Chapter 385 Fuma Clan

The Land of Rivers is sandwiched between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind. The terrain is long and narrow, with many hills, mountains, rivers, and forests, and it is very rich in natural resources.

In addition, there is a coastal coastline that is neither long nor short, so the economy of the Land of Rivers is not bad. If it is not affected by the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, the Land of Rivers will definitely have enough funds to build their own Shinobi Village!

With the absence of a Shinobi Village, all missions within the Land of Rivers were divided between Konoha and Sunagakure.

It's just that, in the Third Shinobi World War, Sunagakure lost to Konoha, and in the signed compensation for the defeated country, Sunagakure compensated Konoha for all the missions of the Land of Rivers in the next few years.

So when Kanpū, Shisui, and Yui rushed to the Land of Rivers, they would meet Konoha's Shinobi from time to time along the way, which seemed to dilute the tension caused by the poison.

After arriving in the Land of Rivers, Yui took Kanpū and Shisui straight towards the coast like an old driver. Three days later, the group arrived at a very humid jungle.

"It's here!"

Yui looked calmly at the dense forest in front of them, and said, "Let's go!"

Kanpū and Shisui look at each other in blank dismay, 'Why did it feel that Yui was getting more and more unreliable?'

Kanpū even doubted whether Yui has been demoted by the plot and has begun to 'seek her own death'.

Not long after entering the forest, three people were attacked by wild beasts, such as pythons, venomous snakes, venomous insects, man-eating ants, venomous mosquitoes, and venomous spiders, and they haven't encountered a duplicate during the journey!


After cutting a boa constrictor as thick as a man's waist into two with a single sword, Kanpū turned his head and looked towards Yui, who was looking left and right, and asked with a bitter expression: "Yui, have you found the trace of the phosphorus insect?"

"How can it be so fast."

Yui said without turning her head, "This is just one of the locations for searching the phosphorus insect. I'm not sure I can find it here."

Kanpū covers his forehead. He didn't think it was too slow, after all, he has nothing to do except collecting Flying Thunder God Technique, and wasting time is the same no matter where he was.

He just doesn't like the environment here. There are too many poisons, and they will come out to bite them from time to time. Kanpū can't even think about life quietly here.

Shisui, who is next to him, stared at the sharp sword in Kanpū's sharp sword with absent-minded gaze, and after a while, he said: "Kanpū, your sword…"

Kanpū was stunned for a while, and looked down at his sword, and sighed: "It's just a broken sword, it's not worth for Shisui of the Body Flicker fussing about."

"Then, can you give me this sword?" Shisui looked Kanpū faintly.

Kanpū's expression changed when he heard this: "Shisui, you have changed! You used to be a strong man and never asked me for anything!"

Shisui looked down at the sword in Kanpū's hand and said nothing.

"What's wrong with that sword?"

Yui came over curiously. She looked at the body of the sword and the body of the boa constrictor that had been cut in two on the ground, and her eyes lit up, "It isn't stained with blood?"

"If I am not wrong, this sword should be the Kusanagi Sword." Shisui's eyes were a little bit eager.

"Kusanagi Sword? Isn't that a legendary artifact?"

Yui showed shocked expression, and she quickly squatted down to look carefully at the sword in Kanpū's hand, and even touched the blade lightly with her hand, and said, "It looks a little brighter, no different from other swords."

Shisui shook his head and said: "The reason why the Kusanagi Sword is called a legendary artifact is because every Kusanagi Sword has abilities!"


Kanpū's eyes lit up upon hearing this, 'That's right, Itachi's Sword of Totsuka is a Kusanagi Sword with its own seal ability, so even if my own Kusanagi Sword is not as good as Sword of Totsuka, it must have some ability, right?

Shisui squinted his eyes and recalled: "I have seen information about Kusanagi Sword in the clan's ancient records. It said that the abilities of each Kusanagi sword are different, some are strong and some are weak. The most famous one is the Sword of Totsuka. Once you are hit by it, you will be sealed into the sword!"

"How about mine, how about mine?"

Kanpū of course knows the function of the Sword of Totsuka. What he wants to know now is the ability of the Kusanagi Sword in his hand.

Shisui shook his head and said: "I don't know, it's the first time I have seen Kusanagi Sword, but according to the ancient records, the ability of Kusanagi Sword needs Chakra to activate."

Yui got up and looked at Kanpū: "Kanpū, you got the Kusanagi Sword for so long, haven't you discovered the ability of this sword?"

Kanpū remained silent with darkened expression, 'Why does it feel that Yui was scolding me?'

'But Orochimaru is to blame for all of this. He gave me this Kusanagi Sword, so why didn't he tell me the secret of the Kusanagi Sword?'

"Why don't you try?" Shisui said a little eagerly.

Kanpū nodded. He immediately poured Chakra into the Kusanagi Sword, then cut left and right, making a mess of the surrounding dense forest, but he did not find any ability.

After that, Kanpū fought against Shisui with Chakra poured into the Kusanagi Sword, but after fighting for half an hour, except for its sharpness, no abnormalities were found.

"Is this Kusanaru Sword fake?" Yui asked ruthlessly.

Kanpū's hand, which was holding the Kusanagi sword, trembled a little, 'Orochimaru, that bastard couldn't deliberately make a fake Kusanagi Sword for me, right?'

"Kanpū, how did you become so strong?" Shisui's right wrist was trembling, looking at Kanpū strangely.

In the fight just now, if Shisui hadn't retreated at critical moments, his wrist would have been broken!

