Chapter 409 Gekko Nigeru

Since the "agreement" with Kakashi, those three finally did not launch a night attack on Kanpū again, and he could sleep soundly again. But what Kanpū didn't expect was that Kakashi would be so clever that he moves from another direction!

In the Anbu, a rumor that was very unfavorable to him spread quickly.

"Do you know that Gekko Kanpū from the sixth team offended Kakashi, Asuma, and Guy, and was chased by those three every day!"

"Yes, it's fine if he hides from Kakashi. After all, he is a Jonin, but Asuma and Guy are just Chunin."

"Gekko Kanpū has also made many contributions on battlefield, and even participated in the Battle of Kannabi Bridge, but… …"

"Aren't all contributions earned by running?"

"He should be called Gekko Nigeru!" (T/N: The RAW said Gekko Run, so I wrote it Nigeru as it means Run Away.)

"I happened to see Kai looking for him while shopping yesterday, but wrote Nigeru disappeared in a flash!"

"Is he really that fast?"

"Really, in an instant, his whole figure disappeared without a trace!"

"It still feels a bit slower than Hokage-sama."

"As expected of Gekko Nigeru!"

It is unknown when, but Anbu started calling Kanpū Gekko Nigeru. Many Anbu talk about Gekko Nigeru whenever they have time. Kanpū didn't know about this at first, after all, it is impossible for these people to talk about him in front of him, but after a long time, no matter how slow Kanpū was, he noticed that these people looked at him strangely, and he knew that something must have happened!

So after spending money to buy Shisui Ichiraku Ramen, Kanpū realized that he had become Gekko Nigeru!!

Kanpū was stunned, and then it was followed by fury!

In the Anbu, the one who has a grudge against Kanpū is just one Kakashi. Therefore, this blame does not need Danzo to carry, as Kanpū can directly throw it on Kakashi's head!

"Kakashi… you are very good, you bastard actually learned to spread rumors about me!!"

Kanpū was furious, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, after all, his reputation was completely tarnished by Kakashi!

He wanted to go find Kakashi to settle the account immediately!

But after another thought, he couldn't go. After all, the reason why Kakashi spread the rumors was to force himself to confront him head-on!

He is so wise, so he can't use such a superficial and radical method!

But if he doesn't go to Kakashi to settle the account, Kanpū felt uncomfortable, sullen, and depressed!!

After going to work this day, Kanpū changed into Anbu attire, turned into Husky, and squatted at the back door of the bathhouse, blocking Kakashi.

"Oh, Kanpū."

When Kakashi saw Kanpū, he didn't mean to confront the other party at all. It was a friendly greeting, that one eye was filled with kindness and smile.

"Kakashi, you…are not human!" Kanpū have a thousand of words to say, and compressed into a sentence.

Kakashi knowingly asked: "What do you mean?"

"You know it yourself!" Kanpū gritted his teeth and growled.

"You mean Gekko Nigeru?" Kakashi raised his head slightly. The silver long hair behind the forehead protector was rippling slightly in the morning breeze, and his eye was smiling.

"You still dare to mention it?!" Kanpū's hand trembled slightly, and he couldn't help but became furious.

Kakashi shrugged, and turned directly into the bathhouse, leaving only a vicissitudes of his back to Kanpū.

Kanpū almost couldn't hold back his fury anymore!

After Kakashi entered the bathhouse, the smile in his eye gradually disappeared.

At Ichiraku Ramen more than half a month ago, Kakashi deduced through the Kanpū mastered Flying Thunder God Technique through the Ninken's sense of smell, so he went to Hokage Tower to find Minato that same day, and got a positive answer.

Kakashi couldn't bear it, so he proposed on the spot that he also wanted to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique!

Minato knew that Kakashi's mental state was not good, so he didn't stimulate him and simply gave him the training method of Flying Thunder God Technique.

After Kakashi went back, he read it and trained overnight.

But unfortunately, he knows all the characters on the scroll, but they were connected together… with the veins on his forehead that are coming out!

