The sizzling charcoal at the center of our dining table continues to cackle as no more meat is cooking on the grill. Firius caught the attention of the waiter and asked for more beef and pork slices while I forgot to chew the food in my mouth.

I'm bracing myself for whatever idea Esthesia had in mind. Raynevere is also looking much more serious than before.

"Listen, Raynevere Treenity. I fought that purple cat and I know that she's a league above Firius in being a Gladiatrix. I'm pretty sure that I'm smarter than her nameless Kaiser, though." Esthesia flicked her hair.

"Wow, so you're floating your boat but you're sinking mine. Rude." Firius mumbled while chewing his first cooked food. I offered him a fork to use earlier so he should be able to eat now.

"I'm pretty sure too that the purple cat's abilities are way above yours too. Don't lie to yourself, miss Raynevere." Esthesia said.

"I'm not lying to myself. I know that I have much to learn as a Gladiatrix. I know we have a minuscule percentage to win. But I can't back down." Raynevere's tone is painted with seriousness.

"That's where I come from." Esthesia smiled like a mischievous imp. "I can help you defeat that purple cat. But in exchange, give my father's company back once you take over Treenity Innovations."

"I don't mind giving your father's company back. But how can you help me defeat Himeno? You can't even beat her yourself!" Raynevere asked.

"Hey, I didn't say I can beat her. I know somebody who can teach you to beat her." Esthesia said.

"And who's this somebody?" Raynevere asked.

Esthesia smiled wider than before as she grabbed her pouch and searched through her ATM, Credit Cards, and IDs. She finally drew out one calling card and presented it to Raynevere. My betrothed was shocked when she saw the name on the calling card.

I was about to scoot closer to my fiance to see the calling card but Firius whispered to me.

"Hey, Elzane. Do you understand anything about these business talks?" Firius said.

"Barely. It's some kind of slightly complicated deal." I answered.

Firius sighed. "Good for you. Maybe I'll just stick to swinging my sword because I do not understand anything about this business deal."

This TV in the Korean barbecue restaurant was exploding with some loud trendy pop music, but it was interrupted by sudden breaking news. Most restaurant customers stopped whatever they were doing when they saw the news flash on the TV.

I'm talking about the TV because it interrupted the business talks between Raynevere and Esthesia.

"Breaking News: Saltside City Hospital is under great fire due to the Cyberdemon attacks. Evacuations are ongoing and the police are dealing with the monsters terrorizing the city."

"Cyberdemons!?" Esthesia and Firius muttered.

Raynevere and I looked at each other. It's been a while since we last encountered Cyberdemons and I almost forgot about them. But since the Cyberdemons are here, that just means that the mastermind; the Masked Kaiser is somewhere in that place!

"Mister Elzane!" Raynevere exclaimed.

"Right!" I nodded back.

We two immediately stood up from our seats and left the table in a hurry. I immediately revealed my Kaiser Watch and activated the Gladiatrix System as we rushed towards the exit of the barbecue restaurant!

"Wait!" Esthesia cried. Instinctively, she and Firius followed us to the exit.

When we were already in the open air, I swiped my hand sideways in the thin air, and five Command Cards materialized. I immediately snatched one of the cards and revealed it up in the air!

"Activate Equip Card! Striker Wing!" I shouted, and crimson cybernetic wings materialized on Raynevere's back!

Raynevere immediately turned her back on me and then shouted. "Mister Elzane, grab onto me!"

"W-Where!?" I asked. I'm kind of in a panic because I don't know where to grab it. Is she talking about hugging her from behind?

"Stop being so shy, sheesh!"

Raynevere immediately held my hand and adjusted to make my arms cling around her shoulders! Now I'm hugging her from behind! My nose is too close to her head that I can smell her fragrant jasmine shampoo on her soft silky long dark gray hair!

"Let's go!" Raynevere said as we soared up in the skies a jet speed!

"Wait! We'll go too!" Esthesia also activated her Gladiator System and picked a Command Card! "Activate Equip Card: Aerial Board!"