Everyone Has a Part

Savon got out of the vehicle when it came to a stop. He looked toward the trees and the darkness there not so far away. He knew that the hell-hound was there watching, waiting. Just what it was waiting for he didn't know. Kayla jumped out next to him and he looked at her.

Her touch on his skin had been oddly stimulating, soft but sure. The sensations over the marking on his body were different than over the rest of him. Over the marking, he only felt the touch by proxy of his acolyte. It felt the real touch, and only the skin between the marking could Savon truly feel. His other half had enjoyed the touch very much. Something other than a weapon slicing into it.

'I want to touch.' It said to his mind, it had been badgering him since she'd touched him in the car. Not like he could with the others around, didn't think they respond very kindly to that. Well it wasn't like they could really tell him not too. Still he didn't need the complication if she decided to yell at him. Second that was a sure way to ruin a lot of things, letting his dark half do what it wanted.

'Relax.' He snapped, and an annoyed sound came from him. One that he couldn't control, but no one noticed. They'd parked their cars a short walk away under some cover so they couldn't be spotted. Then walked toward the gas station that was there. A few leaving to go in different entrances to make their numbers smaller.

Savon decided to stay outside and just stopped short of going in, leaning against the building. The others went in, he had a few things that he had to take care of. Neil was walking toward him, the last of the group to come up. He looked at Savon, he stopped near the door. His look not exactly friendly, but when had it ever been?

"I don't agree with what you did to Cameron, but I'm willing to accept that there wasn't anything we could have done to save him. Kayla said she saw the wound." Savon wasn't sure why he was talking to him. He gave a kind of annoyed sound, and glanced at the entrance before Savon again.

"You aren't normal, you never will be and I just don't think that Drake's trust in you is logical. You are reliable and haven't done anything, but you are part one of them."

"What is your point?" Savon asked.

"That I'm waiting for you to prove Drake wrong."

"Drake is rarely wrong."

"This time I think that he is, and you aren't something we can fully trust. You stay with us and use us because it is convenient and helps you gain your own end." He said.

"Just what would be my own end?" Neil gave a shrug and moved past him.

"I'm watching."

"If you truly don't think me trustworthy why do you send me out alone with others? Aren't you worried I might do something to them?" He got the man's logic, but at the same time he didn't. It had been a long fucking time since Savon joined this group.

"It's why I put you with those that already trust and would work with you. I'm sure you've managed to do something to them like you do some of the demons."

"I'll remember this conversation the next time your life is on the line." He said. "I didn't have to save you." Neil just looked at him and then disappeared into the darkness of the building. Savon heard the door open and then close, the lock engaging.

Savon waited a bit and then walked away from the building and over to the darkness of the trees there. He moved in a short ways and found the hell-hound sitting there on its haunches. Its posture read as more submissive at the moment. What the hell was he going to do about this? If those like Neil found out...

"What do you want?" He asked it point blank, not leaving out the annoyance and aggravation.

"Whatever you want me to do." It said, it made a sound that couldn't be a language but it was and Savon understood it.

"How do I understand you first off?" He asked looking at it. He needed to figure this thing out first. Then he could properly deal with it, he hadn't understood it back at the building. However he knew that it had spoken before.

"Because you own me now, anyone could understand me if I wished it, or you let me. My last master wished no one but him to talk with me. What do you require of me?"

"Nothing, I require that you go away and leave me alone. Having a hell-hound here following me around is not helping my cause."

"Such as that male human, I could kill him for you."

"No." Savon said, he'd kill him himself if he wanted the man dead.

"I can't leave, it is against the rules of my kind. We are required to stay at our master's side once given. You killed mine and took the ownership on yourself. So unless someone kills you, I'm stuck to you." He noticed that the thing didn't really enjoy its ownership problem.

"I want you to stay out of sight of the humans."

"That's... an odd request. I need to feed."

"Do you have to feed on them, and you are not to feed on any in this compound." It looked at him confused.

"No I could feed on other things, though since I've been brought here human is my main diet." Okay so he had to keep track of this thing.

"Look I really don't need you. I'm capable of fighting my own battles."

'Yes." It said. "You are acolyte. Still I must do as I am told and I must protect my master."

"What do you like to eat?" He asked it, and it stared at him confused. It spoke slowly when it did.

"I prefer demons. Soldier demons, I like their taste." It was a bit ridged as if the response wasn't what it thought that Savon wanted to hear. But it was the truth, and it did shock Savon, most things from hell liked the diet of the living on this planet, not the dead.

"Then go find some of them to eat, no humans from here. Out there I don't care." He said. It was eyeing him.

"You are not going to punish me for my preference?"

"What the hell do I care if you eat demons?" He asked. "I kill them."

