
Duke: just leave.

I guess my this body still remember the pain that have been through. when I enter that hall I was like I am going to have a heart attack. but when I see their ashamed and angry faces that was so satisfying. hmmm I should test my power on this Duke yeah such a way I would absorb it closely.

Johanson: well done man, you have done quite a wonderful job from now on we are partners okay so let's take care of each other.

Rio: sure, anytime.

Johanson: okay bye then.

Neculas: stop! I am not going, not there. Rio help me. I am your Elder Brother tell father that you were with me that night not mother.

Rio: but Elder brother I don't know.

Neculas: stop, no laying anymore otherwise they will kill me you were there when I add sleeping pills in your milk right.

Rio: you know, what brother ?actually! I was there. I am the one who do all of this.

Neculas: what you? but?

Rio: right me. I know you add pills in the my glass ,you know what i mix them together. I also know other tricks too to make you unconscious for all night long.

Neculas: it was all your doing.

Rio: yes, I am also the one who removed all the evidence and give that glass of milk to Duchess and move her to your room. but now even you scream are even kill your self the Duke will never change his decision. ooh, I forgot you know where are they sending you right. you will be between those people you once rule and treat them like beasts I guess you should be mentally prepared.

Neculas: stop. stop. don't touch me, it's better you kill me but don't. don't send me there. AHHHH

your are just a kid to me, I have live a life in production industry I also know some tricks.

Rio: hi! buddy do you want to go out.

Buddy: woof. woof. woof.

Rio: I guess you are excited, but before that let's hide all these books(magic: whoosh).

Rio: let's go than.

let's see if they have done their homework.

Rio: hello! may I come in.

The Lord: hello, yes please have a sit. let's get to the business first.

Rio: Thank you. so, how is it?

The Lord: first of all, the land you

Rio: No! let's discuss the Duke business first.

The Lord: ...., well sure. Duke Eric family is one of famous

Rio: skip that.

The Lord: the Elder son was the heir of the Duke which is now.., I guess that is not good for a kid like you to discuss so. for some reason the younger son

Rio: wow! you guys are fast. anyway skip that too.

The Lord: sure, the Duke Eric family runs the textile industry which the most

Rio: skip it please.

Assistant David: What else do you want? are we should tell you that the Duke family are all losers that love to play around

The Lord: David!

Assistant David: sorry my Lord but.

Rio: But what?

Assistant David: lesson kid I have managed this project but myself and I guess their is nothing else you have to know. so just

Rio: well! that's on me to decide what I have to know what I don't have to. but if you remember you itself take it as a challenge and

Assistant David: that's what I am saying I give you the information I win you pay you feel and leave.

Rio: ohh! you have already decided . but there is no useful information so that means you lose you lesson to me and I stay.

The Lord: the Duke is involved in black market that perform some illegal activities.

Rio: so mister David the great did you find out what illegal activities they are doing?

David: I am working on it.

Rio: ohhh! that means you loss. I am disappointed. well there is nothing we can do then.

The Lord: enough is enough. I am sick of this game of your now, you enter my casino creates a big scene that I should notice you than you start this boring game of your and the end where are we? hmm answer me what did all this even means?

David: exactly.

Rio: sorry if I bored you. but I was not expecting this for you, at least not from you. than shall we make it excited. SO MY DEAR LORD,THE RISING SUN OF THE EMPIRE THE HONERBLE CROWN PRINCE I WILL TELL YOU WHAT THEY DO THERE.

David: what?what did you say?

Rio: yes! I will tell you. the Black Market the Market of night a place where every illegal activities take place that includes smuggle goods illegally include from golden to war weapons and above that they smuggle slaves.

David: what, but?

Crown Prince: that's not possible.

Rio: why?

crown Prince: because slaves trade is forbidden in our empire from centuries and we also didn't have got any information like that, so that is impossible.

Rio: that's why! My Crown Prince from here it gets excited because they smuggle slaves but don't resell them they transform them into beasts through drugs and also hypnotized them . Into beasts that are no longer human but something that only follow their commands and have uncontrolled powers that only fine of them can destroy a whole country.

David: why should we believed you? our informers are everywhere in Black Market.

Crown Prince: even if it's true why would they create such a thing .


David: your majesty!

Crown Prince: for what purpose and who would do that?


David: your majesty I also have doubts on the Prince. so if

Crown Prince: he is my younger brother he can't do that? I trust him. he

Rio: my Prince! you are so innocent. I told you to look at the Duke accounts throughout but you were fail to do your homework well. so now look again today the Duke has send has own son to that very hell but if I was right you will do something for me as I said but I lose I will give you my life.

Crown Prince: But?....

David: your majesty! please give me a last chance I will do this by myself . please.

Crown Prince: okay if you were wrong I will take your life with my own hands and if you were right I would do anything you say.

Rio: sure, until then than.


Crown Prince: David this your job to do but don't fail this time by providing me with half way report. I don't want to be failed to that little girl.

David: yes your majesty.