Chapter 389 I Will Drive You Mad!

Leaving Hokage Tower with the transfer order, Kanpū didn't go to the border directly, he planned to wait for a day and departs tomorrow!

After that, Kanpū rushed all the way to the Uchiha Clan's settlement, and arrived at Shisui's house more than an hour later.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Kanpū came to find Shisui.

Knock knock knock!

Kanpū knocked on the door a few times. Unfortunately, after waiting for a while, there was no movement inside.

'Could it be that Shisui is hiding at home doing shameful things, so he is too embarrassed to come out to see me?'

Kanpū formed hand seal to use Sensor Ninjutsu, but there are no Chakra inside Shisui's house.

'So he was not at home.'

Kanpū stroked his chin and thought, 'Is Shisui patrolling now, or is he going to find his big brother Fukken?

'No, old thief Fukken is dead, so now, Shisui's new favorite should be… younger brother Itachi?'

Kanpū's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly turned around and asked the people on the street on how to get to Fugaku's house.

Although this neighborhood is known as the settlement of the Uchiha Clan, like the settlement of the Hyuga Clan, most of the people here are ordinary Konoha's villagers, so Kanpū easily found out the address of Fugaku's house.

Fugaku's house is very large. Kanpū stood at the gate of his house and looked around, and found that the walls on both sides extended for 80 meters, which seemed to be a little bigger than his mansion!

Kanpū knocked on the door, and soon, a woman in a loose robe came to open the gate.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" The woman, who opened the gate, asked gently.

Kanpū glanced at her belly, saw that it is big, and immediately judged that the other party is Fugaku's wife, Uchiha Mikoto!

'Then the child in her belly is Sasuke!'

Kanpū threw a Collection Technique at her, and the green light cluster in his mind surged instantly. Kanpū was shocked, but the green light cluster only surged for a while, and finally subsided.


Kanpū didn't hold grudges, and coughed lightly, "Hello, I am Gekko Kanpū, I am here to find Shisui, I am his friend. Because I need to leave the village for a mission tomorrow, I want to say goodbye to him."

Mikoto looked up and down at Kanpū, and then said with a smile: "Come in."

"Thank you."

Kanpū politely followed Mikoto to the reception room.

"Please wait a moment."

After Mikoto served Kanpū a tea, she went to the backyard to find Shisui.

Shisui was training kunai throwing with Itachi. When he learned that Kanpū was looking for it, he immediately ran over with Itachi.

"Kanpū, how did you know that I am here?"

Entering the reception room, Shisui smiled and introduced, "By the way, this is Itachi. Itachi, this is my friend at the same generation, Gekko Kanpū."

"Hello, Gekko-senpai." Standing beside Shishui, Itachi nodded gracefully.

"Hello, Itachi."

Kanpū stood up and looked at Uchiha Itachi seriously.

At this time, Itachi is only five years old, but the lines on his eyes and bridge of his nose are already very obvious, almost carved out of the same mold as the Itachi in his memory!

After sizing Itachi, Kanpū turned his head to look at Shisui, and said: "Shisui, I'm going out to the village for a mission tomorrow, and I'll be back in early October, so I have something to trouble you."

"It will take you that long?"

Shisui was quite surprised, and then said with a smile, "Tell me, what do you want to trouble me for?"

Kanpū solemnly said: "At the beginning of October, you must be in the village! Don't leave the village for mission!"

Shisui was startled, then thought about Kanpū coming back in early October, 'Could it be that he wanted to treat me for dinner?'

He nodded and said: "I understand. I will stay in the village for that period of time."

Kanpū breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and said: "Then I will go first, bye."

"Don't you want to tell me why you're leaving now?" Shisui said with a bitter smile.

"You will know when I come back." Kanpū replied with a smile, then looked down at Itachi, and waved, "Goodbye, Itachi."

"Goodbye, Gekko-senpai." Itachi waved goodbye in a dignified way, like a little adult.

After leaving Fugaku's mansion, Kanpū returned home.


After arriving home, Kanpū saw Hoshino standing aggressively at the gate of the mansion, staring at the passers-by like a falcon.

"Tou-san, why are you standing here?" Kanpū asked in surprise.

Hoshino snorted coldly and moved his body to the side, showing the gate behind him.

Kanpū took a look, and his face drastically changed: "Which bastard would dare to smash the door of my house?"

He saw the two wooden gates full of cracks, which made it looked very ugly!

'Is it Danzo?'

Kanpū threw the blame on Danzo's head without hesitation.

'First, he used Orochimaru's transaction incident as a soft threat, and now, my door was smashed for violence?'

'Very good, you successfully managed to piss me off!'

Kanpū waved his hand and said: "Tou-san, leave this matter to me, I will definitely make the one who smashed the door feel our wrath!"

Hoshino looked at Kanpū with satisfaction, and said earnestly:" Kanpū, although our Gekko Clan is not a Great Clan, our gate was smashed and we lost the face of our whole clan, so this matter must not be stopped! But we must also pay attention to our measures and we should not bully the weak, understand?"

Kanpū nodded: "I understand!"

After a friendly communication, the father and son entered the house.

"By the way, Tou-san, I have a mission tomorrow, and I won't be able to come back until early October." Kanpū said.

