Chapter 398 Severed Arm

The lightning torrent is endless, whether it is power, special effects, or attack range, it is all top-notch, but Obito just stands in place and didn't move, his thin figure seems to be blurred, allowing the torrent of lightning to wash away without touching him.

"It was a mistake to compete with Ninjutsu against you…"

Black Zetsu's gloomy voice came from Obito's mouth, and then he took out iron chain and tied it to his hands, and rushed straight to Kanpū.

"Hey, he is a Flying Thunder God Technique's user operator, don't let him engrave the Flying Thunder God Technique's mark!" Tobi's voice came from his right ear.

"Humph." Black Zetsu snorted coldly and did not respond, but the momentum of Obito's charge was obviously somewhat slower.

Kanpū frowned at this moment, 'Although I knew that Obito's Space-Time Ninjutsu was very disgusting from the show, but after real fight... it was indeed really disgusting!'

'Obito can use intangible to dodge any fatal attack, or use Kamui to transfer it!'

But after thinking about it, Kanpū found that after owning the Flying Thunder God Technique, he could also dodge any fatal attacks.

'Thinking about it this way, I and Obito should have the same level of disgustingness. If I felt disgust towards him, I believe that Obito on the opposite side also feels the same way, right?'


While letting his imagination run wild, Kanpū quickly formed hand seals. The Chakra extracted from the power of Ryumyaku was instantly transformed into Lightning Attribute and condensed on his right hand, bursting out with bright lightning in an instant.

"Lightning Release: Chidori!"


With the chirping birds from Chidori, Kanpū stomped heavily with his right foot and instantly turned into afterimage as he rushed towards Obito. His right hand, which is covered with lightning, pierced Obito's heart without any hindrance. Kanpū had already expected it, so he kept moving, and his whole body, which was powered with Extraordinary Strength, savagely bumped into Obito's body.

Obito's pupils shrunk slightly, and his body became intangible, passing Kanpū's body in midair.

Under the mask, Obito, which is controlled by Black Zetsu, showed a ferocious smile.

When Kanpū passed through Obito's intangible body, a thick iron chain rushed towards his neck.

Kanpū… also smiled. He stretched out his left hand, which is full of Extraordinary Strength, grabbed the iron chain tightly against his chest, and at the same time, he did not slow down, and instead sprinted forward crazily!

Obito is also moving forward with all his strength, trying to use the speed of both sides to make the iron chain smash Kanpū's throat!


The two people, one moves to the left and one moves to the right, and the speed and power from Extraordinary Strength instantly impacted on the iron chain!


The taut iron chain groaned unbearably, and the next instant, it was pulled by Kanpū!

Obito, whose hands and wrists were tied with the chains, was also affected by the huge reaction force after rushing for half a meter at an extremely fast speed, and his arms were pulled from him by the iron chains like a straw, and it were severed!

"What?!" Black Zetsu was shocked and quickly controlled Obito's body to keep his balance.

"This is terrible."

Tobi's weird cry came in from his right ear, and there's a hint of gloating in his tone, "Without your hands, you have no way to attack."

Kanpū stopped after rushing for 30 meters and looked down towards the iron chain of his left hand. The chain is dragging on the ground, revealing two severed arms under the light of the mountain fire.

"It seems that you are not very disgusting."

Kanpū turned his head happily and saw Obito's figure disappearing in the invisible ripples in a spiral shape.

'He run away?'

Kanpū put down the iron chain and breathed a sigh of relief, 'It's over!'

But looking at the mess under his feet and the remnant forest on the opposite side that had been hit by the torrent of lightning, Kanpū frowned slightly.

The Chakra he consumed in the first battle was almost the sum of two Jonin, which was somewhat inconsistent with his personality!

'How about… getting dizzy?'

Kanpū blinked his eyes twice and looked at the Genma, Iwashi, Raido and the rest of Anbu, which emerged from the forests on both sides. When he thought about Obito, who had his arms severed, and the most important thing, which is the ten minutes he promised to Minato was up, he decisively disbanded Hyōketsu, who was far away in the Land of Rain.

In an instant, a memory and exhaustion for more than four months hit Kanpū's mind like a mountain. His eyes rolled, and he fainted to the ground immediately.


Minato's secret room.

With the sound of Naruto's cry, Minato finally repaired all the seals inside Kushina's body!

"It's over."

Minato felt relieved, and his gaze while looking towards Shisui became more gentle, "Thank you, Shisui!"

"No, this is what I should do." Shisui shook his head with humble expression, and at the same time, he deactivated the Mangekyo, and the stinging sensation in his eyes did not gradually decrease until then.

After being released from the Genjutsu's control, Kyubi also woke up in an instant.

Then it found that it had returned to the deepest part of the seal world, and saw the surrounding seals... 'Were all f**king repaired!!'

'My freedom...'


'Damn it!!!'

Kyubi was distraught by this and roared to the sky. It is not reconciled. It once again used its powerful Chakra to smash the seal and struggles crazily, but the newly repaired seal is like an inescapable vault, suppressing it heavily.

And as Kushina's physical strength recovers little by little, the strength of these seals is gradually increasing!

Kyubi knows that it has lost its best chance. It lied dejectedly in the deepest part of the seal, with its nine tails slouched behind listlessly, and it slowly closing its eyes:

'Kushina, when you have a second child, I will definitely rush out and kill your whole family!'

