Chapter 319 Unruly Kakashi

In a small hill thirty kilometers away from the border between Land of Fire and Land of Grass, 20 Anbu including Kanpū, Dove, Crow, Peppa, and Wild Cat, and more than seventy Shinobi who had withdrawn from the border are gathering here at this time.

Dove's injury has been nearly half healed, but he is still powerless to fight a high-intensity battle.

"Now that the border has completely fallen, Iwagakure's Shinobi is now planning to attack the village directly. What do you guys think we should do?" Peppa asked, "Should we wait for the village's support, or should we stop the Iwagakure's Shinobi immediately?"

"The village may not be able to send support anymore…"

"But we are too helpless to stop the Iwagakure's Shinobi's army!"

"Yeah, you are all Anbu's elites, but many of us are Chunin who have just been promoted, and some of us are even Genin. Letting us stop the Iwagakure's Shinobi's army is just asking us to die!"

"But, no matter what, we can't just sit still and wait!"

Crow interrupted the crowd with a wave of his hand, and said, "Since we can't directly stop the Iwagakure's Shinobi's army, wouldn't it be better to attack the Iwagakure's Shinobi on the border and force Iwagakure's Shinobi's army to come back to help?"

"Will the Iwagakure's Shinobi be fooled?"

"If we can reoccupy the border, then the Iwagakure's Shinobi's army that attack Konoha will be in trouble, so they will definitely come back and help the border!"


Kanpū frowned, and suddenly said, "The Iwagakure's Shinobi are not stupid, they must know about this too, maybe… they might be pretending to attack the village on purpose, but actually wanted to lead us out and wipe us out in one fell swoop."

Everyone looked at each other when they heard this.

"What Husky said makes sense."

Dove nodded, "But even so, we must attack the border, otherwise, if the Iwagakure's Shinobi really went straight into the village, the situation will be irreversible!"

"It's a little difficult to retake the border with just us."

"Contact Kusagakure, Kusagakure is an ally of our Konoha, so they should be able to help us a little bit."

"I don't expect that even with one thousand of Iwagakure's Shinobi passed through the Land of Grass, Kusagakure didn't even warn us at all. It's too much!"

"My injury has not completely recovered yet, and I can't participate in the battle, so let me go to the Land of Grass to contact the Kusagakure's Shinobi." Dove said.

"We need to make some commotion to attract the Iwagakure's Shinobi on the border, so that team leader Dove can safely enter the Land of Grass."

The voice in the small hill gradually died down, and soon, one after another black afterimage sprang out from the depths of the small hill and went straight to the border.


At the same time.

In Konoha, something terrifying has happened!

The genius Hatake Kakashi, who is only twelve years old, is officially promoted to Jōnin!

After returning from negotiations at Sunagakure's main camp last year, Kakashi is in retreat to develop Chidori, and then he participates in the Jōnin Exams, refreshing the age of the youngest Jōnin in Konoha's history!

When the news came out, the civilians in the village were shocked. In their eyes, the appearance of a twelve-year-old Jōnin during the war was simply a huge auspiciousness, especially when news that Kakashi's teacher is the Yellow Flash, Namikaze Minato, spread out, the villagers were boiling with excitement.

"As expected of Namikaze Minato-sama, he was able to train a twelve-year-old Jōnin!"

"It can't be helped, after all, Kakashi's teacher is the Yellow Flash who kills 50 Jōnin instantly."

"To be able to become the disciple of the Yellow Flash, Kakashi really have a very good luck."

"Hey, did you hear the recent news? Yellow Flash defeated the son of Sandaime Raikage and Hachibi's Jinchūriki in the Kumogakure Battlefield!"

"Of course, it is Konoha's Yellow Flash after all!"


"As long as there is Yellow Flash, whether it is Kumogakure's Shinobi or Iwagakure's Shinobi or Kirigakure's Shinobi, none of them are our Konoha's opponents!"

Kakashi was walking on the street, listening to the comments of these villagers, and his eyes were filled with a bit of speechlessness: 'Minato-sensei's reputation is too great, and I always feel that someone is secretly fueling the flames.

Kakashi pondered as he entered Hokage Tower and got the official Jōnin Certificate from Hiruzen!

"Kakashi, congratulations on your official promotion to Jōnin!"

