Chapter 411 Shisui Takes Action

'Who am I?'

'Where am I?'

'What am I doing?'

Asuma woke up at this moment, looking at the white sky with a dazed expression.

"Asuma, you're awake, that's great!" Kurenai was overjoyed when she realized that Asma had woken up, and hurriedly dragged him up from the ground.

"I already said it, it's just a small injury." Shizune put her hands on her hips, showing proud expression.

Asuma rubbed his cheeks, and finally remembered what happened before he fell unconscious, 'I remembered that I was facing a sea of ​​flames, and then wanted to run, but then that bastard Gekko Kanpū used words to provoke me, and I finally seemed to be kicked by someone…

"Guy saved you." Hong said softly.

"He saved me?"

Asuma licked the position of the back molars, feeling it was empty and there was a taste of blood, and he immediately couldn't hold back his grief.

'That's how he saved me?'

"Is Kakashi okay?"

Shizune watched Kakashi walk off the field slowly, with a worried expression on her face, "I always feel that Gekko Kanpū's strength is terrifying…"

'Whether it is Fire Release Ninjutsu at the beginning, Konoha-Style Kenjutsu, Chakra Enhanced Strength that broke out during the fight with Guy, or even the very tenacious Chakra cloak, it's not simple!'

"Kakashi is a Jonin, there's absolutely no problem!" Asuma took two steps forward, and his eyes unconsciously fell on Guy, who was walking back from the field unconsciously, and his eyes showed complicated look.

"Yo, Asuma, are you alright?" Guy's tired face showed a refreshing smile. Under the faint sunlight, his shining molar reflected dazzling light like a gem.

Asuma subconsciously licked the position of his back molars, but it was empty…

"Guy, did you just… Did you deliberately…" Asuma feels that as a single dog, Guy must be jealous that he has a girlfriend, so he deliberately kicked out his two back molars!

In this way, he won't be able to grin anymore!


'What is he talking about?'

Guy was a little confused.

"Alright, they are about to start, watch carefully!" Kurenai said.

They suddenly quieted down and looked towards the field.


Kakashi walked to the opposite of Kanpū step by step, his brows were full of seriousness.

Kanpū's Fire Release Ninjutsu when he was fighting with Asuma, Extraordinary Strength, Konoha-Style Kenjutsu, and Biju Cloak when he was fighting with Guy, all of these seemed to be a haze that shrouded Kakashi's heart and made him breathe heavily.

And Kakashi has not forgotten that Kanpū still has Flying Thunder God Technique…

'This guy… when did he grow so strong?'

Kakashi remembers that "the day before yesterday", Kanpū followed Minato and him to the Sunagakure's main camp in the Land of Rain to form an alliance. He remembered that "yesterday" he and Kanpū look for Obito at the Kannabi Bridge. So why 'today', Obito has become a Missing-nin, and Kanpū has become so powerful?

Kakashi took a deep breath, suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and then looked for his advantage.



'Kenjutsu taught by Tou-san!'

'I have few advantages.'

Kakashi pulled out the blade on his back, and Sharingan on his left eye stared at Kanpū, looking for his weak spot, while the small motor in his mind was running.

'Kanpū is indeed strong, but he must also have weaknesses!'

'I'll just find it out!'

Kakashi's eye became serious, and he instantly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Kanpū.

Kanpū didn't want to bully Kakashi, so after putting away the Extraordinary Strength, he charged forward with a sword in his hand.



Clang clang!!

Along with the ear-piercing sound of blades colliding, two afterimages shuttled and collided back and forth in the field, sputtering out bright metal sparks.

Kakashi's aura also flickered quickly like these sparks.

'Kanpū's powerful strength... is not innate, he can choose whether to use that strength according to the situation.'

'So, Kanpū has mastered a Taijutsu that allowed him to use such powerful strength!'

'He didn't use that strength against me. Did he want to have a fair fight with me?'

'Very good, this is your weakness!'


Clang clang...

The blades of the two are colliding and rubbing constantly in the air, and the sound of the blades hitting became more and more rapid, intense, and even harsh. Kakashi was concentrating on all kinds of thoughts while fighting.