At the same time, after repairing the seals in Kushina's body, Minato did not dare to rest, and immediately teleported back to the mountain top's wooden house ten kilometers outside the village with Shisui, only to find that the battle was over!


The sky gradually brightened, and the mountain fire that burned most of the night was also slowly extinguished under the Anbu's Water Release.

Hokage Tower.

Minato looked the casualty report in his hand with a heavy expression on his face.

Excluding the female Anbu and Biwako, who were killed by the black clothed masked man sneak attack at the beginning, seven Anbu's Shinobi died in the hands of the masked man.

As for the wounded, there were dozens of people, including Kanpū, who had torn off both arms of the masked person. He is still unconscious.

According to what Anbu's Shinobi said at the scene, Minato guessed that Kanpū should have used some kind of Forbidden Technique to forcibly refine a super large amount of Chakra, causing extreme spiritual weakness!

'Fortunately, with a good rest, Kanpū can recover.'

In addition to the casualties of the Anbu's Shinobi, there are many doubts in this matter that bother Minato.

'Why does the masked man in black know that know that Kushina is Kyubi's Jinchuriki?'

'Why was he able to find out what was supposed to be a secret delivery location?'

'Why does he own Mangekyo Sharingan?'

'What is his relationship with the Uchiha Clan?'

'How will Sandaime react with his wife dying?'

Minato just felt overwhelmed from the plethora of things to tackle, and has a feeling of lack of energy.

But he knows that this was the sequelae caused by being frightened last night, spending Chakra to repair the Kyubi's seal, plus the repercussions caused by not sleeping all night. As long as he sleeps well, he can recover, but he can't sleep at this time.

Namikaze Minato first called the Anbu Commander, Eagle, discussed with him the funeral of the sacrificed Anbu's Shinobi, and then immediately rushed to Hiruzen's house to apologize.

Hiruzen lost his wife, so his face is not so good, but he didn't blame Minato for this.

"Yondaime, don't blame yourself, it's not your responsibility."

Hiruzen puffed up a cigarette, and comforted him in turn, "No one would have thought that someone would attack Kushina. Fortunately, the mother and child pair are safe."

"Sandaime, please rest assured, I will definitely investigate this matter to the end!" Minato said seriously.

"Are there any clues now?" Hiruzen asked solemnly.

Minato didn't hide anything, and said: "The black clothed masked man owns Mangekyo Sharingan, so he should be a Shinobi from the Uchiha Clan!"

Hearing this, Hiruzen's face changed slightly: "This is not good. If this matter is not handled properly, it may cause the split of the village! Yondaime, do you have a specific suspect?"

Minato shook his head: "Not yet, but the hands of the masked person was severed by Kanpū, so I have asked Anbu to take this as the focus of the investigation and check all the Uchiha Clan's Shinobi."

Hiruzen smoked the tobacco pipe, and said solemnly: "Could it be Clan Head Fugaku? After all, he lost to you in the Hokage's campaign."

Minato pondered: "I do doubt him! The reason why that man is wearing a mask is probably because we all know him, and with the addition of Sharingan, it's a huge likelihood that he is Fugaku! But according to the information, Fugaku hasn't awakened Mangekyo Sharingan, and he and his wife left the village a few days ago."

"That is to say, it is still uncertain whether his hands are intact?" Hiruzen asked.

Minato nodded, and then said with a smile: "Now that the masked man's two severed arms are in Anbu, even if he finds two new arm transplants, it can't be perfect. If it's really Fugaku, he will definitely show his flaws!"

"But what if it wasn't him?" Hiruzen put down the tobacco pipe.

Minato's face gradually became heavier.

Both of them remembered something.

During the Battle of Kannabi Bridge at the Land of Grass, Obito was buried alive in an underground passage. Later, Kanpū used Subterranean Voyage to search for his corpse, but found that there was a collapsed underground passage. After that, Kanpū used shadow clone to grope along the collapsed passage. As a result, the shadow clone fell into Genjutsu, causing the search to fail.

After returning to the village, Minato and Kanpū found Shisui to test it and found that at least a Genjutsu with above 3-Tomoe Sharingan was required to make Kanpū's shadow clone fall into Genjutsu without knowing it.

And in the battle last night, the masked man happened to own Mangekyo Sharingan!

It perfectly matches the characteristics of the mysterious Shinobi who rescued Obito!

"Could it be someone from the Abyss?"

Hiruzen asked in a low voice, "Kanpū… Is there anything unusual from him last night?"

Minato frowned when he heard this.

'If it wasn't for Kanpū last night, Kushina would have been taken away by the masked man!'

'Furthermore, if Kanpū didn't find Shisui to control Kyubi, he would not be able to repair the seal in Kushina's body in time.'

'So even if the masked person is a person from the Abyss, it definitely has nothing to do with Kanpū!'

'The most important thing is that Kanpū finally tore off the two arms of the masked man!'


"Sandaime, please don't interfere in this matter, I will investigate it clearly!" Minato said seriously.

"I understand." Hiruzen slightly nodded.

Hiruzen's family is already preparing for Biwako's funeral. The family is a bit busy, so Minato didn't stay any longer, and left after apologizing again.