Hiruzen solemnly handed over the Jōnin Shinobi Certificate to Kakashi, and said with a smile, "When the tree leaves dance, one shall find flames…"

"Thank you." Kakashi coldly accepted the Shinobi Certificate, expressing he didn't have much affection for Hiruzen his heart.

Because when his father committed suicide, this Hokage, who always preached about Will of Fire everywhere, did not appear in time to prevent the tragedy from happening.

Kakashi is sensible, and of course he will not take his anger out of Hiruzen because of this, but he also doesn't have any good feelings towards the Will of Fire at all.

So much so that when Hiruzen was eloquent and planned to instill the Will of Fire into Konoha's youngest Jōnin, the latter turned around and left Hiruzen immediately.


When Hiruzen saw Kakashi's back disappearing from the door of the office, he shook his head with a wry smile, then he took out his pipe and lit it, and took a deep breath.


Kakashi walked down the Hokage Tower with drooping eyelids, but he didn't expect to bump into the Yellow Flash who had just returned from the Kumogakure Battlefield.


Kakashi raised his eyelids, "Are you back from the battlefield?"

"I just came back from the front line."

Minato said with a smile, "Kakashi, I heard the news, congratulations, you are officially a Jōnin now."


Kakashi turned his head shyly, "There is still a big gap compared to you, Minato-sensei."

Minato smiled and shook his head, and then said: "I'll go see Hokage-sama first. Half an hour from now, gather at the first training ground."

Kakashi's thought of something and asked: "Is there a mission?"

Minato nodded with a smile.

"Understood." Kakashi's eyes lit up and he instantly disappeared with a flicker.

Walking up to the Hokage Tower, Minato pushed open the door of Hiruzen's office.

"Hokage-sama, I am back." Minato said with a smile.

"Minato, it's really hard for you to keep running back and forth on several battlefields." Hiruzen put down his pipe and sighed with emotion.

"No, as a Shinobi of this village, this is what I should do." Minato said, "Hokage-sama, this mission…"

Hiruzen immediately took out a scroll and said: "Kannabi Bridge plan!"

Namikaze Minato took the scroll and read it, and then said slowly: "Destroy Iwagakure's Shinobi's supply channel, the Kannabi Bridge, and then support the border… I understand."

"According to your request, I have already asked people to call both Obito and Rin back to Konoha. They should have already arrived at the first training ground. As for Kakashi…" Hiruzen frowned slightly.

"I had just informed him!" Minato said, "Then, I'll take my leave first."


The first training ground.

When Kakashi arrived here, he realized that Obito and Rin were already there.

"What, why are you here?" Kakashi's eyelids drooped, and he looked at Obito with disgust.

"Kakashi, you can't say that." Rin was carrying a large backpack and immediately blushed when she saw Kakashi.

"Hmph, I'm not waiting for you, don't be so full of yourself, idiot Kakashi!" Obito turned his head with an arrogant and proud expression.

"Isn't the idiot you? Crybaby." Kakashi looked at Obito lazily.

Obito is furious. He hates when others said that he loves to cry the most, no, he hates Kakashi looking at him like that!

"You look down on others because you are a genius, and call them stupid crybabies all day long, Kakashi, people like you are the most annoying!" Obito glared at Kakashi with red face.

"What did you say, I…"

Kakashi frowned and tried to refute, but he was interrupted by Rin.

"Okay, stop quarrelling, everyone is a teammate." Rin persuaded from the side, both worried and helpless.

"Rin… you are too partial to Obito."

Kakashi complained very dissatisfiedly, "Today is also a very important day for me."

"Yes, today... Kakashi, congratulations!" Rin said with a smile.

"Congratulations? What congratulations?" Obito frowned.

"Obito, you idiot!" Rin glared at Obito with an annoyed expression.

Obito wanted to refute, but when he came into contact with Rin's big bright and intelligent eyes, he was a little flustered, and then he looked left and right to find something to divert his attention.

At this moment.

Minato came in an instant: "It's been a long time, Kakashi, Obito, Rin!"

When the three people saw Minato, they stopped arguing: "Minato-sensei!"

"We have an important mission, that's why I gather you all this time!"

Minato said solemnly, "Because the mission is urgent, I will tell you the details on the way. Now, let's go!"