Finding Trouble

Savon looked at their small group as they stood in an area that had a lot of shrubs and a few trees. He stood back slightly from the group as always but heard every word perfectly. Neil was speaking at the moment. He wasn't as cold to Savon as he thought he would be, but there was a greater distance than before. They were going to break up into three groups, three people each and sweep through the building.

"What do you have?" Todd asked Savon.

"To tell the truth. I can't feel a thing." They all looked uneasy at that.

"Nothing?" Todd asked.

"It's quiet, I feel others here, just not what they are." He said, "I think that this group has been killed or is being used to bring others in."

"You don't think Astor is here." One said looking around.

"No, what could this group offer him that he couldn't get from a human in the city? No this group is just waiting to see if more humans will show. I think that a barrier has been put up and if I get across it then I will know."

"Alright, we'll wait. Do you think you can get in closer?"

"Yes." Savon said looking at Neil, just stab him right now. Better yet lie to them and take care of him there. Let the demons take the fall.

'Not an option.' Even if it was something he'd love to do. 'I will not kill those with me, I will not murder.' He chanted to himself to keep his acolyte in check. It grumbled at the chant because it just gave up. Instead focused on what it needed to find out.

He moved forward passing the others noting Kayla from the corner of his eye but not fully looking at her. 'She will be fun.'

'Yes.' He said to himself, last night he'd gone over a few things in his head. He'd decided that her he'd like to have. However it was not something that would be easy. She wasn't one like Anna to just be had. He'd have to work at that, and the game would be half the fun. Why deny himself something that he wanted? Wasn't like he'd be hurting anyone in the process, quite the opposite really.

He jogged a short distance and then down a slope stopping near the building. There was fog starting to creep into the area. Fog that hadn't been there before, this area had been free of it, but now it was moving in. Savon glanced up at the night sky. With in the next day it would be eclipsed here by fog as humans lost yet more ground. It wouldn't be ask thick like in the cities, light would still come through. It would just be a foggy world that made the sky hard to see.

The building was three stories and it was run down looking. Paint pealing from it and blown out windows. He sensed the area now and turned going back to the others. They were waiting.

"There are six humans inside. I don't know if they are being held or not. The rest are all demons, perhaps ten of them. Plus two fliers up top and a shadow demon. There's another odd presence, one I'm not sure of but it feels more like an animal."

"Why so many for such a group?"

"Perhaps because they knew others would come and wanted to out number and over power them. Probably under orders to drag us back." Kayla said pulling out her weapons. Several others did as well.

"Can't let them do that, nor take the others. Let's be rid of the bastards." Leo said and the others agreed. Savon was the only silent one, but in his mind he was giddy with excitement that he would be able to kill and destroy.

"Okay, quick and silent. Set up the explosives." Neil said. "Kill quick and as quietly as possible. The more we take down that way the better." There were nods and then they broke up, each team had an ear piece and mouth piece.

The only one on was Neil's the rest were off and silent until they had to turn them on. Savon had his team's ear piece seeing as he would have the most intel. The two with him were Todd and Kayla. Couldn't complain about that. He could study her a bit more, and he worked well with Todd. Though he was still a bit injured from their last fight.

They moved down the slope and stopped just short of the shrub line there and waited. Savon felt with his extra senses around the building and then told them to move forward. He followed and leaned against the building waiting. So far so good, he didn't feel anything from those here. No one had been noticed yet.

Savon turned his head and looked up and then at the two with him. He pointed above them and they looked up at the opening that he pointed to. He leaned closer to them, talking barely above a whisper so he wasn't overheard.

"We go up, no one there." They gave a nod to indicate that they understood. It was higher than any of them could reach just standing. Savon turned and motioned for Kayla first, she came forward stepped up on his cupped hand and went up with the boost.

She grabbed the edge of the window and went in with as little amount of sound as possible. She looked at the hallway here. There was a bit of blood on the walls and burn marks. There had definitely been a fight here.

A moment later Todd came in the window and moved to the wall next to her watching the other direction. Then Savon came up, he caught the window ledge with a good jump and pulled himself up and in. Kayla wondered what it would be like to have that extra power, that extra stamina at hand, bet it was nice.

They both looked to him, he looked each way and seemed conflicted for a moment. He pointed to the left where Todd was. "Shadow." He mouthed, he pointed to the right. "Solider, possessed." He mouthed this time.

Both her and Todd were more than happy to have him with them. At least they weren't walking around completely blind. Todd pointed to the left and they moved that way. Savon took lead as he would be the best to deal with the shadow demon.

They came to the end of the hall and Savon stopped at the turn, he motioned for them to stop and they did. He had his back to the wall and leaned a bit closer to the corner just barely looking around. From the loop of his belt he pulled a small dagger.

Halfway down the hall it was completely black, unnaturally so, and with the naked human eye it just looked like darkness. However Savon could see the black mass standing in the center of it. It wasn't facing his way, so the red eyes couldn't be seen, but its shape could.

Savon stepped out and into the hall, he threw quick and hard hitting it square in the back of the head. Shadow demons were like smoke when moving, and you had to be able to see them to hit them. Normally they were more deadly than a normal demon, just not to him.

He motioned for them to follow forward and they went toward where the darkness was now lighter. Savon stopped and picked up the special blade and tucked it back in his belt. The black mass was now just a stain on the floor.

Shots rang out somewhere below and a short distance from them. They froze where they were and then the sound of screeching and movement was loud as the things in this building moved to engage. Savon touched the piece in his ear turning it on.

"Talk to me." He heard Neil say, Pat's group spoke first. It had been their group that fired, but no one was hurt. They were moving fast for cover as the majority of those here would be coming their way. Savon told them about where they were and that they were fine as well.

Neil's group was closest to the ones being held, though they were blocked where they were. Savon and his group where a floor above and a few rooms down. Savon looked at them.

"We should see if we can get to the room from above." Kayla said.

"If not we could just make a way down. Not like being subtle will work very well anymore."

"Prefer to not get surrounded." Savon said.

"Like you'd find that a problem." Todd said with a smile moving forward, and Savon went to follow him. Kayla bringing up the rear.

"Just thinking of you two."

"How kind." Todd said. They went down the hall and then turned to the right, more shots were fired somewhere and there was a lot of movement and sound. They were passing windows to the outside and Savon grabbed Todd pulling him down and motioning for Kayla to do the same. She dropped down without comment.

A second later something big flew by the windows and it was close. Enough that they could make out the entire side of the body and the head. It was gone in seconds but it was a heart stopping moment.

"That was huge." Kayla said, she'd never seen a flier that big before. Savon just made an agreeable sound.

"I think we will have a bit of a problem here." He said. "There are some behind us, and in front of us."

"How many?"

"It's hard to tell." He said to Todd's question. "They are moving on all levels, it's distracting." He grumbled. Todd just gave a nod and they moved forward faster.

"The room to the right, it's above those we need." He said and the moved forward. Todd went over a hole in the floor. Savon called out a warning to Todd as a soldier demon came out of one room to the right.