Kanpū played for a few minutes and became a little impatient.

His silhouette flickered as he quickly opened the distance, and then he replaced the Chakra inside his body with Lightning Attribute and poured it into the blade.


Lightning bursts, and the azure blue lightning covered the blade of the sword instantly like densely packed snakes, dragging out a long lightning sword shadow, and he slashed towards the opposite Kakashi.

Kakashi's complexion changed, and he retreat instantly as he formed hand seals: "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)


Kakashi opened his mouth and spouted a huge fireball. The fireball swelled against the wind, and in a flash, it turned into a fireball with a diameter of five or six meters. Like a big sun, it pushed horizontally, carrying the scorching heat and shooting towards Kanpū.

Kanpū's figure flickered again, the lightning sword dragged out a blue arc around the fireball, and slashed heavily towards Kakashi.


Kanpū suddenly noticed something weird, and at the next moment, he thought of Kakashi's Sharingan. He quickly disrupted the Chakra inside his body, Ryumyaku's Chakra, and Kyubi's Chakra. Instantly, Kakashi, who was close at hand, suddenly distorted and disappeared, and a sharp wind roared from the left.

Without even thinking about it, Kanpū swung his sword horizontally away.

The lightning sword dragged out an arc of azure blue light, instantly blasting the figure on the left.


'Shadow clone?'

Kanpū looked around and didn't see Kakashi, but found that his feet were already covered with Explosive Tags at some point!

Kanpū directly summoned Biju Cloak, and at the next moment, a violent explosion resounded through the third training ground, the dazzling flames and thick black smoke shot straight into the sky like a fire beacon!

While enduring the violent shock from the explosion Kanpū crazily poured the Kyubi's Chakra into the Biju Cloak.

'As expected of Biju Cloak. Whether it is Guy's physical attack or the damage caused by the explosion of the Explosive Tags, all can be defended!'

'It's just that the shock is a little uncomfortable!'

The air waves from the explosion slapped heavily on the pale red Biju Cloak, turning into a wall-cracking shock and spread into Kanpū's body, making him feel nauseous and want to vomit.

Fortunately, Uzumaki Clan's physique is extremely tough, and he immediately get used to this mere shock.

The Anbu's Shinobi of the sixth team in the distance looked this scene with some headaches.

"Even Exploding Tags are used."

"What on earth is Kakashi trying to do?"

"But for Husky, who have the power of Kyubi, even the Exploding Tags can't hurt him."

At this time, Shisui, who had been in autism for a long time, was also awakened by the series of explosions. He looked at the explosion in the field, and said with a frown: "Captain, it's almost time to end this farce."

The Captain of sixth team, whose code name Jizo, has Elite Jonin's strength, good at Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. His personality is relatively silent, and it is easy for people to ignore his existence when he does not make a sound.

The rest of the teammates turned around and looked towards Jizo.

Jizo shook his head slightly and said: "Look again."

As Captain, Jizo knows better than anyone that there are three genius in his team, one is Kakashi, a super genius who was promoted to Jonin at the age of twelve. Not only does he have Uchiha Clan's Kekkei Genkai, Sharingan, but he's also proficient in Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, and even Fuinjutsu, which is almost omnipotent!

Jizo thinks highly of him, and has always regarded Kakashi as his successor. He feels that Kakashi may not be the strongest among Anbu, but he definitely has the greatest potential!

Then, Minato stuffed two more people into his team.

Gekko Kanpū, who is good at Five-Attributes Ninjutsu and Konoha-Style Kenjutsu, and also Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Clan's strongest Genjutsu user.

When he first looked at their information, Jizo felt that although these two people were excellent, they should be a little worse than Kakashi, and he naively asked Minato if he wanted them to follow Kakashi so as to encourage them to continue to train hard. Minato did not answer him at that time, but showed a meaningful smile.

At this moment, Jizo vaguely understood the meaning of that smile.

He glanced at Shisui, who was not really shocked by the level of the battle, and wondered, 'Who is stronger between him and Kanpū?'

After the series of explosions slowly subsided, the flames went out, and thick smoke rose to the sky. In the field, the Anbu's Shinobi, Kurenai, Shizune, Guy, and Asuma were all staring at it.

