Chapter 311 Rashōmon

Summoning Technique - Rashōmon is a powerful defensive technique that summoned the gate of hell to this world.

As far as Kanpū understands, there are five gates of Rashōmon, the first gate that can withstand attacks, the second gate that reduces the offensive power, the third gate that spreads the offensive power, and as for the role of the two gates on the back, Kanpū doesn't know, because only Shodaime Hokage, Senju Hashirama has ever summoned it in the Shinobi World.

Even Orochimaru can only summon until the third gate.

The reason is that each Rashōmon is more than one kilometer in height and is as huge as a mountain, so it takes a lot of Chakra to summon to a single Rashōmon!

If someone wants to summon the five gates of Rashōmon at once, they must have Bijū-Level Chakra bases!

Although in the original work, Orochimaru's three gates Rashōmon was destroyed by Naruto, and Hashirama's five gates of Rashōmon was also destroyed by Uchiha Madara, it is undeniable that this is an extremely powerful defense technique!

After Kanpū failed to collect it the first few times, he trained it directly. After all, Rashōmon has a very simple hand seals, only five, Boar – Dog – Bird – Monkey – Ram, but even after Kanpū bit his ten fingers, he still can't do anything to summon Rashōmon.

Kanpū knows that ordinary living creatures need a blood contract for summoning them, such as the toads of Mount Myōboku, the snakes of Ryūchi Cave, and Katsuyu from Shikkotsu Forest. If someone wanted to summon them, they must first conclude a blood contract. Otherwise, they won't be able to summon them even if they bite off their fingers and drain their bloods. (T/N: The Author must have forgot that if someone without blood contract use Summoning Technique, they would be sent to a random Summoning Beast's territory.)

But Rashōmon is a dead thing, it is the gate of hell, and is not something from this world at all, so even if Kanpū wants to conclude a blood contract, he can't do it.

It was not until he read the outline of the Summoning Technique written by Hiruzen that Kanpū realized that the prop-type Summoning Technique did not need to conclude a so-called blood contract, it just needs induction.

To put it simply, if he wanted summon to summon Rashōmon, there is only one way, and that is to use blood as a guide to sense the hell in the dark!

It is needless to say how difficult it is, as at least for so many years in the Shinobi World, there are only a handful of Shinobi who can truly sense hell and summon Rashōmon.

And Kanpū, intends to be the next person!

Although Kanpū can't sense hell, he has Collection Technique!

After reading Hiruzen's book, Kanpū believes that he already has a good understanding of this Summoning Technique - Rashōmon. There should be no problem in collecting it!

Kanpū takes a deep breath and then shouted in his heart: 'Collect!'

The green light cluster in his mind surged rapidly, but it quickly subsided.

The collection failed.

Kanpū is not angry.

'Continue collecting.'

The result is still… a failure!

Kanpū was shocked, 'Is this bullshit Rashōmon going to cause trouble?'

'I obviously know you so well, so why don't you let me collect you?'

Kanpū took another deep breath, and suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

'If the next collection fails again, I'll skip over this technique!'

'Otherwise, if I keep getting stuck on this Rashōmon, I will not be able to collect the Ninjutsu in this scroll even until the end of my life!'

Throwing out the third collection, the green light cluster in Kanpū's mind quickly surged.

Kanpū closed his eyes and looked at the green light cluster inside his mind. He found that the speed of the green light cluster was very strong and rhythmic. At a glance, he knew that a powerful rare beast was brewing inside!

Sure enough, the green light group… slowly calm down?

Kanpū's mouth twitched slightly, and he was about to explode with profanity when a light blue dot suddenly shot out from the green light cluster that was about to calm down.

Kanpū breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and then he quickly wrapped it with his consciousness.

Summoning Technique - Rashōmon!

'I finally succeeded!'

Kanpū was overjoyed. He checked the time, and see that it was already 8 o'clock. Hoshino and Keiko are already asleep, and Hayate is still in the backyard with the wooden stake. Kanpū couldn't wait to see what the gate of hell looked like, so he put away the scroll, left a shadow clone at home, and then quickly left with Transparent Release.

