Chapter 342 In Hell

Land of Fire, an underground space in the southeast region.

On a simple wooden bed, Obito is lying with a happy smile on his face.

After being buried alive at the Land of Grass, Obito thought he was going to die, but he was rescued by an old man with Sharingan. Even the squashed right half of his body was implanted with some kind of strange genes and gradually recovered.

Although Obito is very grateful to the old man for saving his life, the old man's remarks about the peace of Shinobi World are too horrible. Obito is insensitive to this, and just wants to leave quickly to meet Rin and Kakashi.

For this reason, this old man actually trapped him underground with a thick stone wall!

So Obito began to exercise his right body desperately, trying to break the stone wall and escape from here.

After blocking the stone wall, the old man stopped talking to him, and Obito was the only living person left in the dark underground, but he did not feel lonely, because in the underground space, apart from the two of them, there are weird white creatures everywhere .

These white creatures are long-winded, nonsense, out-of-the-ordinary, and have strange shapes. Some have giant thorns on their back, some with venus trap-like head, and some have spirals all over their bodies They look like they are made of white clay and they obviously share the same mind, but they give themselves different names.

Whenever Obito was training, they would come out to play with him, so gradually, Obito becomes friends with these weird white creatures.

But even so, Obito, who is lying on the wooden bed, still wants to leave here!

'We will meet soon, Rin, Kakashi.'

Just as he thought of this, a white creature suddenly emerged from the wall, and shouted: "Hey, that Rin and idiot Kakashi you mentioned are in danger. They were surrounded by dozens of Kirigakure's Shinobi."

When Obito heard this, he was very shocked. He immediately jumped up from the wooden bed, rushed directly to the stone wall, and punch the stone wall, but his right hand has not completely stable at this time, so when he managed to create a spider web-like crack on the stone wall, the powerful shock force directly destroyed his right hand into a paste!

"Damn it, I have to save Rin and Kakashi!"

Obito clutched his broken right arm with a grim face. He managed to survive, but he couldn't just watch Rin and the idiot Kakashi die!

Obito clenched his left hand and smashed it on the stone wall, but he is not Taijutsu Shinobi, nor is he left-handed, so how could he break the stone wall with his left hand?

"What should I do?" When Obito was at a loss, a vortex-shaped strange white creature suddenly walked up from behind him.

"You can wear my body."

The White Zetsu, who named himself Tobi, took a step forward. His vortex-shaped body rolled out layer by layer like petals, entwining Obito bit by bit t!

"Wait!" Obito was startled.

"Aren't you going to save Rin and Kakashi?" Tobi said.

Obito was stunned, then he resisted physical discomfort and let Tobi entwined around him.

"Thank you."

Obito took a deep breath, and then smashed the stone wall in front of him with a punch!

"Are you leaving…" In the shadow, a haggard white-haired old man sat on a stone chair, and the scarlet 3-tomoe Sharingan looks at Obito with a hint of playfulness.

"Yes, and I probably won't come back here again, so I'll say my goodbye here." Obito tilted his head slightly, staring into the darkness.

"No, you will be back!" Madara said confidently.

Obito ignored him and left the underground space directly.

Leaving the underground space, Obito quickly rushed towards Kakashi and Rin under Tobi's guidance, but when he arrived, he witnessed the scene where Kakashi killing Rin with an upgraded version of Chidori, which is Raikiri.

"This... What the hell is going on here?!"

At that moment, 2-Tomoe Sharingan on Obito's right eye directly went berserk, and evolved into Mangekyo!

The 2-Tomoe Sharingan in Kakashi's left eye also evolved simultaneously, but because of the long battle and the enormous mental stimulation, Kakashi directly loses consciousness after his Sharingan evolved.

As for Obito, the berserking Chakra and pupil power circulated in his body, and the right half of his body, which is transplanted with Hashirama's cells directly has sharp branches growing from it!

After that, it was massacre!

