Complacent Enemy

"So how is he going to get the van to stop?" Cameron asked next to Kayla. They were in a kind of suburban area, it all looked so normal. At least from what they had seen in pictures and books. All of them had been born after the change to the world. But still it looked eerie to them, like life had been better, and they might never know it.

The yards were kept up to a point, but the people living in these houses weren't all human. Many of them possessed or humans that went about serving them. Traitors, how could they want that kind of life?

"Don't know we'll have to watch." Kayla said looking to where Savon was standing in the road. He was just standing there, waiting. They knew that the van would be here in around five minutes. Chances were that the demon driving would more than likely drive him over than stop for him.

It was dark at the moment, and the fog thick in this area, so they had cover. Besides what human would come into this area and try to attack one of their own? It was suicidal. Lucky they had an escape plan through the sewers. It was an area they knew would be over looked and people were waiting with get away vehicles for them.

"Incoming." Anna said next to Kayla. She looked at the woman, she didn't like her. Didn't trust her, just like Savon. Actually she found that Savon was trust worthy. She just didn't like him, despite what Neil said. Anna on the other hand rubbed Kayla the wrong way.

They looked down the road and shifted getting ready, this had to be fast and silent. They were relying on Savon to do that for them. They couldn't be caught before this could be done. They needed to get Remis, he was a very strong and powerful demon. He was responsible for holding many of the lesser demons that were sent out to find groups like theirs.

"What's he doing?" Todd asked watching Savon who raised a hand and made an odd circular motion with his hand. He stopped it mid air and moved his fingers like he was typing something and then dropped his hand and stood there. Several of them raised their eyebrows.


Savon watched the headlights appear in the fog and found the demon's mind who drove. He needed to get in his head and control him. One demon wouldn't be noticed by Astor. If he went around taking the control of many he'd be found instantly. He didn't want to control them, he wanted them dead but this would help.

His eyes were their normal green after he lowered his arm. He just waited and with his mind alone he demanded that the demon stop the van when he saw him. The demon didn't even realize he was being manipulated as he slowed the van and stopped barely three feet from Savon. Like he said his acolyte was a top level creature, he could thank Astor for that.

Savon moved around to the driver's door and the door opened, the demon stepped out. A man of average height and build. Just a worker demon. One that wasn't high on the list, a human soul that was twisted into this thing. So it was easy to take control of one, but the longer he did it the more risk he ran. One of losing energy and two another reaching out to this demon and finding a block.

"A lose human, where is your owner?" The demon asked getting out. In an area like this all the human's living there would have an owner, they would be marked. One that was responsible for them, a lose human was a human up for grabs.

"I want your van." Savon said looking at him. He felt his companion moving against his mind waiting to strike. To kill. The demon gave a laugh and pulled out a weapon. It looked like a small rod of some kind. He still had no idea that Savon had manipulated him. That he was still a presence in his mind, his acolyte wanted to laugh in this things face. To think that he thought himself more powerful.

"You'll regret leaving your keeper." He said and came forward. Savon pulled one of his blades out from his back. The demon had failed to see them when he'd come forward. Savon swung once and got him in the side as he pulled out the second.

"I'm not human." He said his eyes changing and his second sword stopped at the man's throat. There was fear there, real fear as he saw what he was. He needed to finish running through this one's mind before he killed him.

"I'm sorry I didn't know, don't kill me. I just thought you were a human." He would, Savon was very good at changing his scent. When he took the van, his scent would change to demon.

"Not good enough." He plunged the blade into his heart. The weapon was blessed and would kill him instantly. All of their weapons were blessed. A priest that was with them constantly checked and rechecked to make sure.

The others ran from across the street as Savon picked up the dead demon and dumped him over by some trees. He moved over with the others and opened the back door. Inside there were four humans sitting on benches, manacles on all of them that were attached to the top of the van. Savon climbed in undoing the manacles with the keys that they found. The humans looked terrified and they should, they were going to their deaths in this van.

"We've got them." Drake said coming up with Ian and escorting the humans away. They were quiet not speaking a word, not shouting or asking questions. No doubt they were to terrified to speak at all.

All of this took five minutes at most and they were in the van. Savon driving. In the back he had Todd, Kayla, Anna, and Cameron. They tucked their weapons away so that they couldn't be seen. Nothing to big that could be found easily. This was going to be the tricky part, getting into the grounds.

However when they came to the gate, the one that was working it recognized the van and let them in with out checking. Savon drove down the driveway. It was a longer drive way that went up hill. He looked around the yard, there were more here than should be. He didn't like this.

"Outside there are twelve." He said to them.

"Inside?" Came Todd's whispered voice.


"That's more than he should have." Kayla said. "At most he keeps seven here total with him." Remis had extra protection. It wasn't a good sign, though they didn't really think he was having demons here to protect him from a human attack. They thought them weak. Chances were he was waiting for another demon to make a move on him. Still Savon felt uneasy about it, being in the middle of a demonic fight wasn't what they needed. His inner alarm was starting to bother him now.

"Something is wrong. He might be expecting this." Savon said.

"Not like we can drive away now." Cameron said, "Doubt we'd get past the gate before we were noticed."

"Nine of the twelve outside are possessed." Savon said getting out and walking around the back of the van to get them. They slipped on the restraints that they should have and waited for him to open the door.

