Chapter 351 Akatsuki's Rebirth

After Obito witnessed Rin's death with his own eye, his heart fell into the abyss. Coupled with Madara's bewitching, White Zetsu and their funny clones, Obito blackened at an incredible speed and inherited Madara's Eye of the Moon Plan!

After entrusting his 'dream', Madara passed away under the watchful eyes of Obito and White Zetsu.

After that, White Zetsu took Madara's corpse away for burial, while Obito wore Tobi's body, and set out to the Land of Rain, intending to contact Nagato.

Right now, the Akatsuki's reputation has resounded throughout the Land of Rain, and with the thousands of Shinobi in the organization, it seems that they are on an equal footing with Amegakure now.

After Konoha's Shinobi army withdraw from the Land of Rain, Akatsuki immediately sent a large number of Shinobi to station at the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Fire to prevent Konoha's Shinobi army from intervening in the Land of Rain again.

At the same time, Akatsuki once again sent people to contact Iwagakure's Shinobi and Sunagakure's Shinobi on the frontline. Unlike the past, Akatsuki has become stronger now, so even these two Great Shinobi Villages cannot ignore them, but after the meeting, their negotiations were not going well. The most important point is that Akatsuki is a 'civil force' and cannot represent the Land of Rain!

In other words, if they want to have a serious negotiation with them, they must have Amegakure's Shinobi present!

Akatsuki immediately sent an envoy to Amegakure to ask for a meeting with the Shinobi World's Demigod, Hanzo of the Salamander.

As the leader of Amegakure, the official organization of the Land of Rain, Hanzo is very embarrassed and indescribably angry at this moment!

At the beginning, he sat and just watched Akatsuki developed in order to use them to maintain the Land of Rain's order, which was on the verge of breaking down, but Akatsuki's development was too fast and gradually got out of his control. After receiving Danzo's 'intimidation letter', he asked his men to investigate and found that the Akatsuki is so arrogant that they dispatched thousands of Shinobi to guard the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Fire, and even officially met with Iwagakure's Shinobi and Sunagakure's Shinobi on the frontline on behalf of the Land of Rain. After receiving this information, Hanzo finally couldn't sit still, so he sent an invitation to Danzo to work together and annihilate the Akatsuki!

"Hanzo-sama, the Akatsuki has sent an envoy again." An Anbu wearing a gas mask knocked on the door and entered.

Hanzo frowned and said: "I don't want to see them!"

"Hanzo-sama…" Anbu raised his head with hesitation in his eyes.

The Akatsuki sent envoys over several times to join forces with Amegakure to stop the war in the Land of Rain. This matter is not only related to civilians, but also related to Shinobi like them, but Hanzo always avoid meeting Akatsuki's people without giving reasons, so it's not strange that the belief of the Shinobi below started shaking.

"What do you want to say?" When Hanzo saw the Anbu didn't leave, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he made a gesture to take off the special gas mask on his face.

"No, I will chase them away immediately!" The Anbu didn't dare to stay any more, and disappeared immediately with a flicker.


On a small hill fifty miles away from Amegakure, Yahiko, Nagato and Konan are all there.

"I hope it will be successful this time."

Yahiko said energetically, "As long as we join forces with Amegakure, we will definitely be able to stop the war between Iwagakure and Sunagakure!"

Nagato stood behind him and said, "Didn't the previous waves of envoys not manage to see the Demigod yet? Yahiko, I think there must be something wrong."

"I also find it strange. It's impossible for Amegakure to just watch their country fall into war and remain indifferent." Konan said, "Does it have something to do with Iwagakure and Sunagakure?"

"Everyone, we…" Yahiko turned his head and was about to speak, but suddenly, he found that the space behind Nagato was distorted like a vortex.

This is…

"Space-Time Ninjutsu? Nagato, Konan, be careful behind you!" Yahiko yelled, then tip toed in an instant and retreated ten meters back, while drawing a shuriken in alert.

Nagato and Konan also flickered back immediately, and then slowly gathered together.

"Good response."

As the vortex gradually twisted to the extreme, a black figure suddenly twisted out of the vortex, followed by a slightly hoarse voice, "Unfortunately, people are too stupid."

When the vortex disappeared into thin air, a mysterious black robed man wearing a spiral mask appeared in front of Yahiko's group of three.

"Who are you?" Nagato looked at him with grim expression.

The whole body of this mysterious man was hidden under a black robe and a spiral pattern mask, except for his scarlet right eye which was exposed.

"That's... Sharingan?"

Nagato's face changed slightly, "Konoha's Shinobi?!"