When all the dust settled, Obito came to Rin's side, only to find that the ground under his feet had been soaked with Rin's blood.

Rin is lying in the pool of blood, motionless.

Obito's eye overflowed with blood and tears, "… I see… I am… in hell."

When Kakashi woke up from a coma, he found that all the Kirigakure's Shinobi around him had died, and the blood have stained the ground into deep red, and the pungent smell of blood pierced Kakashi's nostrils like a tentacle monster.

"Rin? Rin…" Kakashi opened his eyes, but his left eye hurt so badly that he couldn't open it at all.

'What happened?'

'Who killed these Kirigakure's Shinobi?'

'Where is Rin?'

'Rin, she...'

Kakashi suddenly remembered the scene before he fainted. Immediately, he felt his heart was hollowed out, and he lost interest in everything around him.

He walked out of the pool of blood step by step and walked towards Konoha.


At the same time, in the depths of the dense forest tens of kilometers away from Konoha, a group of Kirigakure's Shinobi are secretly lurking here. The leader is a young Shinobi whose right eye is covered with a black eyepatch, Ao. This young Shinobi is the one who managed to obtain the Byakugan from Hyuga Clan's Main House!

"What's the matter? According to the plan, Sanbi should have gone berserk in Konoha by this time!" One of the Kirigakure's Shinobi exclaimed.

After Kirigakure's Shinobi withdrew from the Land of Fire, they waited until both the Uchiha Clan and the Hyuga Clan to return to the village before they went to the shore again. According to the plan, they would divide into two groups, one led by Ao, and set up ambush directly outside Konoha. And the other one would seal the Sanbi into the body of a Konoha's Shinobi. When this Konoha's Shinobi returns to the village, the seal would be released, and the berserk Sanbi will destroy Konoha!

At that time, this group of Kirigakure's Shinobi, who is ambushing outside Konoha, will take the opportunity to attack Konoha and complete a super counterattack!

Unfortunately, even after waiting for so long, they still didn't see the scene of Sanbi went berserk.

"Did it fail over there?" Ao felt something went wrong.

"What should we do? We can't hide here forever, or we will be spotted by Konoha's Shinobi!"

"Should we retreat or attack?"

The Kirigakure's Shinobi looked towards Ao, waiting for his decision.

Ao gritted his teeth. If he returned without doing anything, he felt that he might be directly kicked out by the village's higher-ups after returning to his village!

"In that case…"

Ao touched the blindfold on his right eye. He thought that with the Byakugan, maybe he could find out the loopholes around Konoha, and then break into Konoha to create chaos!

Although Konoha cannot be destroyed without Sanbi's help, at least he can give the village an explanation!


Ao shouted coldly, and then took the lead and rushed directly to Konoha.

The group of Kirigakure's Shinobi followed closely, quickly shuttled through the dense forest, and gradually approached Konoha.




Several Kirigakure's Shinobi next to Ao suddenly covered their heads and yelled miserably, before half-kneeling on the ground and trembling all over, unable to control themselves.

Seeing this, Ao's complexion changed, and he immediately activated the Byakugan.

With his strong eyesight, Ao instantly spotted a few figures in the dense forest in the distance, and one of them is…

"Shisui of the Body Flicker?!"

Ao's complexion changed greatly, "Retreat, retreat quickly!!"


"Damn it, after finally getting here, we actually ran into Shisui of the Body Flicker directly!"

If Yellow Flash is Iwagakure's nightmare, then Shisui of the Body Flicker is Kirigakure's nightmare!

No matter how they fight, they can't hit his main body. No matter how many people are dispatched, they will only fall into his Genjutsu and kill each other. No matter what they do, they still can't do anything against Shisui of the Body Flicker. Countless battles have engraved Shisui's invincibility into the depths of Kirigakure's Shinobi's heart.

The group of Kirigakure's Shinobi didn't dare to stay at all. They directly picked up their companions, who were trapped in Genjutsu, and then turned around and ran away!