"Nine? Better keep your guard up if one of them are killed. They could possess us." Todd said. The difference between a possessor and regular demon was that a possessed human was a human that had an evil spirit in them. One that could change bodies if not killed properly. A regular demon had their own body or the body of a human that they took. No human spirit still resided with in the shell.

"How many do you have?" Came a voice outside the van, one that they didn't recognize.

"Four." Came Savon's voice.

"Do as normal, take them up to the house. Miles will take them down to the lower level." The doors opened and those in the back did as best they could to look terrified. Not that fear wasn't running through them with the number of demons around them.

Savon moved up and into the van and unhooked where the manacles were attached to the roof of it. The demon that was outside the van pulled Cameron out first as he was closest to the door and unhooked first and had him stand there.

Anna was next, followed by Kayla then Todd. There was a third demon watching them holding a weapon. They were dead if any tried to run and it was easy to see that the demon wished that one of them would.

"Walk." Savon snapped at Cameron who had his gaze to the ground and jumped turning toward the house.

"I've got it." Savon said to the demon that stepped forward, "No one's to touch the property being brought in."

He paused and Savon turned to follow those in front of him up to the house. Once they were at the front door he moved forward but the door opened first and a man stood there. Tall and lanky looking, with solid black eyes. Demons didn't have to constantly have their black eyes showing. They did most the time seeing as they didn't feel the need to hide themselves as they had before.

"Bring them in." He said with a curl to his lip. The four humans moved forward and stopped just inside the doorway. Savon looked around. It was just this demon up here at the moment. Three others were down below, two toward the back of the house and four upstairs.

"You are new, where is Allen?" The demon who Savon guessed to be Miles asked. Looking at the humans. "This lot looks more lively than the last, I see that your employer has found better stock." He said continuing on, he clearly didn't feel that his question before important. Why would he? To him Savon was just another worker demon. Only a bit more than a soldier demon in his opinion.

"Remis pays well." Savon said. "He should get what he pays for if we wish to keep his favor." Savon was just waiting for him to turn. To make one mistake by diverting his attention. He couldn't afford a fight with so many here. This one's death had to be fast and quick. No one could be aware of it.

"Yes well, filthy little creatures. Not that they will be alive for long, hopefully they'll provide better entertainment than the last." Miles said stepping forward looking at Anna. He glanced at Savon. "You are dismissed." He said and turned. That was all Savon needed.

He stepped forward, pulled the shorter blade from his waist band, and brought up his right hand to grip Miles's mouth. The knife he shoved into the side of his exposed neck from where he turned Miles's head. He jerked it forward and blood poured out and down. Savon pulling him back and Todd rushed forward opening a closet door. Savon shoved him in the closet. He grabbed a coat and wiped the blood from his arm. They didn't need someone stumbling on the body just yet. They'd smell the blood, but it was just the bit of time they needed.

"They'll be coming in down stairs now from the sewers." Savon said feeling the others in their group moving into the house. So they had to get it clear. He told them where the others should be. Savon had to go outside and help take care of those out there. This would give them the best chance. They needed to unlock the entrance for the others.

"Remis is upstairs." He said and moved going outside.

He moved fast down the walk way back to the van. He wanted his real weapons now that it was going to get bloody. He moved around the back of the van and shut the door and moved around the front of the van opening the door. He reached over the seat and pulled out his weapons. He already felt in his mind those that had entered the yard in the back. The humans moving fast and sure.

"What are you doing?" Said the demon from earlier as Savon turned with his twin blades. Savon said nothing just came at him. He made quick work of the demon and stood there blood splattered on the front of his shirt and down his arms. The demons head at his feet and he turned his head looking at the two running toward him with a smile on his face. His eyes a bright green. They were all focused on him now, not the humans entering the yard or the house. Too easy.

"Kill him!" One said and the two that were running toward him reached him first. He killed the one fast and then the other fought with him. His blades hitting the others weapon making loud clanking sounds. Another came from behind him and he twirled bringing the blade up to stop his blow. Best way to kill a demon? Take the head off.

He fought the two of them with expert skill and dropped to the ground rolling as a gun went off. It hit a demon behind him in the head. Savon got up and faced the two demons now standing there holding out his weapons.

"Fuck." The one said looking at him. "He's an acolyte." The others that were in the yard had noticed the humans but they'd taken a hit to their numbers now. It was hard for them to decide who needed to be taken care of first.

"No he's not, the only acolyte is Astor. None can be raised until he opens the path." It was clear that neither wished the acolytes to come here. Astor was terrifying enough to them. He'd kill them and laugh, he didn't consider any race but his to be one worthy of living.

"Come here." Savon said to the one that just spoke, he involuntarily took a step forward and Savon killed him. The one that was on the left held out his weapon. The other one looked unsure, but Savon came forward after him. He killed him with a few well placed hits, these demons were nothing to him. The last one he got just as quick. Now he had to go back into the house, his inner self was humming with the joy of the blood on its hands.

'More, more. 'It chanted and the euphoria from it was infecting the rational part of Savon's mind. He'd give it what it wanted. Why not? all these demons were easy, lazy unused to opposition now, growing complacent.

'No one that is with us.'

'Plenty more to deal with before that. It said and he was inside the house at a fast jog. '