Chapter 459 Ryuchi Cave's Receptionist, Tagorihime

Ryuchi Cave is underground and extends in all directions. There are countless snakes living in it. It is a veritable snake nest not just in name only, but also in reality!

However, due to the seasonal reasons, most snakes are in hibernation at this moment, until a strong fluctuation came from the depths of Ryuchi Cave.

This is will of the White Snake Sage.

Countless snakes, who are in hibernation, suddenly opened their vertical pupils, shaking their tails, moving their bodies, and quickly gathering in a certain direction madly.

"A human invasion?"

Manda, who also received the White Snake Sage's will, slowly coiled up its huge snake body, and its ferocious purple scales rubbed against the ground and create sparks. 'Is it Gekko Kanpū?'

'Should I inform Orochimaru?'

'However, White Snake Sage has found out about him. If those guys make a move, Gekko Kanpū should not be able to survive.'

Manda twisted its huge snake body and quickly moved through the huge tunnel.


In front of the canyon.

After Kanpū left, Shisui sat down and waited quietly. After a few minutes, he couldn't help but stand up from the ground. After a few minutes, he started walking back and forth. Obviously, only a few minutes has passed, but Shisui feels that every second is like a year, and his expression is anxious, worried, and uneasy.

But at this time, he couldn't do anything except to wait. After walking back and forth for a while, he sat down again, closes the eyes and took deep breaths continuously.


Ryuchi Cave.

Looking at the six paths and listening to all directions, Kanpū Feng felt that there seemed to be countless poisonous snakes swarming in the dark tunnel, and the stench in the air became thicker and denser.

His face changed slightly. He quickly formed hand seals for Hardening Technique, and then put two antidote pills in his mouth just in case.

At the same time, he is also ready to use Flying Thunder God Technique to run away at any time. Although Senjutsu is indispensable, his own life is more important!

After a few breaths, Kanpū's eyebrows twitched, and when he looked up suddenly, he dense venomous snakes crawling from both sides of the huge tunnel. Red, yellow, purple, green, and blue, countless snakes overlap each other, and there is almost no gap between the snakes!

'It's so disgusting…'

At this moment, so many snakes formed a snake wall to surround him, which immediately aroused his intensive phobia, and the goosebumps almost fell out of control.

Hiss hiss~

Hiss hiss~

Countless snakes hissed one after another, like magic sounds pouring into his brain, stinging Kanpū's eardrum sore. His scalp felt numb, and even his line of sight seemed to be affected and was slightly distorted.

Kanpū didn't dare to hesitate, and was ready to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to run back, but at this moment, a huge pavilion suddenly appeared in front of him!


Kanpū looked around fiercely, and saw the surroundings are empty and deep, 'Where are the other tunnels? Where are the snakes?'

'This is… Genjutsu?'

Kanpū's face changed slightly, and he quickly sensed the coordinates of his Flying Thunder God Technique.

Then, he was shocked to find that the nearest Flying Thunder God Technique was located 28 kilometers away, which almost exceeded his perception limit!

'How is it possible?'

'I clearly remember that after I printed the Flying Thunder God Technique's imprint, I ran into the snake wall, and it should be only a distance of several hundred meters. Why did it suddenly become twenty-eight kilometers?'

Kanpū shivered when he thought of this.

'Ryuchi Cave is really dangerous!'

"Humans, welcome to Ryuchi Cave."

A clear and sweet female voice suddenly came from the top of the pavilion.

Kanpū looked up and saw a huge plaque hanging on the huge pavilion with the words 'Ryuchi Cave' written on it, and a young girl in a white dress with green trimmings around the sleeves and neck area, and a golden crown on her head, fell from the sky while holding a paper umbrella.

The young girl smiled sweetly. After landing, she gracefully walked towards Kanpū. On her gentle and beautiful face, she chuckled before saying: "What's your name?"

Kanpū's heartbeat was pounding, and he replied subconsciously: "My name is Gekko Kanpū."

