Chapter 537 Kanpū's Plan

In the courtyard.

Under Kanpū's assurance that the group of Rogue Shinobi were all killed brutally, Kushina's emotions finally calmed down.

Kanpū was afraid that Kushina would go berserk again, so he hurriedly said: "Sister Kushina, I plan to give these Fuinjutsu to Karin, what do you think?"

"That's great!"

Kushina affirmed, "We, Uzumaki Clan's members, have a very high talent on Fuinjutsu. Learning these Fuinjutsu can also help Karin a little more power to protect herself. In the future, I will often come to guide her in her Fuinjutsu training. If there is anything you don't understand, you can always come to me."

Kanpū is overjoyed, 'With Kushina's words, won't these Fuinjutsu be mine soon?'

At this moment, the sound of two brats arguing could be heard faintly from the distance.

Kushina listened carefully, and her face turned dark at that moment. Her hands were clenched, and red-haired fluttered behind her. As she walked over, she gnashed her teeth and shouted: "Na! Mi! Ka! Ze! Na! Ru! To!!!"

Between her own son and the member of her clan she just met, Kushina chose her own hair without the slightest hesitation!

Hearing Kushina's shout, Naruto, who was shocked on the spot, thought of running away, and immediately climbed up the walls. And when he was about to leave, he turned his head unwillingly, stared fiercely at Karin, and shouted: "Remember, yellow hair is the best, hmph, I will be back!"

After Naruto ran away, Kushina talked to Karin again and left.

Karin feels a little lost, feeling like she was left alone in the whole world, so she couldn't help but ran to ask Kanpū: "Aunt Kushina said she will come again. When will she come next time?"

Kanpū showed an honest, reliable, loyal and kind smile, then handed her the small notebook in his hand, and said: "Karin, here is the Fuinjutsu from your Uzumaki Clan. You must study hard, I am very optimistic about you~"

Karin pushed the thick-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, and continued to ask: "When will Aunt Kushina come?"

"Your Aunt Kushina is the village's Jonin, so she will be very busy with mission. So if there is nothing important, we can't bother her." Kanpū said earnestly.

"Oh." Karin lowered her head, rubbing the small notebook with both hands.

"What's in your hands is the most important thing." Kanpū coughed dryly and smiled like a big bad wolf.

Karin suddenly raised her head: "This Fuinjutsu?"

"If you encounter something you don't understand, you can go to her at any time."

Kanpū said with a smile, "This is what your Aunt Kushina said."


Karin sensed and confirmed that Kanpū did not lie, and immediately ran to the pond beside the rockery and sat down, dipped her feet into the water and stirred it around, holding the small notebook in her hand and read it with glowing eyes.

As spring approaches, the water in the pool is still icy cold, but Karin feels very comfortable and feels like soaking in hot spring.


Reading the book, Karin let out a strange laugh like an idiot.

Kanpū glanced from the distance, then he turned around and left after confirming that there was nothing wrong.

After being disturbed by Kushina and Naruto, he couldn't sleep anymore, so Kanpū planned to report to Anbu.

Kanpū first went to the Anbu's Headquarters to report his attendance, and then rushed to the third changing room of the bathhouse, but unfortunately, there was no one in the changing room.

'Is it a mission or a training camp?'

Kanpū was too lazy to look for them, so he sat on a stool and closed his eyes to rest, thinking about the way forward.

Now that he has collected ten Uzumaki Clan's physiques, they are still unable to merge, as it seems something is still missing.

Kanpū guessed that it was Senju Clan's physique.

'Because Senju Clan and Uzumaki Clan are both Asura's descendants, perhaps it is necessary to fuse these two physiques to get the Sage Body.'

Yesterday, Kanpū told Minato at Hokage Tower that contributing Kekkei Genkai to Abyss can improve his status. In fact, there is a purpose for this. First, he told Minato that he has joined Abyss and can't dig up any important information. Secondly, he's looking forward if he can get some Kekkei Genkai from Minato.

'Even though thought there's Hyuga Clan and Uchiha Clan, it is impossible to give Byakugan and Sharingan, but what about Wood Release?'

'Shodaime is dead, and the Senju Clan has also been integrated into Konoha, Tsunade is also not in the village. However, if Minato gives me some Hashirama's cells…'

'Well, I am thinking too much.'

Kanpū smiled wryly: 'Even if I really got Hashirama's cells, it is impossible for me to get Orochimaru to use Impure World Reincarnation.'


During the time when he turned into Taki and worked together with Orochimaru, Kanpū had already figured out the hand seals and symbols of Impure World Reincarnation, and the second floor of Hokage Tower, there is also Nidaime Hokage's research materials on Impure World Reincarnation in the taboo data room…

Kanpū has a bold idea in his mind!

'It's just that, once this matter is discovered…'

Kanpū is worried.

'Why don't I just give up and follow Naruto and Sasuke's butts to the grand finale…'

'That doesn't seem safe. Now that the plot has changed, Minato and Kushina are alive, so it's hard to say how far Naruto can grow in the future.'

'The same is true for Sasuke. If the Uchiha Clan is annihilated, and Itachi does not defect, Sasuke will not become the revenger like in original work, let alone betraying Konoha and joining Orochimaru. At that time, his chances will be greatly reduced.'

Thinking about this, Kanpū believed that it's more reliable to work hard himself.

