Dimitri stood stunned in front of the prison gate he did not know why he felt awkward in breathing free air.
It should still be in two years, so I have to undergo a period of detention. He also did not expect why he could undergo a lighter sentence than he should.
Yes, he only underwent a confinement for five years because of good behavior, even though the judge claimed to be a sentence of confinement for seven years.
Dimitri was sentenced to seven years in prison. Although he acknowledged his mistake by kidnapping Rachel, and disturbing the speed of Xavier's vehicle until he had an accident. But the judge only sentenced him to be a sentence of seven years, it was lighter than the prosecutor's demands who demanded him a sentence of ten years in prison.
Dimitri deliberately did not tell Xavier or his grandfather - Albert, about his freedom which was faster than what he should have lived. He did not want to bother his family.