"Gekkou Kanpū, what a beautiful name."

The young girl said with a smile, "Kanpū-san, my name is Tagorihime. I am the receptionist of Ryuchi Cave. Please come in and have a cup of tea."

Tagorihime holds the umbrella in one hand and ran towards the pavilion holding Kanpū's arm with the other.

Kanpū was alarmed and terrified, but his body followed her uncontrollably and ran in.

Fortunately, Kanpū can still sense the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God Technique, so he feels at ease.

After entering the pavilion, he saw that the inside was magnificent and luxuriously furnished with gold pillars, jade, silk and antiques. After looking around, Kanpū almost thought he had returned to his previous life.

"Kanpū-san, please sit down."

Tagorihime took Kanpū to the depths of the main hall and led him to sit on a tatami mat. In front of him, there's a small long table with delicious wines and delicacies on it, all in color, fragrance, and flavor. Seeing all this, Kanpū's appetite instantly rose.

But at the same time, the vigilance in his heart has reached its limit.

"Kanpū-san, is it not to your liking? Why don't you eat it?" Tagorihime asked with a smile.

Kanpū's stomach was rumbling, but he didn't seem to hear it, and said righteously: "Tagorihime, I came to Ryuchi Cave to learn Senjutsu, so I don't need to eat or drink."

Kanpū doesn't believe that the snakes of Ryuchi Cave can make wine and plant vegetables. He believed that everything in front of them is Genjutsu. He recalled about the Legend of the White Snake, so he doesn't want to be Xu Xian! (T/N:

"The humans who come to Ryuchi Cave are all here to learn Senjutsu. Kanpū-san, how about I teach you Senjutsu after you finished eating?" Tagorihime rested on Kanpū's body, and her sweet fragrance filled Kanpū's nose.

Kanpū's blood is boiling, but he kept thinking in my heart: 'I will not be Xu Xian, I will not be Xu Xian, I will not be Xu Xian…'

Even after a while, Kanpū still didn't move at all, and Tagorihime's facial expression slowly stiffened: "Kanpū-san, are you really not going to eat?"

Gru gru…

Kanpū's stomach rang again, but he still firmly shook his head: "Tagorihime, to be honest, I just ate a lot before I came in, so I'm not hungry at all!"

Gru gru…

"But your stomach is growling, you must be hungry!" Tagorihime turned behind Kanpū, and her beautiful facial features gradually became ferocious. Her neck gradually became longer, her tongue turned into a blue snake tongue, and she breathed at behind Kanpū.

Feeling the cool breeze behind his head, Kanpū's muscles tensed up, and he said: "I won't eat even if I'm hungry! I want to learn Senjutsu!"

"If you don't eat, then I will eat you."

Tagorihime grinned, and her small mouth immediately turned into a huge snake mouth and bit Kanpū's head.

Kanpū's pupils shrunk, and flickered to ten meters away while pulling out the Kusanagi Sword, then he turned around and used Konoha-Style Kenjutsu - Flame Slash!

The scorching flame shoots out from the blade of the Kusanagi Sword, turning into a huge flame which blasted towards Tagorihime.


Tagorihime does not dodge or evade, letting the flames hit her body. She then walked out of the flames while hissing, her beautiful black eyes have turned into golden vertical pupils, and she stared at Kanpū with no emotion.

"Tagorihime, I'm here to learn Senjutsu, not to fight." Kanpū felt a little scared.

He used all his strength for the slash just now. Even Jonin who specializes in Taijutsu did not dare to take it head-on, so Tagorihime's strength is definitely beyond his imagination!

"Senjutsu? Hehehehe, how can it be so easy for you to learn Senjutsu?"

Tagorihime walks towards Kanpū step by step, and the head on her long neck became more and more like a snake's head.

Kanpū at this time is like the extra that is about to die in a horror movie. While trembling in fear, he also inexplicable feeling of… excitement?