Chapter 549 Iruka's Celebration

After sending Tenkū to the Land of Earth to rescue Nono, Kanpū's days became dull again.

The shadow clones are working hard to brew their sadness in the Forest of Death, while Kanpū stayed at home, recuperating from injuries, while also playing with Karin. From time to time, Kushina and Naruto will also come to the door, and the life is very comfortable.

On this day, Kanpū was lying on the wooden corridor basking in the sun as usual, and Karin sat beside him and read the Fuinjutsu.

It is unknown why, but Karin suddenly raised her head and looked towards Kanpū, hesitated to speak.

"Just say what you want." Kanpū noticed her gaze and said with a smile.

Karin looked at Kanpū's right hand, gritted her teeth and said in a low voice: "Actually, you can recover completely if you bite me."

Kanpū was startled, as he didn't expect Karin would take the initiative to tell him this, 'Did I manage to get into her heart unconsciously?'

'Aiya, I'm still… Bah, she's still a child!'

Kanpū couldn't bear it, so he declined righteously: "Karin, thank you for your kindness, but my injury is a fractured bone."

"Just take a few more bites. That's okay." Karin is very confident in this regard.

In the hospital in Kusagakure, she was often bitten by those injured Shinobi. Normal skin and flesh wounds are enough to bite. Generally, one bite is enough for flesh injuries, and several times for bone lacerations!

Kanpū became angry, and said angrily: "Karin, I take you as my little sister, what do you take me for? Don't say these things again!"

Karin pushed the eyes on the bridge of the nose, there are some glistening teardrops in her eyes, and then she yelled very loudly: "I was just testing you just now. If you dare to bite me, I will tell Aunt Kushina!"

Kanpū smiled, and then felt a little bit of emotion, 'It is also Uzumaki Clan's physique. Why doesn't I recover my injuries and Chakra after biting Naruto?'

'Is Karin's Uzumaki Clan's physique more special?'


Speaking of which, I don't seem to have collected the Uzumaki Clan's physique from Karin yet.

Kanpū looked at Karin and thought, 'This girl just let me bite her…'

'Just right, let's see if I can collect the Uzumaki Clan's physique from her. If I did, it would mean that what Karin just said was true.'

'If I can't collect it, hmph hmph, you, Uzumaki Karin, are a liar, and I won't let you to eat for nothing in the future!'

Kanpū immediately threw a Collection Technique towards Karin.

The green light cluster in his mind surged and boiled instantly.

Karin saw Kanpū staring at her with fierce gaze, and her eyes immediately widened: "You really want to bite me?"


As soon as Kanpū spoke, the green light cluster in his mind suddenly ejected a purple stardust.

'What a good child.'

Kanpū looked at Karin lovingly, but said in an extremely stern tone: "Don't mention this matter again in the future, and you are not allowed to mention it with anyone, understand!"

"Oh." Karin nodded responded.

After collecting Karin's physique, Kanpū lazily got up and went back to the bedroom.

As soon as the sliding door was closed, Kanpū immediately changed Naruto's physique to that of Karin. At this moment, Kanpū felt that his whole body was a little warm, especially his right hand. This feeling was especially obvious!

'Although they are all Uzumaki Clan's physiques, due to the blood concentration and individual differences of each person, they will still show different characteristics.'

As far as Kanpū can feel, in addition to powerful vitality and Chakra, the most conspicuous thing about Naruto's physique is his super endurance. In the past, he used Kushina's Uzumaki Clan's physique, and every time he dispersed the shadow clone that has been wandering for several months, he would be unconscious for a few days each time, but after changing into Naruto's physique, he didn't have this trouble.

And the characteristic of Karin's physique lies in rapid recovery!

Kanpū estimates that with the help of Karin's physique, his bone laceration will heal in one to two months!

It may not even take a month, after all, the finger bone fracture of Kanpū's finger is not very serious!

Time passed, and a few days later, an invitation came unexpectedly…


"Congratulations, Iruka!"

"Iruka, we will need to call you sensei from now on, hahaha."

"Time flies so fast, unconsciously, Iruka has changed from student to teacher."

"Hahaha, that's great!"

Gekko Tavern.

Kanpū, Izumo, Kotetsu, Tsukasa, Anko, and the core of this dinner, Iruka, are all here!

The former group of six gathered together again today!

On the dining table, spicy crayfish, five-spice crayfish, dango, onigiri, sushi, sashimi, and other dishes filled the entire table!

Apart from this, on the counter not far away, several Gekko's clansmen are still cooking dexterously and serving the table continuously.

"Thank you, Kanpū, especially you, for booking a tavern to celebrate for me. Thank you very much." Iruka has already drunk a lot of sake at this moment, and was a little drunk. His words already sounded a little incoherent.

"Idiot Iruka, you drink too much. This tavern is run by Kanpū's clan, and it doesn't cost any money at all." Anko said vaguely, holding the dango with both hands.

"What do you mean it doesn't cost money? Don't food cost money, don't labor cost money, and don't closing down for one night cost money?"

Kanpū argued reasonably, and then he saw the dango in Anko's hands. "Speaking of which, why does my tavern serve dango?"

Although he became the Clan Head, the affairs of the family were entrusted to the Deputy Clan Head and the eight Elders, so he was not particularly clear about the tavern.