"So fancy."

Kanpū, who was wrapped with Biju Cloak, stood there unscathed.

In the next instant, shuriken and kunai suddenly lased from all directions. Each Ninja Tools was tied with a steel wire. In a blink of an eye, the ground under Kanpū's feet were filled with countless Ninja Tools, and Kanpū's body was also covered with steel wires.

"Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu!" (Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique)

A lava-shaped fire dragon roared from Kanpū's side, but it did not attack Kanpū. Instead, it meandered around him, and the hot flames and terrifying high-temperature scorching the steel wires around Kanpū, gradually turning it red. Kanpū looked down and found that the steel wires surrounding him had turned into countless 'red threads' and were wrapped around his Biju Cloak.

Ssstt sstt ssstt…

A faint trace of light smoke spilled from the surface of the Biju Cloak, and Kanpū looked at these steel wires in surprise, and raised his eyebrows: 'Wow, Kakashi unexpectedly thought of this method to defeat my defense!'

Kanpū moved slightly, and the bright red steel wires around him was clamped instantly!

'As expected of Kakashi who can fight anyone at a 50-50.' Kanpū have never been so passive when he fought with the supersonic five-gates Guy just now. Of course, this also has a lot to do with Kanpū holding back.

However, he has this capital.

With a movement of his hand, and a kunai engraved with Flying Thunder God Technique's imprint instantly fell out of his sleeve, and then Kanpū waved his hand.

The kunai through the densely packed bright red steel wires, and Kanpū disappeared in the next instant.

Holding the Flying Thunder God's kunai who was flying away, Kanpū slowly landed on the ground.

Jizo's pupils shrank when he saw this: 'This is… Yondaime-sama's?!'

Thump, thump, thump!

Jizo's heartbeat and thinking were all disordered.

'No, Kakashi is Yondaime-sama's disciple. So why is it that Gekko Kanpū inherits Yondaime-sama's Legacy?!'

Just as he was shocked, the chirping of thousands of birds suddenly resounded throughout the training ground.

"I have been waiting for you! Lightning Release: Chidori!"

Kakashi's silhouette shot from a distance, and the lightning on his right hand exploded, dazzling brilliantly.

Kanpū calmly hid the kunai, and then formed hand seals: Ox-Rabbit-Monkey!

When Kakashi, who came galloping saw these three seals, the black pupils of his Sharingan shrank instantly!

At this moment, Kakashi suddenly remembered that when he was in the Kannabi Bridge's battlefield, he had exchanged his Chidori for Kanpū's Subterranean Voyage.

At that time, he didn't think much and only wanted to find Obito, but now… 'What the hell!!'

Kakashi's forehead was full of veins.


Kanpū yelled clearly. His right hand was instantly wrapped in a violent lightning, and ear-piercing lightning was accompanied by the bursting light, which was even more powerful than Kakashi!

It's not because of Kanpū's Chidori's mastery is high, but because Kanpū has more Chakra. Kakashi is unable to do his best because of Sharingan, so his Chidori is naturally not as good as Kanpū.

The two afterimages approached extremely quickly, and the piercing lightning noise made the Anbu's Shinobi, Kurenai, Shizune and the others uneasy. They only felt that the collision between the two might have unpredictable consequences.

Jizo, the captain of the sixth team, was about to stop them, when he suddenly found that Kanpū and Kakashi's movement… seemed to be crooked?

In this situation, Kanpū and Kakashi passed by each other!


Kanpū is shocked.

Kakashi is also dumbfounded.

'How could it be crooked?'

Both of them rushed towards the other side, one has Sharingan and the other has dynamic vision, so such thing shouldn't have…

Kanpū's heart shuddered, and he subconsciously turned his head to look at Shisui.

At the same time, Jizo also reacted, and turned his head. He saw that in Shisui's crow mask, there was a scarlet luster flowing around the eye sockets, and like a soul-devouring hell, it exuded a palpitating aura!!

At this moment, Jizo suddenly felt that he has rose to the heaven, and he had the urge to take all of Anbu's S-Rank missions!!