Chapter 376 Examiner

Kanpū didn't know what happened in Sunagakure.

He also didn't know about Minato and Danzo's confrontation in the Hokage Tower.

At this time, he was following Genma, kneeling and begging for the 1/3 Flying Thunder God Technique passed to him by Minato.

"It's really strange when you think about it."

Genma held a senbon in his mouth, looked at Kanpū playfully, and said with a smile, "Obviously there are four of us, but why did Hokage-sama only divide Flying Thunder God Technique into three parts?"

Kanpū said: "Because Hokage-sama thinks that I don't have the talent to train the Flying Thunder God Technique, and you are his direct bodyguards, so it is divided into three parts!"

"In that case, why didn't Hokage-sama forbid you from learning the Flying Thunder God Technique?"

Genma took a step back and asked with a smile, "Kanpū, if you can help me solve this puzzle, I will give you the original copy."

Kanpū said righteously: "Because I performed very well in the Third Shinobi World War and made outstanding contributions, so Hokage-sama took special care of me."

"Is that so?" Genma looked suspicious, but looking at Kanpū with a sincere expression and thinking about Minato's sincere attitude, he can't help but believe it.

So Genma first copied the Flying Thunder God Technique's method in his hand, and then gave the original to Kanpū.

Kanpū suppressed his excitement, and then went to find Raido in Iwashi, and stubbornly asked for the original copies in their hands.

Although the process is not tortuous, Kanpū still feels very tired.

After returning home, he immediately shut himself in the bedroom and started reciting.

After memorizing, he started collecting one of the original copies. Of course, it failed without any surprises.

In the afternoon of the next day, Kanpū followed Genma's group of three to accept Minato's guidance in training. After that, the four people began to have an exchange about the Flying Thunder God Technique. Because they are currently in the rookie stage, there is almost no real content in the exchange process.

But Minato is happy to see it, because Flying Thunder God Technique can't be mastered by guidance alone, and it requires their own insight more!

It's like the Flying Thunder God Technique's imprint of Nidaime Hokage is a pattern, but the imprint of Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique is more like a text. If they don't incorporate their own insight into Flying Thunder God Technique, they can't grasp it!

In the exchange process, Kanpū's group of four learned from each other, and most of them get sparks that was caused by their ideas colliding, which is of great help to train the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Therefore, unless the Kanpū's group of four really encounter difficult questions, Minato did not want to guide them in the Flying Thunder God Technique.


Time passed, and at the end of January, the careless Kushina finally found out that she was pregnant. After Minato learned about it, he sent Kakashi to take care of Kushina without saying a word.

There are two purposes for doing this. One is to protect Kushina's safety, and the other is to hope that during the protection process, Kushina's lively, strong, and optimistic spirit can influence Kakashi and help him get out of the shadow of Rin's death.

At the same time, the former Hokage and the current advisor, Hiruzen, has found out about it too.

"Sandaime." Seeing Hiruzen coming to his office, Minato respectfully asked him to sit down.

"Haha, Yondaime, there's no need to be so polite. I came to see you this time, because I want to talk to you about the contribution reward."

Hiruzen said with a smile, "Although as Danzo said, Iwagakure and Kumogakure are still eyeing Konoha like a tiger watching its prey, but as long as there are no accidents in the village, they won't dare to start a war lightly, so I think it's time to turn everyone's contribution into reward."

Minato nodded and said with a smile: "Then, I'll leave this matter to Sandaime."

"That's not what I meant."

Hiruzen waved his hand and said with a smile, "In this war, most of the Shinobi in the village have made great contributions, but there are also some of them who are obviously powerful, but have never appeared on the battlefield. Yondaime, let's take advantage of the distribution of contribution reward this time to take a good look at the Shinobi in the village."

Minato showed thoughtful look, and said: "I understand, thank you for your reminder, Sandaime."

"Then, I'll take my leave first." After saying that, Hiruzen got up and left.

In the afternoon of the same day, Minato ordered all departments to count the contributions of all Shinobi during the war, and demanded that the contributions be converted into rewards within a week. Those with positions were promoted and their salaries raised, and for those without positions were given money and houses.

Three days later, the statistics of each department were completed and the rewards began to be distributed.

At the same time, the statistical list was also in Minato's hands, and then Minato ordered the Anbu to compare the list of Shinobi registered in the village to find out which Shinobi had been leeching in this war.

And with the distribution of the reward, the support of the village's Shinobi for Minato naturally skyrocketed again.

In Gekko Clan, including Hoshino, made contributions on the battlefield were rewarded with money, except for one person, which is Kanpū.

Hoshino felt that something was wrong, so he immediately went to find Kanpū.

At this time, Kanpū was sealed in the quilt and could not move. Thanks to Hoshino who arrived and broke the seal with violence, he was able to 'rescue' Kanpū. Kanpū thanked him from the bottom of his heart!!!

"Kanpū, the contribution reward for the war has been distributed, but why is your name not there?" Hoshino asked with a serious face.

He didn't care about the rewards for contribution conversion, but these contributions were obtained by every Shinobi in exchange for their lives, so even the smallest contributions could be obtained.

What's more, Kanpū's contributions are not just a little bit.

Not to mention anything else, just the Battle of Kannabi Bridge, which changed the situation in the Shinobi World, is enough to make Kanpū's contribution stand out from the entire Gekkou clan!

Kanpū thought it was a big deal, but he didn't expect it to be this…

He said speechlessly: "Father, all my contributions have been converted for Anbu's contributions."

"Uh… I almost forgot that you were in the Anbu during the war."

Hoshino coughed in embarrassment, and asked again, "Then, since you have quit Anbu, what about the contribution?"

Kanpū shook his head: "I don't know."

