Chapter 331 Genjutsu

Seeing Minato, Kakashi, and Rin looked at him, Kanpū showed a solemn expression and said in a low voice: "I found… an underground passage at the depth of ten meters underground!"

"Underground passage?"

Kakashi and Rin look at each other in shock, and asked "Why is there such a thing below?"

"Who should I ask if you ask me?" Kanpū spread his hands.

Minato waved his hand to interrupt Kakashi who wanted to continue talking, and said thoughtfully: "The collapsed underground passage, which means that when Obito was buried, the rock above it broke, just in time for him to fall into the underground passage, and then he was rescued by the people in the passage?"

Kanpū nodded epeatedly: "The probability is very big!"

"Has the underground passage completely collapsed?" Minato asked.

Kanpū shook his head: "I don't know, I came up as soon as I found out about it."

Minato nodded slightly: "The other side saved Obito but didn't come to us, so they may not be a friendly party. Kanpū, your decision is right."

"Could it be that the one who can build an underground passage at a depth of ten meters Iwagakure's Shinobi?" Kakashi asked.

Minato shook his head and said: "If it was Iwagakure's Shinobi, they wouldn't have kidnapped Rin here, or even use Rock Lodging Destruction to cause the ground to collapse."

"Minato-sensei, what should we do to bring Obito back?" For Rin, it is not important whether it is Iwagakure's Shinobi or not. She just wants to save Obito as soon as possible.

Minato pondered, then took out a Flying Thunder God Kunai and handed it to Kanpū, and then said: "Kanpū, let your shadow clone take this kunai to find the underground passage below. I believe that the collapsed underground passage is only one part of it, and there must be an intact underground passage!"

Kanpū nodded, and immediately created a shadow clone again, then he lets the shadow clone dive into the ground again with the Flying Thunder God Kunai.

The next step is to wait, ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour…

At the same time.

In a huge, empty and deep underground space, the aged Madara is leaning on a crutch. His old skin is full of wrinkles, and only the 3-tomoe Sharingan in his eyes exudes a scarlet light.

And in the darkness behind him, a huge shadow faintly discernible.

"Madara-sama, what do you plan to do with them?" Zetsu stood beside him, and his voice is soft, the one speaking is Black Zetsu. (T/N: Black Zetsu was only 'created' by Madara after he almost died, so there shouldn't be Black Zetsu at this time.)

"Sure enough, kill them all." Zetsu spoke again, but this time, with a casual and natural tone, so the one speaking is White Zetsu.

"Yellow Flash, Namikaze Minato…"

Madara's voice is old and hoarse, and he lightly said in a low voice, "If the Flying Thunder God Technique's user can be easily killed, Senju Tobirama will not have a chance to become the Nidaime Hokage."

White Zetsu suddenly raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Madara-sama, that kid who can use Subterranean Voyage has already sent a shadow clone down. If we let him find the underground passage, Yellow Flash can come down through Flying Thunder God Technique. At that time, your information will be leaked."

"Once there is information about you, all the eyes of the Shinobi World will be attracted to you immediately." Black Zetsu's deep voice came out again.

White Zetsu smiled again and proposed: "Sure enough, we still have to kill them all."

"No, just kill the shadow clone!" Black Zetsu said darkly.

"If we kill the shadow clone, won't we expose our existence?" White Zetsu said with a smile.

"He won't see who did it, so our identities won't be exposed!" Black Zetsu said.

Seeing Zetsu, who was arguing with himself, Madara interrupted them with a wave, and slowly said with a smile: "I have a better way."


On the ground.

Minato, Kakashi, Rin and Kanpū continue to wait.

It has been a full hour since the shadow clone went down!

"Have you not found it yet?" Kakashi became a little impatient.

Kanpū shook his head and said: "The shadow clone hasn't been dissolved yet, so there shouldn't be any."

"Kakashi, be quiet." Minato said.

"I understand." Kakashi turned around and walked to Obito's 'tomb' and sat down. He lowered his head and it is unknown what he was thinking.

The four continued to wait.

One hour, two hours...

Finally, Kanpū's shadow clone disappeared.

But the memory that was passed back makes Kanpū showed a confused expression.

"Have you found it?" Minato's eyes lit up.