Kanpū's attention was immediately attracted by Shisui, and he quickly explained: "I trained a Forbidden Technique and obtained Chakra Enhanced Strength."

"Chakra Enhanced Strength? So that's how it is." Shisui nodded without doubting it at all.

Because Tsunade, one of the legendary Sannin, also trained Chakra Enhanced Strength.

Since Tsunade can develop Chakra Enhanced Strength, it is not uncommon for Kanpū to develop Chakra Enhanced Strength too.

"Okay, let's put the Kusanagi Sword aside. Let's first go look for the phosphorus insect." Yui said.


Two days passed, and Kanpū, Shisui, Yui found nothing. Not to mention the phosphorus insect, even its insect egg was not seen.

"Don't be discouraged! This is just one of the places where phosphorus insect may exist. Let's go to the next place!"

Yui looked indifferent, and then rushed to the next hot and humid jungle to continue searching.


Shisui, who was following Yui and Kanpū, suddenly jumped up, came to the top of a big tree next to him, and then looked to the left. His dark eyes have turned into 3-Tomoe Sharingan at some point.

"What's wrong?"

Kanpū and Yui quickly jumped up to join him.

"There is a Shinobi approaching!" Shisui said.

"Is it the Shinobi from the village?" Kanpū asked, as they had encountered quite a few on the road before.

"No, the other party is not wearing a forehead protector, they should be a Rogue Shinobi." Shisui said in a low voice.

"Rogue Shinobi? Coming at us?" Kanpū frowned, "Kill him?"

"Kanpū, you are too violent." Yui criticized.

Kanpū shrugged and said nothing.

While the three were talking, the Rogue Shinobi has appeared in Kanpū and Yui's sight.

Male, bald, one-eyed, thick eyebrows, his expression has somewhat stupid, and he doesn't look like a smart person at first glance!

With a wave of Shisui's right hand, a kunai brutally forced the Rogue Shinobi to stop with an ear-piercing sound.

"Who are you?" Shisui said coldly, not affected by the Rogue Shinobi's appearance.

"I am Jigumo, a member of Fuma Clan!" The bald man looked up at them and said, "Are you Konoha's Shinobi?"

"Fuma Clan?" Yui was puzzled.

"It was a very famous Shinobi Clan during the Warring States Period, but it declined later. I didn't expect we will encounter them here." Shisui explained in a low voice.

Kanpū has heard of Fuma Clan. He remembered that they took refuge under Orochimaru in the original work. He doesn't know if they have taken refuge under him at this time.

Kanpū's thought spun, and he said: "Jigumo, you should just say straight to the point, and tell us your purpose!"

"In fact, this is our Fuma Clan's territory." Jigumo boasted shamelessly, "You crossed the border!"

"What should we do?" Yui looked towards Kanpū and Shisui.

Shisui smiled and said: "There is no Shinobi Village in the Land of River, so in this country, there is no territory that belongs to Shinobi. Jigumo, you should not bring trouble to the Fuma Clan!"

Jigumo's face darkened and he said: "Hmph, even if you are Konoha's Shinobi, but you are only three brats, I advise you…"

Before Jigumo could finish talking, Kanpū's figure flickered and he rushed down: "Konoha-Style - Slashing Wind!"


Light blue air wave shot out from the Kusanagi Sword at the moment when Kanpū slashed forward at an extremely fast speed.

Jigumo lunged forward, quickly formed hand seals with both hands and slammed his palms onto the ground: "Doton: Doryūheki!" (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall)


A stone wall suddenly rose from the ground, but in the next moment, it was all broken by the light blue air wave, and it slashed towards Jigumo unabated!

Jigumo's complexion changed, and he immediately used Body Flicker Technique to move to the side.

Then, he saw a dozen Shisui jumping from the tree and besieging him.

"Trifling Clone Technique, it's better not to make a fool of yourself!"

Jigumo grinned ferociously, took out a kunai and slashed the throat of a clone, causing it to dissipate instantly. At the same time, his eyes wandered away, and quickly locked on Shisui's main body, and then he ignored the remaining clones, and directly rushed to the main body.


With the sound of flesh and blood slashed, one of Shisui's clones made a hole on Jigumo's back, and blood flowed in an instant.

"How is it possible?" Jigumo's step paused, and he turned to look at the clone in disbelief, "You… you obviously are fake!!!"

"All my clones are all both fake and real at the same time!"

Shisui's clone spoke at the same time, and the sound converges in Jigumo's ears from all directions.

"You... Could it be?!"

Jigumo seemed to think of something, and the expression on his face gradually became frightened, "You, you are… Konoha's Shisui of the Body Flicker?!"

"I didn't expect Shisui's reputation has reached the Land of Rivers." Yui, who is on the tree, said with a smile.

Kanpū curled his lips when he saw this, 'You are already so frightened after seeing Shisui of the Body Flicker, if I turn into a Yellow Flash, won't you have a bladder leak?'

At the same time, Shisui's clone aimed the kunai Jigumo, as if to launch the final blow.

"Wait a minute!"

Jigumo broke down a bit, quickly dropped Kunai, raised both of his hands, and shouted loudly, "I don't want to be an enemy of you, really!!! And no matter what you want to do, I can cooperate with you!"

No wonder Jigumo is afraid, he currently only has Elite Chunin strength after all. Facing Shisui of the Body Flicker, he is like a grass that Shisui can cut whatever he wants. If he doesn't surrender at this time, won't he die immediately?!