"Well, be careful."

Hoshino nodded, but then his step paused, "When did you say you will be back?!"

"Uh... Early October?" Kanpū kept a smile on his face.


Hoshino's mood worsens, 'It's only the end of April, and it will be five months until the beginning of October!

"What mission do you do? Why does it take more than five months?"

Hoshino looked at Kanpū suspiciously, and then his face changed, "Is it a spying mission?!"

Kanpū hurriedly shook his head and said: "No, it's that…"

Kanpū felt a little hard to say it.

"What kind of mission is it!" Hoshino asked.

"Guarding the border." Kanpū squeezed out softly.


Hoshino's face twitched, "You… guard the border? Why would Hokage-sama let you guard the border? Have you done something immoral?"

It's not that Hoshino looked down on guarding the border, but because of Kanpū's performance in the Third Shinobi World War and his relationship with Minato, how could Minato let him guard the border?

'Unless this smelly brat has done something immoral!'

"I didn't do anything."

Kanpū defended, "It's just a mistake I made because of my impulsiveness. This mission is mainly to relax and sort out what I have learned! Yes, it is like that!"

Hoshino snorted, and then said earnestly again: "Kanpū, although you are not an adult yet, I always treat you as an adult, so no matter what you do or what decision you make, you must think twice, don' t be impulsive, and act without thinking!"

"I understand! Thanks for the teachings, Tou-san!" Kanpū bowed solemnly, "Then, I'll go to sleep first."

"…" Hoshino was stunned in place, unable to recover for a long time.


The next day.

The sun was shining brightly and the white clouds were faint. Danzo took the Root's Shinobi, Kinoto and Hinoe, to Gekko Mansion.

Knock knock knock!

Danzo knocked on the cracked gate a few times in disgust, then waited quietly.

Not long after, the expressionless Kanpū opened the gate.

"Gekko Kanpū, we meet again."

Danzo chuckled softly and said, "Aren't you going to invite me in today?"

"No thank you!"

Kanpū directly stretched out his hand and said, "Pay for the damages!"

"What?" Danzo looked at Kanpū's hand with stunned expression.

"You knocked the gate of my house, causing it to be broken!"

Kanpū pointed sideways at the cracks on the two gates, and said, "Danzo-sama, you are the village's high level advisor, you shouldn't try to deny it!"

"What does this have to do with me?" Danzo snorted coldly, extremely dissatisfied.

"Yesterday, you threatened me with your front foot, and you broke down the gate of my house with your back foot. Who else could you be?" Kanpū questioned.

Danzo's eye was filled with fire, and the veins on his forehead are exposed. After leaving yesterday, Danzo did want to send Root's Shinobi to monitor Kanpū, but considering that this is the settlement of Hyuga Clan, there are Byakugan everywhere. The discovery is likely to cause a chain reaction, so Danzo did not monitor Kanpū at all, so naturally it is impossible for him to smash his gate!

"I said, it's none of my business!!" Danzo's face was livid.

"It's really ugly, dare to do it but dare not admit it. Danzo-sama, it seems your courage is nothing more than that." Kanpū crossed his arms near his chest and looked at him with disdain.

Danzo was so angry that his whole body was trembling. The Root's Shinobi, Kinoto and Hinoe, behind him couldn't stand it, the two pulled out their swords, and pointed their swords at Kanpū from left to right. As long as Danzo nodded his head, they will take down Kanpū in seconds!

"What are you doing? Do you want to kill people to silence them?"

Kanpū said righteously, "Next door is the Hyuga Clan's Clan Head's house, Danzo-sama, you shouldn't mess around."

Danzo took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and waved his hand to signal Kinoto and Hinoe to put away their swords.

He turned his head slightly to look at the passing pedestrians, and said in a low voice: "Gekkou Kanpū, stop trying to be smart. It's time to give me an answer to what happened yesterday!"

Kanpū grinned: "Danzo-sama, you underestimated me and want to threaten me? You're dreaming!"

Danzo's face darkened: "Do you know what the price of rejecting me?"

"Of course I know!"

Kanpū took out the transfer order with the Hokage seal from his arms, "This is the price."

Danzo squinted his eyes, and his face darkened: "You!!!"

"I went to Hokage-sama yesterday to plead guilty, and Hokage-sama punished me by ordering me to guard the border for five months. Danzo-sama, what do you think of this price?" Kanpū put away the order, and looked at Danzo, whose face is getting darker and smellier, and became very happy.

'Who told you to threaten me!'

'Who told you to break the gate of my house!'

'You deserve it!'

Kanpū then felt like he was floating. Standing across from him was Danzo, the leader of the Root, the one called the darkness of Konoha, 'Is it really good to provoke him like this?

'When did I, Gekko Kanpū, become so arrogant?'

'Is the plot demoting my intelligence again?'

Kanpū thought about it carefully and found that his arrogant confidence came from the fact that Danzo lost hundreds of his Root's Shinobi in the Land of Rain, and the funding from the Root was cut by more than half by Minato, and it also came from himself, from the power of Ryumyaku!

'Now that the enemy is falling and I am rising, if I don't beat the dog in the water at this time, what am I waiting for?'

'I will drive you mad!'