When Konoha and Sunagakure was still at war, Nagato and Konan once went to the Konoha's main camp to find Orochimaru, but unfortunately, they were sent out without seeing the other party, and finally, they were hunted down!

Konan almost died at that time!

Thinking of that scene, Nagato's expression gradually became ferocious.

"Although I have Sharingan, I have nothing to do with Konoha."

The mysterious black-robed man, which is none other than Obito wearing Tobi's body, waved his hands and said solemnly, "Then, please allow me to introduce myself, I am Uchiha Madara."

"Uchiha Madara?"

Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan looked at each other in shock.

"Stop joking around!"

"Uchiha Madara is a person from the previous era, and he has been dead for decades!"

Yahiko's group of three naturally doesn't believe Obito's nonsense at all.

Obito didn't make excuses, and said: "I came to you this time because I want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperate with us?"

Yahiko takes one step forward and said, "If you want to cooperate, please take off the mask on your face!"

"Compared with my face under the mask, you should be more concerned about the situation in the Land of Rain."

Obito said with a sneer, "It is really naive to want to obtain peace through discussion. Shinobi World believes in strength. If discussion can lead to peace, the Shinobi World would have already in peace long ago. So, it is absolutely impossible for Amegakure to cooperate with you!"

"Whether they wanted to cooperate or not is not something you can decide!" Yahiko said with a cold snort.

"Really? Then let us wait and see!"

Obito said with a smile, "I think we will meet again soon. I hope you can change this naive thinking by then."

After saying that, Obito used Kamui, and an invisible vortex gradually expanded from his right eye and swallowed him in an instant.

"This guy…" Yahiko frowned, vaguely feeling a kind of ominous premonition.

"Yahiko, Nagato, Konan!"

The envoy sent to Amegakure just came back at this time and shouted from a distance, "Amegakure's leader, Hanzo of the Salamander once again refused to meet. Sorry, I did not complete the mission."

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault." Yahiko went to pat him on the shoulder, then turned to look at Nagato and Konan.

"That Uchiha Shinobi…" Konan frowned, seemingly hesitant.

Yahiko smiled and said: "It is true that it is very difficult to achieve peace through discussion, but this is the purpose of our creation of the Akatsuki. How can we give up just because of a little difficulty? Everyone…"

Yahiko then successfully dispelled Konan's doubts through the highly exaggerated speech.

After that, Yahiko and the others rushed back to the Akatsuki's headquarters, and while continuing to communicate with the two Great Shinobi Villages, they kept sending envoys to contact Amegakure, until… Danzo arrived at Amegakure with his Root.

Hanzo and Danzo discussed for a long time and worked out a simple conspiracy. Then, Hanzo sent someone to inform the Akatsuki, and proposed to meet the leader of the Akatsuki on the grounds of 'joining their power to propose a peaceful negotiation proposal to the warring countries'!

Danzo and Hanzo's conspiracy was naturally seen by White Zetsu's eyes. White Zetsu then told Obito through his clone, Tobi, and Obito immediately went to see Yahiko's group of three again under the name of Uchiha Madara and informed them that the next meeting will be dangerous.

Unfortunately, Yahiko didn't believe it at all, and asked Konan to go on patrol the night before the meeting, but she was kidnapped by Amegakure's Shinobi and Danzo's Root.

The next day.

To show their sincerity, Yahiko and Nagato went to see Hanzo alone, without bringing another Akatsuki's Shinobi except themselves.

After they left, the Akatsuki's people left behind discovered Konan's disappearance, and immediately realized that something was wrong and notified the Akatsuki's Shinobi who was very close to the meeting place to notify Nagato and Yahiko. Unfortunately, these Shinobi were killed on the way to the meeting place.

Obito then went to the meeting place, just in time to see the scene of Nagato summoning the Gedo Statue in anger.

"Is this the Gedo Statue that only the Rinnegan can summon?"

Obito looked at the Gedo Statue that looked like a tree demon, and a bit of eagerness flashed in his right eye.

Afterwards, Nagato killed all Amegakure's Shinobi and Danzo's Root with the Gedo Statue. Hanzo watched his subordinates being killed before leaving instantly with a calm expression on his face. As for Danzo, he had already slipped away alone when the Gedo Statue came out.

After a non-intense one-sided massacre, the Gedo Statue disappeared, and Nagato fell to his knees and wept silently on top of Yahiko's corpse.

Konan also fell on her knees in despair, and tears streaming down her eyes along with the raindrops in the air.

With the deep sorrow, Nagato's heart also fell into the abyss, and Obito took advantage of the situation happily, and successfully helped Nagato to blacken to the extreme. Because of that, the nature of the Akatsuki completely changed at this moment!