"Yes but acolytes kill everything."

"This one makes choices of what it will or won't kill." It blinked once like what he said was hard to comprehend. It didn't fit with the knowledge that it held.

"My last master commanded that I not kill his kind, any of them. I do not wish to be punished for it."

"Like I said, I don't really care. Run them down, tear them apart, toy with them. I could give two shits, actually it would be doing me a favor."

'He could be useful, think of the places he could go. The things that he could see or get into and not be thought twice about.' This was very true. His inner voice liked the idea.

"Kill any of them you want. Just stay out of sight when here."

"Is that all you require of me?" It asked, no trust there, like it thought the declaration to good to be true. It must really suck to have to serve someone that you didn't trust nor want to serve.

"How many know you exist, at least here right now? That you were attached to that other demon?" He asked wanting to know if others would be looking for him.

"Only the ones that were there and perhaps two others. My master did not like sharing my existence with others. He preferred to keep me to himself and for his own use."

"Who are the other two?" He asked.

"I don't know." He said. "Some demons that came in when he was speaking with me."

"Okay. Just find something to do with yourself that doesn't involve going after anything here, nor telling any others about this place."

"As you wish. There are no others that I wish to talk to. I'm just as expendable as the other demons to your kind."

"I haven't killed you yet have I?"

"Doesn't mean you didn't think about it."

"I did think about it, but I haven't done it." It looked at him, Savon figured that this was all he was going to really get from it for now. He didn't want to stay out here much longer in case someone came looking for him.

"Am I allowed to leave then?" It asked as he turned away.

"I thought you had to stay with me."

"I have to come back, doesn't mean I can't leave if you say it is so for a short time. I hunger, my last owner let me feed rarely." He looked back at it, he'd never actually seen a hell-hound before but it did look a bit under weight. At least he thought so, even for it's size you could see some of the bones.

"Yeah, whatever. Take as long as you want." He said and moved to leave, a rush of air came from the hell-hound and it stood up.

"I am grateful for that." It said and turned darting off into the trees. The direction it was going, it would come to a city with a few hours run. Maybe sooner if it moved as fast as he could.

Savon moved over to a different entrance and went down the stairs there, the door sealing shut behind him. He wanted rest for the moment, he wasn't hungry for anything, just tired. He hadn't slept in a while and needed it. Things should be a bit quieter around here for a while, there were more people here as this was their main hide out.

There were children here, not a lot of them, but a few. There were quarters away from those that went out, an area that was more like a family unit. Bigger rooms to accommodate them, though it was hardly used. There were perhaps three families there, or what humans called families. Savon didn't see the appeal of that, to raise a child just to know that they would most likely not see the age of thirty.

Sobering thoughts in his opinion. He was just glad that he wasn't going to get any brothers or sisters added to his line anytime soon. It would make fighting harder, Astor was fully acolyte, and as such he could only have one child at a time. Savon was it, and he'd managed to escape him, not such a good thing for Astor.

He needed Acolyte blood to open the gate, and it could very well kill the being that did it. Depending on their power, would dictate the number that managed to be brought through. Savon had a feeling that he could bring a good number of acolytes through before the strain of it killed him.

Then Astor and the others would just find a human that they could use to have a child like him and bring the others over. From what he knew there were perhaps a few hundred of them, but that was enough to destroy everything now. Just what was going to be able to stop something that could control other beings? Everything but humans, and humans were no match physically for acolytes.

If Savon died, then Astor could have another child, he'd had ones before. None of them had been up to par, not one able to survive long. None strong enough to bring one acolyte over let alone hundreds. Savon had passed that test the moment he was born. He didn't know who his mother was, nor did he care. He was sure she was still alive, because Astor would use the same woman again seeing she gave him what he needed.

He'd seen his mother one time, but he didn't know her name and there wasn't anything there for him to even care. His meeting with her had been an accident and they'd just stared at each other for a moment. She looked hollow, she'd had light brown hair and eyes, a pretty woman. She blinked slowly and he didn't really know what to say.

"You should have been killed the moment you were born." Was all she said and turned around leaving him standing in the hall. The words should have hurt more than they did, but he had been nine. He agreed with her because he knew what he was meant for, and that he would die once Astor used him for what he need.

Savon moved into his room, his mind going over all the things he knew. Things that he didn't share with others because it wasn't smart to. What could they really do? Lock him up and hope that Astor never found him, or would they kill him thinking that the answer? Which it wasn't, that would be handing Astor back his chance.

'We must first deal with this hell-hound. It's not going to go away.'

"I know." He said laying down on the bed there, more like a cot. It wasn't unpleasant he'd slept on worse. He just closed his eyes and fell asleep.