order to maintain the current history and prevent Mukade of this time and space from transmigrating, Kanpū is obliged to kill Mukade. For this reason, Kanpū also wrote Mukade's name on a small note, although the small note has been lost.

When Kanpū was distracted, Mukade had already bid farewell to the tall Sunagakure's Shinobi and left.

Kanpū hurriedly restrained his mind, and followed after him.

But as he followed Mukade, Kanpū couldn't help but get distracted again.


'If I don't kill him, will Mukade still be transmigrated to this era through Ryūmyaku in the future?'

'If he really transmigrated, and begins to bring disaster to the ancient kingdom of Rōran according to the plot of the original work, then will Minato and Kakashi go to the ancient kingdom of Rōran to execute the mission?'

'Will everything that I have experienced before change completely, and even me as a person disappear?'

Kanpū feels his brain hurts when he thinks of this. He shakes his head and throws these messy thoughts away.

'No matter what would happen in the future, there is nothing wrong with killing Mukade!'

Kanpū made a decision in his mind.

Then he began to observe the Mukade in front of him.

Mukade is not tall, but he looked quite sturdy, and he carried a mummy-like object on his back, which should be his puppet.

'A Puppet Master?'

Kanpū silently calculated the distance between the two sides.' If I rush up and blow him with a punch…'

'It seems feasible.'

Kanpū's eyes brightened, and he looked around quickly, only to find that there was not even half a person around!

It turned out that Mukade had quietly left Sunagakure's main camp from who knows when!

Kanpū was startled, and saw Mukade, who is in front of him, stop.

"Come out, Konoha's Shinobi, I know you have been following meall the time!" Mukade turned around expressionlessly, and faced Kanpū.

However, Kanpū is still invisible, so Mukade can't see him.

Kanpū continued to stay silent.

"Not coming out?"

Mukade sneered, "Your Invisibility Technique is indeed powerful, but through my puppet, I can feel your heartbeat, your breathing, and the sound of your footsteps, you can't hide from my puppet!"

Upon hearing this, Kanpū was shocked. Without saying anything further, he changed the benevolent eyes to dynamic vision, and lift up his fist and slammed it towards Mukade's head.

When the wind blows, Mukade shook his head in disdain.


Under the extraordinary strength, Kanpū's fist carried extremely powerful force and forcibly blew up a fierce and domineering wind. Although his fist did not hit Mukade's head, the wind was able to forcibly scrape a scratch on Mukade's lower jaw.

When Kanpū saw this, his expression changed.

There is no flesh and blood in the scratch, and it is actually just dark material!

'It's a puppet!'

At this moment, the puppet Mukade opened its mouth and sprayed out a large amount of poisoned senbon forward. Kanpū's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately retreated by flickering, avoiding these poisonous senbon.

Kanpū, who used Body Flicker Technique, is out of the invisibility state. He half-squatted on the ground and looked at 'Mukade' in front of him, and then his eyes fell on the mummy behind it.

'If my guess is not wrong, Mukade's main body must be inside that mummy.'

Kanpū remembered that there was a Sunagakure's Shinobi extra in the original work who also did this kind of thing.

"What a keen sense."

Mukade's voice came from the mummy, "Unfortunately, you are going to die here."

As soon as the words fell, the puppet Mukade's hands quickly extended like nunchakus with clacking sound, and they flew and grabbed towards Kanpū.

'Die here?'

Kanpū showed a sneer: "You think you can do that?"

After saying that, Kanpū took out the wide version of the Moonlight Sword, and without saying anything further, he rushed towards the puppet.

Konoha-Ryū - Tsukikage! (Konoha-Style - Moonlight)

Ignoring the attack of the puppet, Kanpū directly dragged out a series of afterimages and approached Mukade at high speed. Under the extraordinary strength, the Moonlight Sword in Kanpū's hand trembled faintly, as if it could not withstand Kanpū's power!

"Huh? Konoha-Style Kenjutsu?"

Mukade's tone showed a hint of panic, and he immediately turned from offensive to defensive. The two mechanical arms instantly retracted, and rotated in front of him, forming a spider web.



Under the extraordinary strength, Kanpū's Moonlight Sword smashed the spider web into pieces easily. The sword's blade remained undiminished, and the puppet Mukade was also violently smashed into pieces!

"You… are the invisible Konoha's Shinobi on the battlefield?!"

In the sound of exclamations, puppet fragments scattered in the air. The real Mukade came out of the mummy, and as soon as his figure came out, he directly ran towards the Sunagakure's main camp, leaving a series of cold words: "You despicable Konoha's Shinobi, you actually try to assassinate me by taking advantage of the alliance. I will tell the shameless of your Konoha to Kazekage-sama!"

Kanpū was amused by him: "You are the one who deliberately led me out of the camp, and you are the one who wants to kill me. Hehe, now that you see that you're not my opponent, you want to go back as a victim and file a complaint first? I, Gekkō Kanpū, would like to call you the most shameless!"

As he spoke, Kanpū swung his big sword: "Konoha-Style - Flame Slash!!!"

The Fire Attribute Chakra poured into the big sword, and the body of the sword instantly burst into a fierce flame, and the burning blade was faintly crimson!

Kanpū tip-toed, and the Moonlight Sword dragged a forty-meter-long crimson flame shadow in the air, and slashed it heavily on Mukade's back. The flames exploded and swept through Mukade's body. Then under the terrifying extraordinary strength, the crimson blade severed Mukade's body with a slash!

The flames burned as the body was separated. Mukade seemed unable to bear the pain of life. And before he died, he let out a sharp, high-pitched howl that spread far away…