Chapter 424 Fighting Pain

Dark clouds overwhelm the city, and rain falls like waterfalls.

Six Paths of Pain, dressed in a black robe with red clouds pattern, walks in Amegakure expressionlessly. The heavy rain soaks drenched their orange hair, spilled from their foreheads into their eyes, and slipped down to their noses. But they didn't realize it, and continued to walk like walking corpse.

There was no trace of emotion in the six pairs of identical eyes.

Pedestrians passed by in a hurry, and subconsciously avoided them when they encountered them.

Obito, who was wearing a vortex mask, followed behind without saying a word, and only a faint scarlet luster flickered in his eye socket.

Zetsu walked at the end, and on both sides of his black and white face are huge pitcher-like leaves, shaking constantly in the rain.

The group paced forward and gradually approached the steel building that represents the highest authority in Amegakure!


Outside Amegakure.

Nagato sits on a huge bloated wheelchair, and his right eye is covered by his dazzling red hair, only the Rinnegan on his left eye is exposed, staring coldly at the steel city surrounded by heavy rain.

"The new Akatsuki will be reborn here!" Nagato said softly.

"What do you plan to do with the people in this city?" Konan held up a paper umbrella, floating beside him like an angel, while also protecting him from the rain.

Nagato grinned and revealed a silent smile: "I come to this city in the name of God, and they…can only obey."

'What if they don't obey?'

Konan has questions in her mind, but it is better to keep some questions in her mind.

She changed the subject without a trace, and asked: "Did you really decide to cooperate with Uchiha Madara?"

"Uchiha Madara?"

Nagato's tone was somewhat disdainful, and he said with a snort, "He's just borrowing the name of his ancestor. His real identity should be Konoha's S-Rank Missing-nin, Uchiha Obito! But this does not hinder our cooperation."

Konan said: "But he is the disciple of Yondaime Hokage, and Konoha has not announced the reason for his defection. I am worried that he is spy. Nagato, wouldn't it be too risky for us to cooperate with him so rashly?"

Nagato said: "Don't worry, from the day Uchiha Obito contacted us, I already guessed that he is plotting something."

"In that case, why do you still bother to cooperate with him? "Konan is puzzled.

"Sharingan, Byakugan and my Rinnegan are known as Shinobi World's Three-Great Dojutsu, but you should understand that Rinnegan's power far surpasses Byakugan and Sharingan, so no matter what Uchiha Obito is plotting, it is impossible to succeed in front of this pair of eyes!"

Nagato explained softly, "And Akatsuki's goal is to collect Biju from Great Shinobi Villages, which is difficult for us alone, so we must rely on the power of Great Shinobi Villages' Missing-nin! With the presence of Konoha's Missing-nin, Uchiha Obito, we can contact and absorb Missing-nin from other villages into the Akatsuki!"

"If Akatsuki's members are all Missing-nin, I think it will soon attract the attention of the Great Country." Konan said worriedly.

Nagato said: "That's why we are here. With the camouflage of Amegakure, even if Akatsuki attracts the attention of the Great Country, they will not pay attention here, because this is Amegakure!"


The heavy rain falls majestically.

There is no one near the tallest steel building in Amegakure!

Hyōketsu stood on the top of the tower, looking at the thick dark clouds that seemed to be close at hand.

Suddenly, Hyōketsu frowned. As if he sensed a sharp gaze from below, he looked down. The rain was like a curtain, and he could only vaguely see a few black dots, which were slowly moving toward the steel building under his feet.

'Amegakure's Shinobi?'

'Or… Akatsuki?'

Hyōketsu became a little excited. He reached out his hand to touch the ice crystals mask on his face, and anexcited smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Hyōketsu directly turns on the power of Ryumyaku, and a steady stream of Chakra poured into the body, making wild waves along his Chakra Pathway System.

Ice Release: Ice Age!

Hyōketsu quickly formed hand seals, and the majestic Chakra turns into countless ice crystals, which surged out. The top of the black tower is instantly covered by ice crystals at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly spread downward!

"Ice Release Kekkei Genkai."

On the street, Zetsu looked up at the tall tower that was gradually covered by ice. Its tone was cold and severe, as it was Black Zetsu's voice.

"Didn't the Yuki Clan in Kirigakure disappear during the civil strife?" Deva Path Pain asked without looking back.

Since Karatachi Yagura became the Yondaime Mizukage, Kirigakure has been surrounded by blood mist, and the Great Kekkei Genkai Clans have also been squeezed out of the power center of Kirigakure by Yagura. Kaguya Clan was not reconciled, so they launched a coup-d'état, but unfortunately, they were brutally suppressed by Yagura with absolute strength. After that, the remaining Kekkei Genkai Clan was also destroyed by Yagura one after another, falling apart in the civil strife!

"No matter how large the civil strife is, there will always be one or two survivors left." Zetsu said with a smile, his voice was somewhat playful, and it was White Zetsu's voice.

"Why does Kekkei Genkai from Kirigakure appear here?" Obito looked at Zetsu with some dissatisfaction, as he felt that the intelligence work of this comrade of his is not good enough!

Zetsu shrugged, and said with a smile: "I'm so sorry, this city is surrounded by steel, so I can't monitor this city all the time."

While speaking, the tall tower building dozens of meters away has been completely frozen. From a distance, it seems to wear a white ice armor. In the majestic heavy rain, it exudes the white coldness that is visible with naked eye, but no matter how heavy the rain was, there was no sign of the 'ice armor' melting.