'But the premise is that I must not expose myself!'

Kanpū had a flash of inspiration and soon got an idea!

There are currently five Kekkei Genkai collected by Kanpū, namely, Transparent Release, Ice Release, Explosion Release, Byakugan, and Sharingan.

For the first four types of Kekkei Genkai, Kanpū have been able to use them proficiently, only Sharingan is left.

Sharingan was successfully collected and fused before Kanpū's eighteenth birthday last year, but after that, Kanpū became the Clan Head at his birthday, and turned into Taki to infiltrate Akatsuki, and then stayed with Orochimaru until recently!

'Then… Can I just create a Sharingan shadow clone, and then let the Sharingan shadow clone steal the research materials of Impure World Reincarnation and Hashirama's cells?'

'In this way, even if it is accidentally exposed, the first to be suspected is the Uchiha Clan, and the fire won't reach me.'

'By the way, now that Shisui has defected, what is the relationship between the village and the Uchiha Clan?'

Since Kanpū thought of this, he immediately went out to ask around.

Soon, he got a series of information.

Shisui defected, Mizusawa took the blame…

Uchiha Clan's Shinobi is arrogantly fought in the street, and was punished by Yondaime Hokage to move the clan to a newly developed corner of the village. At the same time, the relationship between Uchiha Clan and the village is getting more and more tense…

After inquiring about this information, Kanpū immediately felt that something was wrong.

He remembered that when the spy plan was made that night, Minato clearly stated that he would discuss it with Fugaku.

Based on Kanpū's knowledge of Minato, since he said so, he will definitely do it!

'If Uchiha Fugaku knew the truth about Shisui's defection, how could the relationship between the village and Uchiha Clan be so stiff?'

'Is there something accident in the middle, or is Minato and Uchiha Fugaku acting?'

Kanpū immediately went to Hokage Tower to find Minato and asked the reason.

As the insider of the spy plan, Minato had nothing to hide to Kanpū, and immediately mentioned the word 'cooperation' implicitly.

Kanpū immediately understood.

'Minato and Uchiha Fugaku's co-acting must be to deceive a certain big shot, and in Konoha, there is only one person who can Minato treat him like this!'

Leaving Hokage Tower, Kanpū silently mourned for a well-known ambitious schemer.

At the same time, he became more determined in his plan.

'Minato is the village's Hokage, and Uchiha Fugaku is the Uchiha's Clan Head. Since the two parties work together, even if the relationship between the village and Uchiha Clan becomes tense, it will not get out of control. Under this premise, if I use the Sharingan shadow clone to do some ulterior things, even if it is discovered, it will definitely be 'shrunk down' and would only be dealt after this incident is over!

'It's a once in a lifetime opportunity!'

Kanpū happily went to the third changing room of the bathhouse. Seeing that there was still no one and it was almost time for lunch, he went home to find Karin.

Right now, Karin is lying on the wooden corridor, propping her chin with her hands, shaking her feet in the air, reading the small notebook while basking in the sun.

Kanpū walked over and said: "Karin, your myopia will get worse if you do that."

"Oh." Karin responded, pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, got up and sat on the wooden board obediently.

Kanpū shook his head with a smile and said: "Okay, let's go eat first."

"I want to eat okonomiyaki!" Karin immediately got up and shouted.

"Eh… Isn't Ichiraku Ramen delicious?" Kanpū asked.

Karin lowered her head: "It's delicious."

"Forget it, let's eat okonomiyaki then." Kanpū thought that he still had to give Karin more care.

After lunch, Karin went home and continued to lie down on the wooden promenade to read the Fuinjutsu. Kanpū wanted to correct her 'reading posture', but was interrupted!

"Gekko Kanpū!"

Tabako appeared heroically in front of Kanpū. Her cold both eyes stared at Kanpū emotionally, making the latter feel like sitting on pins and needles.

After hearing the news of Kanpū's return from the Clan Elder, Hoshino, Tabako immediately went to his house to settle the account.

"Haha, Sister Tabako, I haven't seen you in a few months, and you are becoming more beautiful again."

Kanpū wanted to please Tabako with a few words, but Tabako didn't appreciate it, so Kanpū quickly changed his presence, "Deputy Clan Head, during this period of time I am away, I am so relieved that you are able to manage such a huge clan in an orderly manner!"

"I'm not here to hear you praise me!"

Tabako gnashed her teeth and said angrily, "Kanpū, you ran away and fool around outside as soon as you became the Clan Head. It has been more than three months since you leave, do you still have a sense of responsibility as the Clan Head? "

"Isn't there you guys?"

Kanpū immediately changed his words, forced a smile and said, "Sister Tabako, there is you, the Deputy Clan Head in the clan, that's why I can rest assured."

Tabako was so angry that she wanted to hit someone, but she also knew that she couldn't beat Kanpū.

Taking a deep breath, Tabako threatened fiercely: "Next time you leave without saying goodbye, I will, I will…"

Tabako glared at Kanpū fiercely, then turn around and leave.

"Sister Tabako? Sister Tabako, don't be angry, I brought you a gift, it's your favorite Konoha-Style Kenjutsu…" Kanpū hurriedly chased after her to beg for forgiveness.

It must be known that he is only eighteen, and the days to come will still be long. If there is no Deputy Clan Head, who takes charge of the Eight Elders and the clan, how will he go out in the future?