Chapter 419 Orochimaru Runs Away

In the dark underground waterway, a few white snakes were swimming at an extremely fast speed, turning repeatedly, and in a blink of an eye, they were approaching the underground laboratory built by Orochimaru in the village. At the same time, through some kind of connection, the white snakes immediately perceived that all the venomous snakes guarding outside the underground laboratory have died!

Several white snakes bite each other immediately, and in the end, only one remained!

At the same time.

Eagle, Kakashi, Shisui, and Orochimaru following behind were stepping on the roofs of houses and advancing quickly.

At this time, Orochimaru's golden vertical pupil suddenly enlarged.

The few white snakes he released all have soul connections with him, and he would be able to detect them once they died.

Although he is unable to receive the specific memory of the white snake after death like shadow clone, Orochimaru has long made an agreement with the white snakes, if the laboratory is found, they will kill each other, and use death to remind him!

In other words, his underground laboratory has been discovered!

Although it cannot be proved that Anbu discovered it, Orochimaru's restlessness that had been happening for a day and the fact that Anbu Commander, Eagle came to look for him in person clearly indicate something.

Orochimaru lowered his head, looked at the villagers coming and going in the street below, and then his mouth slightly smiled when he saw the manhole cover on the street.

In the next instant, Orochimaru's figure swooped down instantly.

Eagle, Shisui and Kakashi noticed the abnormal movement behind them almost instantly.


Eagle shouted coldly, and his figure turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Orochimaru at high speed.

Kakashi and Shisui also jumped down immediately, and the latter's dark eyes immediately turned into 3-Tomoe Sharingan.

"It's a pity that I can't go to see Yondaime with you."

Orochimaru made hand seals with both hands and threw out his right hand without looking back.

Sen'ei Jashu! (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)

Dozens of big yellow-scaled snakes shot out from his sleeves in an instant, biting towards Eagle coldly.

As Eagle swooped down, he is unable to move his body, so he could only pull out the sword behind him and cut the snake's head down, but because of this, his speed naturally slowed down!

With this delay, Orochimaru landed on the street smoothly, with the manhole cover in front of him!

At the same time, Shisui and Kakashi also landed behind Orochimaru one after another, but they did not dare to take action because there was a lot of people on the street. Within three meters to the left of Orochimaru, a father and daughter passed by!


At this moment, Orochimaru lifted the manhole cover into the air with a tiptoe, and it rolled and he smashed it towards the screaming crowd.

Then he made a light leap, and his figure disappeared directly into the sewer.

Shisui's face changed slightly, and he subconsciously jumped into the air to catch the manhole cover, while Kakashi next to him already jumped into the sewer, but…

Hiss hiss~~

In the dark underground waterway, countless venomous snakes overlapped with each other, twisting and crawling, rushing to Kakashi who jumped into the sewer madly.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)

Kakashi immediately formed hand seals and spouts a fireball!

The scorching flame instantly killed countless venomous snakes, but Kakashi did not have the slightest joy on his face.

Because he knew that he could no longer catch up with Orochimaru.

In the next instant, Eagle and Shisui who caught the manhole cover also jumped down.

The fireball burned for half a minute before all the venomous snakes that followed were burned to death. Countless long strips of coke densely filled most of the sewer, and the air was filled with a stench.

"Commander Eagle, what should we do?" Shisui asked.

Eagle sighed: "As one of Konoha's Sannin, Orochimaru is very powerful. If he wants to run, it will be difficult for ordinary people to stop him. Let's go back to Hokage Tower first."


Hokage Tower, conference room.

Minato sat upright, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Hiruzen was restless, couldn't help lighting up the pipe again, puffing out smokes fiercely, as if this could relieve his restless mood.

Danzo squinted his eyes and leaned against the back of the chair without saying a word.

Koharu, Homura, Fugaku and Shikaku were also silent.

Kanpū is still standing behind Minato, yawning boredly. Since there was a mask anyway, no one else could see it.

The huge conference room only has the sound of Hiruzen's smoking.

Time passed, and it is unknown how long it has passed, the door of the conference room opened.

Eight people in the room turned their heads simultaneously.

The person who came was wearing an eagle mask. He was the Anbu Commander, Eagle!

"Eagle, where is Orochimaru?" Minato's heart sank when he saw Eagle is alone.

Eagle knelt down on one knee and said: "Hokage-sama, when we rushed back with Orochimaru, he suddenly jumped into the underground waterway and ran away. Sorry, we couldn't stop him."

Hiruzen's expression changed. From Orochimaru's move, he can already guess some of the truth.

Minato glanced at Danzo, but there was nothing unusual about the latter.

"Yondaime, it seems that Orochimaru has noticed something. Could it be that your Anbu Commander, Eagle, leaked the information?" The old bastard, Danzo said unperturbedly.

As someone who has visited Orochimaru's laboratory several times, he is naturally aware of the venomous snakes outside the laboratories. Once Anbu discovers them, they will inevitably kill the venomous snakes. Once the poisonous snake is dead, with Orochimaru's caution, he will definitely be able to detect the abnormality!

'Well, it's all right now. once Orochimaru runs away, I can put all the blame on Orochimaru's head!'

"Advisor Danzo, you seem to have guessed that Orochimaru will run away." Minato looked directly at Danzo.

Danzo shrugged: "Orochimaru is the one of Konoha's legendary Sannin. He is not only strong, but also very cautious. Sandaime should know this better than me!"

"Humph!" Hiruzen snorted, and continue smoking.

Minato pondered for a while, and said: "Eagle, go outside and wait for the results of the laboratory search. Kanpū, you, Shisui and Kakashi will chase Orochimaru!"