However, Kakashi is very tenacious and he did not give up. For the next two days he was reading the Flying Thunder God Technique's training method, and went to Hokage Tower to ask Minato from time to time. Although Minato was busy, he would still create shadow clone to answer his doubts.


No talent means no talent. Kakashi has to accept this fact no matter how serious he is and no matter how hard he asks!

After returning the training scroll of Flying Thunder God Technique to Minato, Kakashi found Asuma, Guy, Kurenai, and Shizune.

By mastering Flying Thunder God Technique, as long as Kanpū doesn't want to, no one can force him to fight head-on. Therefore, the five gathered together to discuss how to make Kanpū willing or even take the initiative to meet their challenge!

Asuma offered to tie up Kanpū's family members, and Kurenai was about to break up with him at that time.

Guy proposed to get a big treasure out, and then attract Kanpū to look for it. When they find the treasure, they will jump out and fight with Kanpū. If this happens then, Kanpū must fight with them decisively in order to get the treasure!

Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, and Shizune ignored him with great tacit understanding, and the four people discussed on their own.

Guy was very frustrated when he saw this. He felt that his plan was perfect, so why didn't these guys accept it?

When he started doubting life, Kakashi's group of four finally found a way, that's right, Gekko Nigeru!

After the four people discussed it, they immediately started to act!

In the next few days, with the help of Kakashi, the insider, Guy and Asuma would often rush out to challenge Kanpū on their way back from mission. Kanpū will not fight with them, and just teleported away in front of other teammates.

After that, Kakashi fanned the flame in the Anbu, and when more people knew it, they rationally and clearly structured the nickname Gekko Nigeru.

As Asuma and Guy are frantically challenging Kanpū in front of Anbu's Shinobi and under the public place with numerous people, and Kanpū teleported again and again, Gekko Nigeru's reputation naturally gets louder and louder.

It is too late for Kanpū when he knows this. At this time, he can only get rid of the nickname of Gekko Nigeru by accepting the Kakashi and the others' challenge, and fight them head-on.


Based on the experience of his previous life, Kanpū believes that even if he fights with Kakashi and the others, he may not be able to get rid of this nickname in the future.

'In this case… Why don't I continue to bear it?'

Kanpū endured it for a few days, but couldn't hold it back!

'It's too difficult!'

At the end of November, Konoha has entered winter ahead of schedule, and light snow falls from the sky, leaving a layer of pale white on the roof, treetops, and walls.

On this day, Kanpū's sixth team did not have a mission, so everyone went to the third training ground to train together to increase tacit understanding and cooperation between teammates.

Unsurprisingly, with the help of Kakashi, the backstabber, Asuma, Guy, Kurenai and Shizune have already seized the high ground one step ahead.

"Gekko Nigeru, I want to challenge you!" Asuma squinted at Kanpū rebelliously, with a strong and stupid delinquent aura.

Kakashi, who is wearing a red fox mask, turned his head slightly and squinted at Kanpū, without saying a word.

Shisui stood beside him wearing a crow mask, feeling somewhat helpless, but he didn't know how to stop this farce, and then he felt discouraged again: 'I can't even solve this farce, so how can I solve the conflict between the village and the clan?'

Shisui stood there dejectedly, exuding an air of decadence.

The rest of the teammates also watched with a smile on their faces, but after a few seconds passed, Gekko Nigeru still stood in place.

'Gekko Nigeru didn't run away?'

'What's going on?'

'Are we in Genjutsu?'

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Kakashi's heart skipped a beat. He vaguely felt that Kanpū couldn't bear it anymore today. He straightened up and sneaked a thumbs up at Guy, Asuma, Kurenai and Shizune, who were facing him.

Kanpū took a step forward and said in a sad and helpless tone: "I planned to get along with you as an ordinary person, but what I got in return was ridicule. Right now, I…"

"You are Gekko Nigeru, you have to thank me, thank Guy, and thank Kakashi, it's us who let you recognize yourself!" Asuma interrupted Kanpū with an unhappy face. He is still young and vigorous, and he didn't like to see other people pretend!