"Go to Yondaime-sama and ask. You can't just leave it in the Anbu like this."

Hoshino said seriously, "Your contributions are enough to get a big house in the most beautiful part of the village."

As the victorious side, more and more people have come to settle in Konoha most recently, so the village is also continuously expanding outwards. In order to cope with the increasing number of villagers, the higher-ups will not allow anyone to build large houses, and the existing large houses are also in the hands of the Noble Clans.

If Konoha is compared to the Kyoto in Kanpū's previous life, then a big house is a big courtyard house, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.

Hoshino has the ambition to make the Gekko Clan a Noble Clan, so he naturally hopes that the clan has a big house!

Kanpū doesn't understand Hoshino's'ambition', but his eyes couldn't help but lit up when he hears about the big house!

'That's right, as the Gekko Clan's Young Clan Head, how can I live in such a small house?

'Moreover, I have to sleep on the same futon with Hayate every night, and I would be kicked from time to time by him. I can't bear it!'

'I must live in a big house!'

Kanpū immediately rushed into the bathroom to wash up, and then went to the kitchen to grab two onigiri and stuffed them in his mouth before rushing towards the Hokage Tower.

Although Kushina is pregnant, Minato still shows up to work at Hokage Tower early every day and never slackens.

Today is no exception.

Before Kanpū arrived, Minato was discussing with Homura about the Chunin Exams next month.

"Yondaime, now that the war has ended, the village's need for combat power is no longer urgent, so for this Chunin Exams, I raising the requirements and strictly controlling the number of promotions!" Homura said expressionlessly.

Minato nodded, and said thoughtfully: "Indeed, because of the war, many Genin, who graduated less than one or two years, took the Chunin Exams in a hurry. After being promoted to Chunin, they entered the battlefield directly, causing many tragedies to happen. It's time to change this situation! Advisor Homura, in addition to the requirements you mentioned, I also plan to reduce the number of Chunin Exams year by year in the future, so that the Genin has more time to temper themselves."

Homura smiled and said: "In this way, although it will cause dissatisfaction among some Genin, it will protect them better. Yondaime, Sandaime did not misunderstand you!"

"Advisor Homura praised me too much." Minato said with a subtle smile.

Homura got up with a smile and said: "Since Yondaime's purpose and thoughts are the same as mine, I won't say much about the rest. I will leave first."

Minato quickly got up and sent him to the door.

When Kanpū entered Hokage Tower, he happened to meet with Homura who was coming down. The former glanced at Kanpū, ignored him, and left.

Kanpū also didn't want to pay attention to these old antiques, so he went straight to the outside of Hokage's Office.

"Looking for Hokage-sama?"

The person guarding outside the office today is Genma again.

"Brother Genma, please inform Hokage-sama of my visit." Kanpū said with a smile.

Genma smiled, then knocked on the door and said: "Hokage-sama, Kanpū is here."

"Let him in." Minato's gentle voice came from the office.

Pushing the door open, Kanpū saw Minato is opening the window to let the fresh air flow in.

"Hokage-sama, that, there is something I want to consult with you." Kanpū started to speak shyly.

"What's the matter?" Minato fixed the open window, turned his head and asked.

"It's about the contributions."

Kanpū said, "All my contributions on the battlefield have been exchanged for Anbu's contributions, that, I …"

Minato understood what Kanpū meant, and couldn't help but chuckled: "Why didn't you think of this when you quit Anbu?"

Kanpū said: "I just remembered it too."

Minato laughed and shook his head, and then said: "Then what are you going to exchange for these contributions now?"


Kanpū said without thinking, "Big house!"

'After having a big house, let's see who dares to say "licking dog has no house" in the future!'

Minato was stunned, and asked: "Are you planning to exchange all your contributions for a house?"

Kanpū nodded repeatedly.

Minato frowned slightly, and couldn't help but reminded him: "Kanpū, once the contribution is exchanged, it will be gone. Have you really thought about it?"

In fact, people like Dove, Crow, and other Shinobi who also participated in the Battle of Kannabi Bridge, their merits are not much worse than Kanpū, but they didn't dare to use all their contributions to exchange for a house. After all, contributions are omnipotent. They can not only be used for promotion, but also be used to buy Ninjutsu and Ninja Tools. Even if it is used to 'buy' a house, it is impossible to exchange all contributions at once.

Kanpū's behavior is simply retaliatory consumption of a nouveau riche!

However, even if Kanpū knew this, he didn't care. He can't help it. He doesn't lack money, Ninja Tools, Ninjutsu, or training resources, he just lacks a big house!

So he nodded affirmatively: "I've decided, Hokage-sama!"

Minato looked Kanpū with a strange expression, then nodded and said: "I understand, later I will let the Anbu exchange your contributions into the corresponding house. There should be news tomorrow."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama!"

Kanpū bowed to thank him, and then wanted to say goodbye and leave, but unexpectedly, Minato suddenly asked, "Kanpū, after you quit Anbu, it seems that you haven't done any missions, right?"

Kanpū stood there for a while and didn't respond.

'Why would he suddenly say about this?'

'Does he dislike me for not contributing GDP to the village?'

Kanpū felt a little uncertain in his heart, and said: "Hokage-sama, the war is finally over, so I want to rest for a while."

Minato smiled and said: "Even so, you can't rest all the time. I happen to have a mission here to give you."

"Hokage-sama, please tell me, I promise to complete the mission!" Kanpū immediately expressed his loyalty.

"Next month, there will be the first Chunin Exams of this year, and I would like to ask you to be the examiner of the second stage of the exams." Minato solemnly invited.

'Kanpū was startled.'


'Not a head examiner?'

'It seems that you look down on people a bit, big brother~'