"Because today is the celebration of Clan Head-sama's friends, we will fulfill everyone's request with the utmost sincerity!" said the Gekko's clansman, who was busy behind the counter.

Kanpū slapped the table: "Look, look, take a look, my Gekko Tavern can open more than a dozen branches in Konoha, it's all thanks to this service!"

"Why do I feel that it's only because someone is the Clan Head?" Kotetsu said with a smile.

"I feel the same way." Izumo nodded solemnly.

Kanpū complained angrily: "Because you two are not guarding at the gate of the village at night, I suddenly felt insecure."

"Izumo, Kotetsu, why are you guarding the gate?"

"Woof woof woof…"

Tsukasa and Shiramaru next to her asked out loud.

Izumo and Kotetsu looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes, and said in unison: "Because it is the arrangement from above!!!"

From their tone, there seems to be a little bit of resentment.

Kanpū is stunned: 'You are actually guarding the gate because of this? Didn't you ask for it because you realized the importance of guarding the gate?'

Kanpū felt that his 'innocent heart' was shattered.

"Although the task of guarding the gate of the village is simple, it is very important!"

Iruka raised his glass to respect and said, "Just like the teacher in our Academy. Although they are very ordinary, they are indispensable! Izumo, Kotetsu, let me offer you a toast!"


The gate guard duo excitedly raised their glasses.

Kanpū shook his head, and then saw Shiramaru squatting behind Tsukasa, and a trace of surprise appeared on his face: "Tsukasa, your Shiramaru…"

The original little puppy back then has now grown into a giant dog. Squatting on the ground at a height of over 1.5 meters, with a white coat…

"What's wrong with Shiramaru?" Tsukasa asked strangely.

"Mature." Kanpū swallowed his saliva.

'Dog meat is delicious.'

"Wow, woof, woof, woof, woof!"

Sensing the malice in Kanpū's stomach, Shiramaru immediately acted wildly, rushing forward while barking, and its two dog paws scratching and pulling behind Kanpū's back.

"Shiramaru, what are you doing? Stop it!" Tsukasa patted Shiramaru's head and glared at it angrily.

"Woo woo…" Shiramaru felt aggrieved, and looked at Tsukasa pitifully.

Kanpū was happy when he saw this, 'After so many years, Tsukasa and Shiramaru are still the same.'

Iruka, next to him, drank a few more glasses of sake, and said with a red face: "Everyone, I have decided, I will never drink again after tonight! I want to be a teacher, so I must be a good example to the students… hiccups~~!"

"Iruka, you can do it!" Kanpū patted his shoulder with a smile, and his eyes are filled with emotion!

"Iruka, keep it up, I am optimistic about you too!" Anko stuffed two dango on the skewer into her mouth, chewing while patting Iruka's shoulder, spewing out a few pieces of dango from time to time.

Kanpū quickly avoided her.

"Thank you, thank you."

Iruka drank another half bottle of sake and said, "I am so happy today. My dream has finally come true! Cheers!!"

The celebration of the group of six continued lasted until midnight. Iruka was drunk, Izumo and Kotetsu are also half drunk. The two supported each other, hand to hand, face to face, there is a faint posture of merging the two into one, and the scene is very… disgusting.

Tsukasa and Anko did not drink alcohol, so they are still very sober. Because of that, the mission to send Iruka, Izumo and Kotetsu home was handed over to Kanpū.

"Tsukasa, Anko, didn't you see that I was injured?" Kanpū pointed to his injured right hand and said aggrievedly.

"Because you men will mess around when you are drunk, we must keep a distance from you who are drunk!" Anko said righteously.

Tsukasa beside her kept nodding: "Yes, yes, my mother told me the same way."

"Woof." Shiramaru echoed.

"You guys…"

What else can Kanpū say. He can only create three shadow clones and send the drunken Iruka and the others home.

"Then, I will go first." Tsukasa waved her hand.

"Goodbye." Kanpū smiled and looked towards Anko, "You're not leaving?"

"I have something to ask you."

Anko revealed a solemn expression, "Kanpū, since you are in Anbu, do you know the news of my teacher?"

"Your teacher… Orochimaru?"

Kanpū looked at her strangely, and said angrily, "Anko, why are you still thinking about Orochimaru? That guy is Missing-nin now. If you see him outside, you need to run as far as possible."

"I know "

Anko was a little impatient, but then said in a low voice, "But he used to treat me very well. Kanpū, just tell me, I just want to know, I won't go after him "

Kanpū thought to himself that in the original work, Anko met Orochimaru in Naruto's Chunin Exams, and she just unreliably wanted to exchange her life with his, so he said: "Actually, the mission of hunting down Orochimaru has been handed over to Jiraiya-sama a long time ago, and Anbu has not had his information for a long time."

"So it's like that. Kanpū, thank you, goodbye." Anko sighed, and left with a sense of disappointment.

Kanpū shook his head and watched Anko walk away. He then turned and went into the tavern, and said to the Gekko's clansmen: "Thank you for tonight."

"No, no, this is what we should do."

"If there is no Clan Head-sama, we would not have such a good life."

Several clansmen are exhausted after working all night, so Kanpū didn't talk too much nonsense, and let them go back to rest after a few compliments.

Kanpū also went home on his own.

As he walked, Kanpū suddenly said: "Come out."

"Sure enough, you noticed it, Gekko-sama."

A figure came out from the darkness, and it's none other than Kabuto.