Chapter 447 Asa Kujaku

This is not Kanpū's first time fighting with Guy at supersonic speed. Kanpū has rich experience with this, so he immediately activated the Extraordinary Strength talent, and punched Guy's fists back.


In the non-fancy physical collision, a wave of air visible to the naked eye swept across the four directions centered on the two of them like a storm. The trees buckled, the grass fragments fluttered, the earth and rocks rolled, and the land underfoot seemed to be gnawed by an excavator and scraped away layer by layer.

After a few seconds of stalemate between the two fists, finally, with the crisp sound of 'crack', Guy's right hand gradually trembled, and finally with a 'boom', Guy was sent flying like a cannonball!

But Kanpū also took several steps back because of the impact, and each step leaves a clear footprint on the ground!

Kanpū rubbed his aching right hand and thought to himself, 'Guy's strength has become stronger again. If he continues to train like this, I'm afraid he can really have Extraordinary Strength even without using talent!'

And the most important thing is that Guy has only opened five gates now. If he opens the sixth gate, his speed and strength will increase dramatically. And then there's seventh gate, and the eighth gate!

"As expected of Kanpū!"

Guy jumped up from the ground with a carp, and blood overflowed from his right fist, but he ignored it at all. His eyes were bright and stared fiercely at Kanpū, and there seems to be a raging flame inside his eyes, "It seems that I need to increase my strength training!!"

Kanpū's mouth twitched when he heard this: 'How long does your strength training last? Please be a normal person!!'

Guy, who is not a normal person, took a deep breath, and he tip-toed and broke into supersonic speed in an instant. Amidst a series of thunderous crackling sounds, he appeared on the right side of Kanpū in an instant, and kicked towards him brutally.

The strength of his feet carried the terrifying air pressure, like an invisible air wall pressing on Kanpū's cheek. Although the kick hasn't hit him yet, Kanpū has already felt a throbbing pain!

He didn't dare to be careless. With Extraordinary Strength, he fiercely punched towards the blurry figure on the right.

But at the next moment, Kanpū's fists passed across the blurred figure, and his explosive power didn't hit anything, leaving Kanpū's chest wide open.

Immediately afterwards, a piercing sonic boom burst from behind him!

Because of the strength training, Guy's leg muscles have become more developed, making his fifth gate's speed better than ever!

Kanpū had no time to turn around, so he could only use the strength of his waist and abdomen, half-turned abruptly, and threw his right elbow at the same time, his left hand threw the four stones in his arms far away!

But Guy changed his trick again!

He stepped on the air, his figure turned into an afterimage, knocked away a heavy wave of air, and he appeared on the left corner of Kanpū like teleporting. A Leaf Whirlwind swept across Kanpū's whole body with a terrifying air pressure!

Kanpū's face turned black at this moment!

'Don't you say you are doing strength training?'

'How did your speed become so much faster?!'

For Guy, his speed has only improved a little, but in Kanpū's eyes, it is the last straw that is about to crush the camel's back, as it is faintly beyond his vision and nerve reflex ability!

'In that case, there is only cheating!'

Kanpū's thoughts move, 'Hiraishin no Jutsu!' (Flying Thunder God Technique)


Kanpū's figure turned into an invisible air wave, and he instantly appeared beside a stone imprinted with Flying Thunder God Technique 20 meters away.

At the same time.

Guy's Leaf Whirlwind swept across in the air, and the violent air pressure dug three feet of the ground, countless sand and mud mixed and scattered far away.

Then Guy stepped on the air and smashed away the invisible air wave again!

Amidst the series of thunderclaps sound, Kanpū suddenly felt a huge air pressure descending on top of his head!

Hiraishin no Jutsu!

Kanpū immediately teleported to the second rock, then he tiptoed a little, sending the rock far away, and then his figure flickered quickly, flickering in the opposite direction.

In the next second, Kanpū heard the sound of fierce wind coming from behind him.

With a thought in his mind, he instantly teleported to the stone that hadn't fallen to the ground, and then formed a hand seal with both hands: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! (Shadow Clone Technique)


The smoke dissipated, and two identical Kanpū appeared on the spot.

Then the two used Flying Thunder God Technique at the same time and teleported to the two rocks next to them.

Guy looked around, completely unable to distinguish Kanpū's shadow clone, but Kanpū told him the answer.

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!

Kanpū on the right once again formed hand seal and creates a shadow clone.

Although he hasn't collected Multiple Shadow Clone Technique yet, he can use shadow clone again and again. And with the power of Ryumyaku's support, there's no problem!

Kanpū used Flying Thunder God Technique to dodge while using Shadow Clone Technique at the same time. In a blink of an eye, there are already eleven Kanpū nearby!

Guy frowned, and decided to deal with these shadow clones first.

However, it was too late.

"Fūton: Daitoppa!" (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)

"Fūton: Daitoppa!"


Ten shadow clones used Great Breakthrough together to instantly set off a level 10 typhoon. The violent, chaotic, and disorderly wind force forcibly dragged Guy out of the supersonic speed!

Kanpū's eyes lit up, and he immediately formed hand seals: "Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu!" (Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique)

The majestic Chakra was crazily compressed and condensed in his body, and a lava-shaped flame was extracted from Kanpū's mouth, and turned into a huge fire dragon in mid-air, and then it slammed into Guy, who is still facing the violent hurricane!

Guy felt the chaotic hurricane blowing from all directions, as if there are countless invisible hands pulling his body, felt a sense of shackles of losing freedom, losing dreams, losing the sky, and losing everything.

This feeling is extremely aggrieving, making him unhappy, making him extremely depressed and angry!

When the fire dragon meandered towards the hurricane, Guy bursts out.

"Eight Gates Technique!"

"Sixth Gate: Gate of View!"



Under Kanpū's dumbfounded gaze, a green aura gushes from Guy's body, like a Biju Cloak draped over his side.


Guy roared and smashed the chaotic hurricane, broke the air, and destroyed the lava-shaped fire, drawing a fire circle in the air, like a moment of youth, and then, the fire covered all of Kanpū's shadow clone in an instant!

Bang~ Bang~ Bang~ ...

In the series of explosions, Kanpū's shadow clone were all destroyed!

After receiving the memory sent back from the shadow clone, Kanpū felt a chill in his heart.

As he thought, Guy, who opened the sixth place, has a much higher speed than the fifth gate, and it is difficult for his dynamic vision to accurately capture his figure!

"Asa Kujaku!!!" (Morning Peacock)

After finishing off Kanpū's shadow clone, Guy waved his left fist and descended from the sky.

The fierce and domineering fists rubbed against the air at a high speed, forming a violent shock wave. Accompanied by the flame caused by the friction, like a peacock spreading its tail, countless flame fist covered the sky, and descended to the top of Kanpū's head overwhelmingly!

"Kuchiyose: Rashomon!" (Summoning Technique: Rashomon)

Kanpū immediately bit his finger, and slapped his palms onto the ground after forming hand seals!


A huge demon-faced red gate with a height of 100 meters broke through the ground in an instant, covering in front of Kanpū!

The bell on the top of Rashomon was jingling, but it doesn't affect Sixth Gate Guy at all!

Bang bang bang bang bang…

Continuous and violent impact sounds came from the front of the demon-faced red gate. Kanpū then looked up and saw fist marks quickly appearing on the tall demon-faced gate.


With Guy's roar, Asa Kujaku bloomed brightly like fireworks, and the fist marks on the gate spread wildly all around, densely packed, overlapping, and the fist prints became deeper and deeper!!