Walking all the way to the Forest of Death, Kanpū escaped directly into the ground and used Subterranean Voyage to go into the depths of the Forest of Death.

The giant trees in the depths of the Forest of Death are towering towards the sky. And under the bright moonlight, there is a sense of black and green beauty.

Kanpū bit his right thumb, and then quickly formed the hand seals: Boar – Dog – Bird – Monkey – Ram!

Kuchiyose: Rashōmon! (Summoning: Rashōmon)

Kanpū slammed his palm onto the ground, and the Chakra on his palm turned into dense runes and poured on the grass. At this moment, Kanpū seemed to vaguely sense a gloomy aura, and it was fleeting.


'It failed?'

Looking at the peaceful forest, Kanpū remembered the feeling just now, and immediately bit his index finger, formed hand seals with both hands, and then slammed his palm onto the ground.

At this moment, Kanpū really sensed the gloomy aura again. Kanpū didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly let his consciousness go deeper. In the dark, Kanpū seemed to 'see' a tall shadow standing up to the sky.

'The gate of hell?'

In the next moment, a huge tremor suddenly came from twenty meters in front of Kanpū.

Kanpū looked up and saw a huge gate breaking out of the ground, reaching a height of fifteen meters in a flash, but at the same time, Kanpū felt his body was hollowed out!

'My Chakra… is exhausted!'

Kanpū hurriedly refined Chakra, but the speed of the refining could not keep up with the speed of consumption. Kanpū gritted the teeth, but he had no choice but to stop summoning it after a few seconds.

At this time, Rashōmon is already 70 meters high, and it still stood out among the towering giant trees!

"Only seventy meters?"

Kanpū approached Rashōmon and looked up at the gate that looked pitch-black in the moonlight. His face was a little embarrassed. After all, the real Rashōmon was full a thousand meters high!

But this can't be blamed on him. For these two years, the Chakra inside Kanpū's body has been staying at Chunin Level. It is not that he does not want to refine it, but that he doesn't want to train Body Revival Technique.

After all, each time Kanpū wanted to train Body Revival Technique, he must shut down the Uzumaki Clan's physique. And with this shut down, the Chakra that Kanpū has worked so hard to refine begins to slip away.

After stopping the training and lighting up the Uzumaki Clan's physique, Kanpū needs to re-refine his Chakra.

Of course, with the years of training, Kanpū's original physical fitness has improved a lot with the help of the Body Revival Technique, so the upper limit of the re-refining is also constantly rising.

It's just that Kanpū suddenly wants to collect the Yin Seal at this moment. As long as he collects this technique, he can seal all the Chakra that he usually refines, even if the Uzumaki Clan's physique is turned off when training Body Revival Technique, it will not dissipate, but unfortunately, he doesn't know Tsunade's whereabouts. And even if he knows, will Tsunade pass it to him? Can he collect it?

Kanpū took a deep breath, then calmed down his mind, and began to observe this seventy-meter-high Rashōmon.

Katon: Kakyū no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Fireball Technique)

Kanpū shot out a fireball tiwards the sky, and the fireball slowly flew into the air, bringing the scorching red light that gradually illuminated Rashōmon.

Rashōmon has a very unique appearance. The two door panels have a gray demon face, but only a small part of it is exposed. He can only vaguely see the two pupils full of evil. And when he looks at these pupils, he found that this demon is also watching him!

On both sides of the door are scarlet, whisker-like hard substances that stood up to the sky. Kanpū touched it, and felt it was cold and biting.

At the top of Rashōmon is an eaves. Under the fireball, he can vaguely see black tiles and white walls. On both sides of the eaves, there are black iron bells hung.

The breeze blows, causing the iron bells to jingle. The sound is crisp and cold, and it spreads far and wide under the night.

Hearing this sound, Kanpū was stunned, and his spirit appeared to be slightly on trance. When he came back to his senses, the seventy-meter-high Rashōmon had disappeared.