"It seems that the other party doesn't welcome us very much."

Obito's gaze shifted from Zetsu to Deva Path Pain, and his gaze was hot: 'Then, let me see the ability of Pain created with the Rinnegan, Nagato!'

"In front of these eyes, any Kekkei Genkai is useless."

Preta Path stepped forward expressionlessly, and slowly came to the tall tower building covered by thick ice, "Fūjutsu Kyūin." (Blocking Technique Absorption Seal)

Preta Path stretched out his hand and presses on the surface of the 'ice armor', and then reverses the Chakra cycle in his body. In an instant, a strange suction force diffused from his palm, and all the Chakra attached to the 'ice armor' was swallowed by this suction force, like a rivers returning to the sea, pouring into the body of Preta Path in an endless stream!

When Preta Path drained all the Chakra covered on the 'ice armor', the seemingly indestructible 'ice armor' finally melted quickly in the rain!

"Let's go."

Deva Path Pain took a step forward, and then immediately leaped back!

In the next instant, a sharp icicle pierced through the rain curtain, like an arrow from a string, and nailed heavily to the position where he was standing before.

Immediately afterwards, countless icicles fell from the sky, shooting down like rainstorm, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The corners of Obito's mouth showed a smile, and he looked excitedly at the icicles all over the sky.

'The stronger the Yuki Clan's Shinobi on the tower, the more strength the Six Paths of Pain will expose!'

Obito won't help selflessly. So it is naturally necessary to collect information about Nagato as early as possible for future use!

"Dantō no Hiya." (Flaming Arrow Warhead)

Asura Path slowly raised his right hand against the sky full of icicles, and his five fingers turned into five missiles that flew into the air and exploded in mid-air!

Boom boom boom…

With the series of rumbling sounds, the violent explosion turned into a surging air wave that swept all directions, directly sweeping out the countless icicles that shot down!

Immediately afterwards, Animal Path formed hand seals and slammed his palms onto the ground: "Kuchiyose: Yatagarasu!" (Summoning: Eight Span Crow)


With the ear-piercing screams, a huge strange bird with black iron rods stuck on its body spread its wings, and the huge wings whipped up a violent wind, blowing the robes of Pain.

Leaded by Deva Path Pain, the other five Pain jumped up one after another and flew to the top of the tower on the Yatagarasu.

"As expected of Rinnegan, it can actually create a clone with so many strange abilities."

Obito sneered and jumped up, stepping on the high tower and rushing up quickly.

As for Zetsu, he just stands still.

"Aren't we going to have a look?" White Zetsu asked.

"We are not combatants, what are we going to do there?" Black Zetsu asked rhetorically.

"Aiya, it's really rare, so I want to see the excitement." White Zetsu felt a little regretful, but since Black Zetsu is 'Madara's will', White Zetsu had no choice but to listen to him in some ways.

The top of the tower.

Hyōketsu looked at the gradually growing Yatagarasu, and could already vaguely see the figures in red cloud robes with a black background on the bird's back.

'Sure enough, it is Six Paths of Pain!'

Hyōketsu's cold eyes gleamed, and his hand seals are getting faster and faster: "Ice Release: Ice Crystals Dragon!!!"


In the silent roar, two ferocious ice crystals dragons meandered up, broke through the rain curtain from left and right, spun, fly, and danced in the sky, and then slammed into the Yatagarasu violently in the next moment!

On Yatagarasu, the Six Paths of Pain stood in three rows with expressionless faces, letting the wind and rain beat, and the six of them remained motionless.

Seeing two huge ice dragons approaching, Deva Path Pain stretched out the right hand unhurriedly: "Shin, Ra, Ten, Sei!"

The pupil power in Rinnegan flowed, and instantly turned into a repulsive force without casting, like a stormy sea, suddenly descending on the two ice dragons!!


With the violent collision sound, ice fragments scattered all over the sky, and the two ice dragons flew away like catkins fluttering in the wind under the fierce repulsive force. They were swept upside down by the repulsion without resistance.

Hyōketsu's cold eyes squinted slightly, and he immediately formed hand seals again, controlling the ice crystals in the sky to turn into a huge ice net to envelop the flying upside-down ice dragons, and then by pouring more Chakra, he once again controlled the ice dragons in his hands.


With the roar, the two ice dragons roared up to the sky, and the shattered dragon whiskers and dragon claws that were hit by the repulsion quickly recovered with the supplement of Chakra, and then they rushed into the Yatagarasu again!

'The cooldown of Shinra Tensei is five seconds… right?'

Under the mask of ice crystals, Hyōketsu looked coldly at the Yatagarasu that had already flown above his head, and the fighting intent gradually burned in his heart.


As the strange scream rang, the two ice dragons had smashed the two giant wings of the Yatagarasu, and t then the dragon body moved around, entangled it tightly, and quickly tightened it!


Hyōketsu's pupils shrank, and his figure flickered back quickly.

Boom boom boom...

With the series of explosions, fire and thick smoke covered Hyōketsu's sight, and then missiles as thick as chopsticks shot through the thick smoke, shooting towards him.

"Ice Release: Waltz!"

Hyōketsu formed hand seals with both hands, and the Chakra extracted from the Ryumyaku turns into countless ice crystals and snowflake that condensed and compressed on his side in an instant, turning into a huge circular ice shield!

Boom boom boom...

The missiles crazily collided and exploded in front of the ice shield. Amidst the choking fire and smoke, heavy waves of violent air crazily pressed down on Hyōketsu's ice shield, making him retreat continuously…