Kanpū hurriedly shook his head and said: "No, my shadow clone has been looking for the underground passage, but there is no end, and it eventually runs out of Chakra and was disbanded. Minato-sama's kunai should have fallen into the earth."

Minato frowned and asked: "You didn't find it in two hours? Kanpū, is your shadow clone fast?"

Kanpū frowned and said: "I also find it strange. According to memory, the speed of the shadow clone should be very fast. In two hours, he can move for at least dozens of kilometers, but…"

"It couldn't be that your shadow clone is sleepwalking, right?"

Kakashi was angry and anxious, "Give me your Subterranean Voyage. I will go down and find it myself!"

Kanpū's eyes lit up slightly, but just as he about to say to exchange it with Kakashi's Chidori, Minato next to him suddenly exclaimed.


Minato suddenly realized at this moment, "I understand!"

"Minato-sensei, what do you understand?" Rin hurriedly asked.

"Genjutsu, it's Genjutsu!"

Minato turned to look at Kanpū and said, "Kanpū, your shadow clone has been hit by a Genjutsu!"

Kanpū also showed a look of realization when he heard this, 'Genjutsu?'

'So that's how it is!'

'No wonder my shadow clone hasn't found anything after two hours.'

'That stupid shadow clone is bragging how amazing they are all day long. Didn't he even know that he was hit by Genjutsu in the end?'



'To be able to make my shadow clone fall into Genjutsu silently and also can't remove himself from it…'

'Uchiha Madara?'

'Uchiha Madara actually attacked me personally, no, he takes action against my shadow clone?!'

Kanpū's teeth began to tremble slightly.

"Kanpū, you need to carefully recall the memory of your shadow clone. No matter how powerful a Genjutsu is, it will leave a gap. As long as you find this gap, you may find useful clues." Minato said.

Kanpū nodded, took a deep breath, then closed his eyes. After that, he immersed himself in the memory of shadow clone. After a while, he opened his eyes solemnly, slowly shook his head and said:" Minato-sama, in the memory of the shadow clone, I didn't find any traces of Genjutsu."

'I really did not find it, as expected of Uchiha Madara!'

Kanpū felt his muscles trembling a little uncontrollable.

Minato's face slightly changed when he heard this: "No flaws?"

Kanpū nodded: "No flaws!"

"Minato-sensei, could it have something to do with him being too weak?" Kakashi came over and asked.

'Are you trying to pick a fight?'

Kanpū is shaking even harder.

Minato shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "I have acted with Kanpū before, so I recognized his strength. To be able to make his shadow clone to fall silently into Genjutsu…"

A thought flashed in Minato's heart at this moment, 'Is it Sharingan's Genjutsu?'

'But Uchiha Clan's powerful Genjutsu Shinobi are all on the Kirigakure Battlefield.'

'Then, who is it?'

Minato was puzzled, and finally looked at Kakashi, Rin and Kanpū, and said: "Today's matters must be kept secret, and you cannot be disclosed it to anyone for the time being, understand?"

"Yes!" The three people nodded.

"That's it for today, let's go back." Minato said in a low voice.

"Minato-sensei, shouldn't we continue searching?" Rin hurriedly stopped him.

Minato smiled wryly and said: "Rin, haven't you noticed it yet?"

"Notice what?" Rin looked at him puzzledly.

"The people underground can actually make Kanpū's shadow clone falls into Genjutsu silently, which not only shows how strong the other party is, but also indicates that the other party already knows our existence. If we continue our search, it may cause a big battle between the two sides."

Minato sighed, "Although I am not afraid, I still have to consider you guys. Besides, at least we already know that Obito is not dead yet, right?"

Rin was taken aback when she heard this.

Kakashi's right eye revealed a look of unwillingness. As for his left eye, it has been blocked by the forehead protector.

Kanpū didn't realize it until this time, 'No wonder I felt that something was wrong before. It turned out that Kakashi at this time was the same as the Kakashi in the original work.'

Kanpū couldn't help but point to Kakashi's left eye and asked: "Kakashi-senpai, what's wrong with your left eye?"


Kakashi was a little depressed because they didn't find Obito. He looked at Kanpū and said, "Remember to give me the Subterranean Voyage when we go back!"

"Okay, let's go!" Minato said with a slight smile, but deep doubts arose in the depths of his eyes.