Chapter 580 Masterful Acting

Under Rashomon, Kanpū looked at Kazuma who aimed his kunai at Asuma's throat in disbelief, and his eyes narrowed slightly, 'Is he threatening me?'

Kanpū rolled his eyes and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

While continuing to infuse Wind Attribute Chakra into the sword, he slowly walked towards Kazuma. His eyes are ambiguous, as if provoking: 'Stab, just stab, I bet for fifty cents that you don't dare!'

Cold sweat dripped from Kazuma's forehead. He looked around, and saw the huge Rashomon divided the front yard of the Fire Temple into two. Chiriku and the Ninja Monks were blocked by Rashomon on the other side, and Asuma was in pain at this time and couldn't open my eyes. As for the other two Guardian Ninja, they were also shocked by the electric shock, and currently unconscious!

A thought flashed through Kazuma's mind, 'Maybe, I can do more work!'

"Stop, don't come here!!"

Kazuma immediately yelled, "Stop! What are you bastard trying to do to Asuma?!"

As Kanpū approached, the kunai in Kazuma's hand also approached Asuma's throat inch by inch.

Kazuma have figured it out. In the best case, he drags Asma to die together, and then puts the blame of Asuma's death on Kanpū's head, making him a Missing-nin and made him being hunted down by Konoha!

In the worst case, he dragged Asuma to die together, but the blame could not be put on Kanpū's head. Even then, the anger of Sandaime Hokage would definitely burn on Kanpū's head!

In short, he will never make it easier for Kanpū!

Of course, if Kanpū is willing to give up killing himself, Kazuma is still a good talker. He is willing to conceal the hatred in the heart and wait until later to report it!

Unfortunately, Kanpū did not give up.

He continued to walk step by step, like the god of death descending.

The three-hundred-meter-high Rashomon is like a heavenly gate that runs across the front yard of the Fire Temple, blocking the sight of the Ninja Monks and Chiriku, but the voice behind Rashomon can still reach this side!

From Kanpū knocking down Asuma and the two Guardian Shinobi, to showing killing intent to Kazuma, to Kazuma's counter-threatening Kanpū with Asuma, all this happened in less than a minute.

Therefore, when Chiriku heard Kazuma's hoarse roar and questioning, he still had the demon looking Guanyin behind him, but at this moment, Chiriku's expression was already more ferocious than the Guanyin!


Among the Twelve Guardian Ninja, Chiriku and Asuma have the best relationship, so good that Chiriku can teach the Fire Temple's secret technique Welcoming Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder to the other party, which shows that the relationship between the two is extraordinary!

As a result, when he heard Kazuma's voice, Chiriku was about to burst into tears and was furious.

Looking at the gate of hell in front of him, Chiriku roared, and the Guanyin's thousands of Chakra palms blasted out simultaneously, slamming against the bottom of Rashomon, trying to forcibly tear down the gate!

At the same time.

Behind the Rashomon.

As Kanpū approaches, the kunai in Kazuma's hand has reached Asuma's throat, overflowing with a dazzling red.

Kanpū's step paused.

A look of madness gradually appeared in Kazuma's eyes.

"Bastard, you killed Asuma!!!"

"Asuma, Asuma!!!"

Although Asuma's lungs were hit by Kanpū, the severe pain would eventually dissipate. When he hears the sound of Kazuma in his ears, he was a little dumbfounded.

'Kill me?'

'No way?'

'Why don't I know?'

'You scoundrel, Kazumaa don't lie to me!!'

And at this moment…


The 300-meter-high Rashomon suddenly disappeared.

Under the scattered light smoke, thousands of Chakra palms swept the light smoke away in an instant, and then, an embarrassing scene was revealed.

Kanpū stood three meters in front of Asuma, who was kneeling on the ground with 'uh uh uh', holding the Kusanagi Sword.

And Kazuma squatted down beside Asuma, holding a kunai in his hands…

'How could this be?'

Kazuma's heart skipped a beat. His red face is red and his ears are red, and he took back Kunai with lightning speed.

But it's still too late!

After the Rashomon dissipated, the vision of dozens of Ninja Monks and Chiriku was no longer obstructed. They clearly saw Kazuma's actions just now, and then thought of the misleading words he shouted before.

Kazuma's eyebrows trembled, and he suddenly felt that he is socially dead.

"Kazuma, what are you… what are you doing?!" Chiriku looked at him with sadness and anger.

"Damn it!!!"

At this moment, Kazuma's thoughts revolved, and countless ideas collided and rubbed in his mind, bursting out with bright light of wisdom, then, he revealed a grief-stricken expression, and roared, "I just fell into his Genjutsu!!!"

"Genjutsu?" Chiriku was startled.

"The instant that gate of hell dissipated, he undid my Genjutsu!"

Kazuma said while gritting his teeth, the masseter muscles on both sides of his cheeks bulged, and his whole body trembled, with a sullen expression that he was wronged. His eyes are staring at Kanpū with bloodshot, and he angrily roared, "He wants to break the relationship between us!!"

'So that's how it is!!'

'I just wondered with Kazuma's character, how could he do such a thing. It turned out to be you!'

Chiriku also glared at Kanpū angrily!

'I almost wronged like-minded friends, no matter how strong you are, you will have to pay the price!!'

The other Ninja Monks also quickly believed what Kazuma said.

