Chapter 378 Crazy Exploration

The Chunin Exams in peacetime is generally divided into three sessions. The first stage is written test, the second stage is Forest of Death's experience, and the third stage is individual battle.

However, Minato and Homura decided to increase the difficulty of the Chunin Exams after discussing about it, so the last individual battle will be divided into two rounds.

The first individual battle will be held internally, and the loser will be eliminated, which means that this time, the individual battle will directly eliminate half of the participants!

The second individual battle will be the same as before. It will be held at the competition venue, but even if they win, the participants may not be able to successfully promoted to Chunin, it's because the requirements for the Chunin Exams have increased.

As for how much it was increased, only the Hokage has the final say!

That's not all. According to Minato's plan, the Chunin Exams will gradually change from several times a year to once every few years!

In other words, the threshold for a Genin to be promoted to Chunin is gradually increasing!

As a senior who has been promoted to Chunin, Kanpū is very pleased to see this scene.

On the day when the Chunin Exams officially started, Kanpū, as the examiner of the second stage, rushed to the Forest of Death early to join the rest of the examiners.

"Kanpū, here."

As soon as Kanpū arrived, he heard a familiar voice from the crowd. He looked for the one calling him, and found that it was Genma, and he's waving at him with a smile.

Kanpū quickly walked over and said: "Brother Genma, I didn't expect that you would be an examiner too."

"Hokage-sama specially sent me here." Genma said with a smile.

"Are Brother Raido and Brother Iwashi here too?" Kanpū asked.

"They didn't come, there must be someone by Hokage-sama's side." Genma shrugged.

"Brother Genma, could it be that you are the head examiner for the second stage?"

Kanpū remembered that in Naruto's Chunin Exams, Genma was the head examiner for the last stage of the exams.

"How is it possible?"

Genma shook his head with a smile, and said, "The head examiner in this stage is a Jonin named Ohashi."

Kanpū turned pale: "Ohashi?!"

'It turned out to be this powerful Kunoichi who is good at Taijutsu!'

"Kanpū, your face is so strange."

Genma looked at him in surprise, "Do you know this head examiner?"

Kanpū nodded: "I've met her before."

Ohashi is someone with virtue and art… Bah, she's Hyuga Ueki, Ichiro Miyamoto, and Tanaka Nakano's Jonin Instructor. When Kanpū went to his first C-Rank with Team 2, he met this team as it is a joint mission, so Kanpū still remembers Ohashi's image and temperament.

Kanpū couldn't help but looked around, but found no one, so he turned around and asked: "Why don't you see Ohashi-sensei?"

"Why do you call her sensei?"

Genma was a little confused, but still replied, "She is in the written test venue now, and will not come over until the end of the written test."

"So it's like that."

Kanpū nodded, and then chatted with Genma for a while.

Time passed, and it was noon soon.

The legendary excellent Kunoichi, Ohashi, with both virtue and skill, finally rushed over with a group of Genin participants.

When Kanpū saw this, he immediately stood there in awe!

"So many?"

Genma stared at the Genin behind Ohashi in surprise, "Hokage-sama obviously made the exam more difficult."

Kanpū coughed dryly, and said, "Well, it's just a written test after all, so not many people can be eliminated."

Genma thought about it, and said with a smile: "It seems that the task for the elimination has to be handed over to us."

After bringing the group of Genin participants outside the Forest of Death, Ohashi immediately announce the second stage's rules.

"The second test will start now, the Forest of Death's experience! The rules of this stage are very simple. Later, the captain of each team will come to me to receive a scroll. The scroll is divided into two types: 'Heaven' and 'Earth'. Only the team that obtains these two scrolls and arrives at the Forest of Death's central tower within seven days can pass, and the rest will be eliminated!"

The rules customized by Ohashi are crude and simple. According to this rule, at least half of the teams will be eliminated!


A young man, who has white pupils, raised his hand and asked, "In other words, during the exam, we can fight the other teams for the scrolls in their hands?"

Kanpū looked over and found that the person was Shisui's classmate at the Academy, Hyuga Ueki, and he was also a student of Ohashi!

And next to Hyuga tree were Miyamoto Ichiro and Tanaka Nakano.

Ohashi looked at him for a long time, nodded and said: "You can fight, but you can't cause permanent injury or death in the battle, do you understand?"

"What if there is permanent injury or death?" One of the Genin asked again.

"Then, I can only blame you for bad fate! Because…"

Ohashi smiled charmingly and said, "Being a Shinobi is not a game!"

The face of these Genin didn't show any change. After all, the war has just ended, and many people here have been on the frontline and are not afraid of death!

There are even Genin from a few teams whose eyes are red, eagerly looking at the other teams' Genin.

"I'll start distributing the scrolls now." Ohashi said.

After the words fell, each team's captains lined up to receive their team's scroll.

Standing not far away, Kanpū looked at Ohashi's moving back. He suddenly noticed that someone in the team was glaring at him frequently, which greatly affected his mood. Annoyed, Kanpū turned his head fiercely, and then he was surprised to find that the person was none other than Anko!

'Anko also participated in the Chunin Exams?'

'Didn't she follow Orochimaru and traveled around the Shinobi World?'

'And... who does she team up with?'