Kanpū's mouth twitched when he heard this, 'Has this guy also watch movies?'

"Youth is inseparable from blood, and the blood of a man is for fighting!!"

Guy is already on fire, "Gekko Kanpū, let's compete!"

The relationship between Guy and Obito is actually mediocre. The reason he is cooperating with Kakashi and Asuma is simply to fight Kanpū.

Last time, when Guy and Kanpū fought in the small forest, he finally opened the fifth gate, but Kanpū used a trick of 'Talk no Jutsu' and 'Come', and then disappeared without a trace. Since then, Guy wanted to fight with Kanpū again!

Asuma stretched out his hand to stop Guy, and stepped forward and said: "I'll come first, I've been upset with him for a long time!"

Asuma stepped forward slowly, with a mocking look in his eyes: 'Just run, you should keep running.'

Kanpū did not move.

Asuma's eyes are filled with excitement, and his hands dance in front of him like phantoms: "Fūton: Daitoppa!" (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)

The moment the hurricane roared, the crowd of Anbu's Shinobi standing behind Kanpū flickered to the side in an instant, ready to watch the big show.

Kanpū took a deep breath, and then formed hand seals with both hands: "Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku!!!" (Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation)

The power of Ryumyaku poured out, and hot flames spurted out from Kanpū's mouth and turned into a wall of fire and crashed into the wind.

"Idiot, the flame will be blown back by the wind!"

"Not necessarily, Fire Release restrains Wind Release."

"But the Fire Release's strength depends on the person."

"Say, isn't Great Fire Annihilation Uchiha Clan's high-level Fire Release Ninjutsu?"

Several Anbu's Shinobi then looked towards Shisui.

However, Shisui was still in autism at this time, and didn't pay attention to what they said.

"The situation doesn't seem right…"

An Anbu's Shinobi looked at the wall of fire that was getting hotter and hotter in the training ground, and the face under the mask gradually reveals a grave expression.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters…50 meters!

The flames were raging, and the violent flames covered most of the training ground with terrifying high temperature and crimson halo. The flames burned, swayed, and danced in the hurricane, violently pushed against the wind!

The Anbu's mask was flushed red by the flames, and the eyes under the mask were narrowed, staring at Kanpū in disbelief.

'This guy's Fire Release's power... is too terrifying, right?!'

Several Anbu's Shinobi, who are good at Water Release, silently replaced themselves in Asuma's position… and their faces turned pale.

Asuma stood in front of the 50-meter wall of flames, desperately turning the Chakra inside his body into a violent wind and continued blowing the hurricane blowing, but it could not blow the fire wall!

"Asuma!!!" Kurenai stood beside him with a worried face, anxious to stop this fight.

Asuma looks pale, but under the flames, it is red and mellow. He clenched his teeth and was about to dodge to the side, but Kanpū's light voice passed through the wall of fire: "Sarutobi Nigeru, run, run, you want to run too?!"

Asuma suddenly couldn't move any further!

As a delinquent, his face is bigger than the sky. Just now, Asuma laughed at Kanpū and called him Gekko Nigeru, and now, the other party is ridiculing it. If he runs away at this time, he will not be able to lift his head in front of Kanpū in the future!

He gritted his teeth and formed hand seals again: "Fūton…"

But at this moment a green figure galloped from the side

"Konoha Daisenpū!!!" (Leaf Great Whirlwind)


The unsuspecting Asuma was instantly kicked away by Guy… more than thirty meters, just passing by the wall of fire.

As for Guy…

"Eight Gates Technique, open!"

Guy opened the Gate of Opening, Gate of Healing, Gate of Life, Gate of Pain, and Gate of Limit. He opened five-gates in one breath, and the Chakra in his body surged rapidly, squeezing his blood vessels and skin into purple red, making him look ferocious and terrifying!

In the next instant, the wall of flames roared towards him, and Guy also roared and instantly stepped on the air and soared into the sky!