After all, Kazuma are a good friend of their eldest Senior Brother, Chiriku, and Kanpū, heh, he first destroyed the sealed iron wall, then wounded dozens of Ninja Monks, and then summoned out gate of hell. He is completely the embodiment of evil!

Although Kanpū wears Konoha's forehead protector, every Shinobi Village always has some scum, right?

"Asuma, are you okay?" Kazuma raised Asuma up with concern.

Asuma opened his eyes slightly. Looking at Kazuma, then turned his head to look at Kanpū, vaguely feeling that something was not right, but seeing the sincere affection on Kazuma's face, and remembering Kazuma helping him in the past, such thought immediately disappeared.

As for Kanpū, he was a little confused.

When he saw Kazuma threatened him with Asuma, his first thought was to expose this guy's real face in public with numerous people. So that even if he killed him, Daimyo won't accuse him of anything.


Kanpū never expected that under such circumstances, Kazuma would be able to use Genjutsu as a guide to throw all the blame on himself!

'Isn't this operation too cheating?'

The point is that Chiriku, Asuma, and everyone else all believed it!

Kanpū couldn't bear it, but he didn't want to explain. His silhouette flickered to in front of Asuma, and he slashed towards Kazuma with his sword.

Kazuma's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously pulled Asuma over, and then he quickly ran backwards, and at the same time, he roared: "Asuma, you are trying to save me…"

"What are you talking about?" A frivolous voice came from behind Kazuma.

Hearing this, Kazuma's face has changed drastically. When he looked up, Kanpū, who is in front of Asuma, has long since disappeared.

'How can he be so fast?!'

Kanpū's Body Flicker Technique is Perfect level, which is more than twice as powerful as other Jonin, but the speed he showed just now…

Kazuma turned around in disbelief, and under the night, Kanpū stood behind him calmly. He doesn't know whether it was an illusion, but Kazuma felt that there seemed to be invisible shimmering lights on the surface of Kanpū's body, and every hair and every vellus seemed to be shrouded in invisible light, and his whole body was filled with a strange temperament, like a god descended into the world of mortals.

After that, a bright azure sword light filled his eyes and covered his vision, then swallowed him instantly!



Chiriku and Asuma looked Kazuma, who was decapitated by Kanpū's sword, with grief!

It all happened in an instant.

Kanpū lowered the Kusanagi Sword, and the blood on the blade rolled down along the blade to the ground like cold dew.

"You actually killed Kazuma!!" Chiriku glared at Kanpū, clenched his hands into fists, and the veins on the back of his hands were exposed.

"Aren't you the one who caused all of this?"

After finishing the matter, Kanpū began to throw the blame, "If it wasn't for your Fire Temple bullying visitors, refusing me who went walked for more than a thousand kilometers to come here, and repeatedly evade and fool me, it won't come to this."

Of course, even if there were no such incidents, Kanpū would definitely cut him off if he met Kazuma again.

After all, when the Kyubi's Chakra was taken away from Kazuma, the two became enemies.

"You demon!" Chiriku didn't want to listen to Kanpū's words. He waved his hand, and the Ninja Monks immediately surrounded him.

Dozens of bald heads gathered together, reflecting a faint trace of bright radiance under the moonlight!

Then, these bald heads began to form hand seals, and green light burst out from under them again.

Kanpū frowned slightly. At this moment, he actually felt a trace of ominousness, like a knife on his back!

He was about to retreat tactically, when he heard a voice coming from behind dozens of bald heads: "Enough."

Kanpū looked for the owner of the voice, and it was another bald head, but this monk has white eyebrows and beards, and at first glance, he is like a powerful and compassionate monk!


Chiriku and other Ninja Monks turned their heads, then clasped their hands together and bowed.

The abbot nodded at them and said: "Take the injured to the back house for healing. The rest can leave."

"Master?!" Chiriku looked at the old monk in disbelief.

The old monk glared at him and said: "I have already understood the whole story. You are the one who caused this!"

The Fire Temple was closed to the public yesterday, and the gate blocked countless believers, but Chiriku brought a few of his friends into the temple in front of that many believers, which was a mistake.

Kanpū is not a believer. He is Konoha's Shinobi. He has something to see the abbot, and even if it is not official, Chiriku must at least inform the abbot about this, but he didn't. He made his own decision and rejected Kanpū.

Then, Kanpū waited outside the sealed iron wall until midnight, and asked to see him again, but was ruthlessly rejected again. He went berserk and broke the sealed iron wall, proving his great strength, but these people all rushed up to fight him desperately?

'How did I teach you idiots!'

The old monk became more and more angry when he thought about it. Fortunately, the other party still look at the friendship between Konoha and the Fire Temple, so he was still lenient, and did not kill any monks.

As for Kazuma who was killed, the old monk didn't care. Kazuma was neither the monk of the Fire Temple nor the Fire Temple's monk killed him. Even if Daimyo wants to held this accountable, Kanpū will be the one held accountable. And the Fire Temple has nothing to do with it.


'Monks should stay away from disputes and be compassionate.'


The old monk then invited Kanpū into the meditation room with a solemn and compassionate look, and even served good tea.

Seeing this, Chiriku trembled with anger.

Asuma didn't feel much better, he just felt that his gums are in pain!!

"This matter won't end like this!" Asuma gnashed his teeth.

Chiriku then said: "Asuma, let's split up. I will go back to Daimyo's Mansion to find Daimyo, and you go to Hokage."

Asuma's eyes showed hesitation, but soon after, he was overwhelmed by anger, and nodded solemnly: "Okay!"