Kanpū was taken aback, but soon recovered, "I understand!"

After he spoke, he immediately walked out of the conference room. Outside, Anbu of the three teams are still guarding here.

Kanpū looked around, but there were too many animals around, so he couldn't distinguish the crow and the fox, and could only said directly: "Shisui, Kakashi!"

"Kanpū." Shisui passed through the crowd of Anbu amd came to Kanpū, and Kakashi followed him silently.

"Hokage-sama asked us to chase after Orochimaru."

Kanpū shrugged his shoulders and said softly, "Let's go."

Shisui and Kakashi nodded, then the three people quickly disappeared.

The rest of the Anbu's Shinobi look at each other in shock.

Although Kanpū's voice is not loud, even the sound of needles falling in the corridor can be heard, so how can they not hear Kanpū's words?

'Chasing Orochimaru?'

'Orochimaru is one of Konoha's Sannin, and he is also the disciple of Sandaime-sama. He also has outstanding military exploits, so why chase him?'

'Does Sandaime-sama, who is in the conference room, know about this?'

They were about to start discussing, but when they saw Eagle stepping out of the fuzzy bubble-like film, they hurriedly closed their mouth, but they couldn't help exchanging their shocked emotions with their eyes.

In the conference room.

When Danzo heard Minato's order, he touched his chin subconsciously to ponder.

'He ordered Gekko Kanpū, Uchiha Shisui and Hatake Kakashi's group of three to chase after Orochimaru?

'What is Minato's purpose?'

'Does he think those three little brats can defeat Orochimaru?'

Danzo is puzzled.

Fugaku guessed that Minato wanted to use Shisui's Mangekyo to capture Orochimaru.

But Mangekyo's pupil power is used once, less once, so he doesn't know if it is right or wrong to let Shisui join Anbu.

"Yondaime, isn't it too much of a joke."

Koharu started speaking, "Do you think that these three people can catch Orochimaru, one of the Sannin?"

Minato said: "Orochimaru is very strong, so normal Anbu not only can't keep him, but will die in his hands. As for why I sent them those three... It's because I believe in Shisui!"

Shisui has the nickname Shisui of Body Flicker, Uchiha Clan's strongest Genjutsu user, and also awakened Mangekyo Sharingan, plus there's Kanpū's Flying Thunder God Technique and Kyubi's Chakra. If all goes well, Minato believed that they should be able to catch Orochimaru.

But he can't help Kanpū to make a name for himself, so he can only name Shisui specifically.

As for Kakashi, it is mainly for him to get experience, but also to motivate him.

"Shisui of the Body Flicker's name is indeed famous, but I don't think he can be Orochimaru's opponent." Koharu is still stubborn.

Minato didn't explain anything.

About ten minutes later, Eagle knocked on the door again and entered: "Hokage-sama, the people from the second team have successfully found the laboratory, which has been confirmed to belong to Orochimaru."

"Did they find anything?" Hiruzen asked with a fluke mentality.

"They found a lot of research data on human experiments, as well as the skeletons of two missing Shinobi." Eagle said.

When he heard this, Hiruzen sat down decadently, bowing his head silently.

Minato glanced at Danzo and asked: "Is there anything related to Advisor Danzo in the laboratory?"

Eagle shook his head: "They haven't found it yet."

Minato frowned upon hearing this.

And Danzo showed a smile on his face. With his cautiousness, how could he leave something belonging to him in Orochimaru's laboratory?

'Don't say anything about it, you won't even find a single piece of my hair in there!'

Danzo feels that he is very stable!

More than half an hour has passed.

People from the fourth team also came back to report what they found.

It's just…

After Eagle entered the conference room again, his eyes uncertain looked at Danzo and... Uchiha Fugaku!

People from the fourth team found the missing Military Police Force's member's corpse and his pair of 2-Tomoe Sharingan in the laboratory outside the village!

In this case, wouldn't Danzo's Sharingan be the third Sharingan?

"Hokage-sama…" Eagle looked at Minato hesitantly.

When Danzo saw this, his heart was even more determined: 'It seems that they have found the corpse of Uchiha's Shinobi, in this way, I will be completely safe!

"Say it!" Minato said directly.

Eagle struggled for a while, but still said: "The fourth team found the missing Military Police Force's member's corpse, and at the same time, they found his two Sharingan, both of them are 2-Tomoe."

Minato frowned fiercely when he heard this!

Koharu, Homura and Shikaku also looked towards Eagle in surprise.

Even Danzo started acting, staring at Eagle in surprise!

'Two Sharingan?'

'And they are all 2-Tomoe?'

'Then what about my 3-Tomoe Sharingan?!'

Danzo's expression seemed to show this thought.

"What the hell is going on?!" Koharu naturally saw Danzo's expression, and was extremely dissatisfied at this time.

Minato reacted quickly and immediately looked towards Fugaku.

Koharu and the others also realized later, and simultaneously looked towards Fugaku.

Fugaku coughed lightly, and said calmly: "The missing member of the Military Police Force indeed has 2-Tomoe Sharingan."

Hearing this, Koharu's face sank: "Then why didn't you say it just now?"

"What do you want me to say?"

Fugaku said solemnly, "When I saw the 3-Tomoe Sharingan in Advisor Danzo's eye, did you want me to speak that the Sharingan of the missing clansman is a 2-Tomoe and not a 3-Tomoe? Do you want me to say that that the Sharingan in Advisor Danzo's eye is not my Sharingan of Uchiha Clan? Do you want me to say that Advisor Danzo is innocent?"