Kanpū asked Anko with his eyes, and Anko returned a reassuring look. The two sides communicated with each other, and just as Kanpū was about to wink again, It happened to be Anko's turn to receive the scroll, so the eye contact between the two could only stop there.

"Do you know her?" Genma, who is next to him, poked Kanpū with his elbow and asked with a smile.

Kanpū nodded: "It's my classmate and friend at the Academy, Mitarashi Anko, she is Orochimaru's disciple."


Genma's face turned serious, "Is it Orochimaru-sama, who is one of the legendary Sannin?"

Kanpū nodded.

"I didn't expect that she is Orochimaru-sama's diciple!"

Genma looked at Anko in amazement, and then his expression was slightly shocked, "Huh? She… Did she join the Chunin Exams alone?"

Kanpū also discovered this, because Anko stood alone in the corner of the crowd after receiving the scroll, and the Genin from several nearby teams were pointing at her, and their eyes harbored evil intents. One could tell that they were thinking about those shameful things.

"As expected of Orochimaru-sama's disciple, she actually dares to take the Chunin Exams alone."

Genma said in a low voice, "According to the rules of this stage, if she wanted to pass this stage, she must get the scroll from other teams alone! And each team also doesn't know what type of scroll the other sides holds. In this way, the difficulty of collecting the scrolls has at least doubled."

Kanpū chuckled and said: "It's not as exaggerated as you said. Ohashi-sensei didn't say that teams can't cooperate with each other, so she can definitely cooperate with the teams that have the same type of scrolls."

"You are right."

Genma laughed and said, "Then let's wait and see!"

After Ohashi distributed the scroll, she ordered the test to start.

After the iron net opened, the group of Genin teams entered the Forest of Death one after another.

Next, it is the task of the examiners.

Ohashi waved her hand to summon the examiner next to her, and seriously said: "Your task is to supervise the members of each group. Unless they encounter life and death situation, you are not allowed to appear in front of them. If any of you violate it, no matter who it is, I will severely punish them! Understand?"


After the examiners responded, they immediately rushed into the iron net, followed the Genin's trail, and separated, each picked a team to follow.

Genma seems to be particularly interested in Orochimaru's disciple, so after entering the Forest of Death, he directly followed behind Anko, while Kanpū is tracking the Hyuga Ueki's team.

Ueki has Byakugan, so the difficulty of tracking this group is a bit high, but Kanpū wants to see Byakugan's ability, so he followed along.

For the next half a day, the people in each team are looking for a place to rest, and then ate to replenish their strength, before cautiously moved towards the Forest of Death's central tower.

Ueki used Byakugan from time to time to detect the surrounding area.

At this time, Kanpū will quickly flicker and move back.

It can't be helped, the Byakugan of the Branch House's members has a 359-degree's view, and their vision can reach one kilometer away. With the see-through ability, almost no Shinobi can avoid Byakugan's detection.

When Ueki used Byakugan for the first time, Kanpū, who followed behind, was extremely worried and hurriedly retreated one kilometer away. When Ueki used Byakugan for the second time, Kanpū retreated 800 meters away, and for the third time, 500 meters…

Kanpū probed the range of Ueki's Byakugan's vision, and it was not until 70 meters that Ueki finally noticed him.

"There's someone!"

Ueki's expression changed slightly, but the sudden aura disorder at this moment alarmed Kanpū, so Kanpū immediately flickered backwards.

"Where?" Miyamoto and Nakano took out their kunai vigilantly at the same time.

"They're already gone."

Ueki turned his head and looked back, his face is grim, "The speed of the other party is so fast, let's get out of here!"

After they left, Kanpū followed them againn, pondering in his heart: 'Ueki's 359-degree's view Byakugan is just 70 meters?'

'So short?'

'Is it because he is just a Genin and his Chakra is not big enough, or his Byakugan is not pure enough?'

Next, Kanpū used shadow clone and ordered the shadow clone to be 100 meters in front of Ueki's group of three. As a result, as soon as Ueki used Byakugan, he discovered the shadow clone's Chakra.

Then the shadow clone kept retreating, and only after reaching five hundred meters away that Ueki can no longer detect him.

After seeing this, Kanpū understands that when Ueki used Byakugan to detect in a certain direction, he can see things within one kilometer, including the 359-degree's view in a range of 70 meters.

Just as he was thinking about this, Ueki at the front had successfully ambushed another team by relying on his Byakugan's detection ability, and they are lucky enough to get the scroll of the Heaven they needed. Then, the three people rushed all the way and successfully arrived at the Forest of Death's central tower by evading other team with Ueki's Byakugan.

"The task is over."

When the three people entered the central tower, Kanpū's five-day boring task finally ended.

However, he has also gained a little bit, he at least has figured out some of Byakugan's abilities.

Of course, Ueki is just a Genin, and his Byakugan's abilities should not have been fully developed yet.

In the next two days, some new teams arrived one after another. On the seventh day, Genma followed Anko to the central tower.

"How is it?" Kanpū leaned over and asked him.

Genma replied with a strange expression: "Kanpū, this classmate of yours is really not simple."

After Anko entered the Forest of Death, she knew that she would definitely be the target of other teams, so she didn't hide blindly, but left traces on purpose to guide her pursuers to 'encounter' the people from other teams, and sit back to reap the benefits.

Therefore, although Anko participated alone, she also successfully completed the Forest of Death's experience!