Enemies, Lovers and Survivors

Savon moved up to walk next to her. There was a slight breeze and the scent of her came to him. A soft sweet scent, appealing just like the rest of her. He wondered what she would do if he just reached out and grabbed her. Kind of like before, she hadn't really shown any animosity toward him for before. That was good sign right? In his head it was a battle between his two halves.

'Do it.'



'Shut up.'

'No.' Same argument going through his head. Back and forth the two sides fought with themselves. They both wanted the same thing, just how they went about it was different. She glanced at him, looking at him for a moment.

"You're an interesting character." He raised an eyebrow at her.

"That I haven't been told before." He said, and she just gave a smile. She paused in the yard facing him, she studied him as if trying to decide something. A contemplative look on her face.

"Find what you're looking for?" He asked her after a moment, she just met his gaze a bit of a slow smile came to her face. She gave a shrug and relaxed her pose.

"Not really sure, guess I expected more." He raised an eyebrow at her. Kayla felt like teasing him a bit, she definitely liked what she saw. Didn't mean that he had to know, let him work for it. He could learn what it took to get a person being civil. He seemed to like a challange.

"More?" He had a bit of a grin on his face for a moment. He reached out but she took a quick step back, playing with him would be fun she decided.

"Come here and I'll show you what 'more' I have." Kayla gave an amused smile, and a laugh.

"Straight to the point. It's a quality I like about you. I just think you'd fail to deliver on the promise." Savon gave an actual laugh and took a step forward toward her. He was forced to stop and lean back a bit when she back flipped. She did it knowing he'd have to stop or end up getting kicked. She just bent back and did it in a controlled way. Someone was flexible.

"I find your distance annoying." So close to take hold of, yet so far.

"I just don't think you could handle me." She gave a snotty shrug. "Sorry."

"Ouch." Savon looked her over. She gave a haughty look and turned around moving forward toward the path there. Kayla came to a rather abrupt halt as he stepped in front of her. The move was quick and fast. Honestly she felt a bit of excitement at this odd flirting they were doing.

"You're wrong however."

"Maybe, maybe not." He was very close and she liked the smell of him. She also felt at a disadvantage this close, but it gave her a kind of thrill. She moved to take a step back but his left arm came around her waist.

"Let me prove you wrong." She met his gaze, thinking for a moment. He held her close. Not completely against him, but enough that their bodies brushed. She could feel the heat from him and it felt good. His touch sent a wave of awareness down her spine. Honestly she liked this touch and tease game they had started. Everyone liked a bit of foreplay right?

"I'm waiting." Kayla said to him, because she wanted. If she stood here much longer waiting she'd do something first. Her tone sounded almost bored, but inside she was anything but calm.

Savon brought his mouth close to hers but didn't kiss her. His other hand coming up to the side of her head, his thumb rested near her ear. He pulled her against him, and she had a hand on his left arm and chest. She found the feel of his body against hers stimulating. His muscular form completely different from hers.

Kayla brushed her mouth against his, not completely a kiss but she wanted too. He hadn't moved to kiss her yet, she also had a feeling she could hold out longer than he would. Which she was right. He brought his mouth to hers then and kissed her. He was demanding forcing her mouth open fully for him. God she loved a strong man who took control.

Savon craved the sweet taste of her. It just seemed to get stronger the longer they kissed. He reached up and pulled the hair band from her hair because he wanted to feel it between his hands. He always loved the feel gripping the soft strands women always seemed to have.

He brought his other hand up and buried them both in the thick mass. She kissed him back just as fiercely as he kissed her, and he liked that. Enjoyed that she knew what she wanted and would take. Not just let him do, he liked a partner that pushed back. However he knew that he had to be in control, he was far to much of a dominate person not to be.

Kayla felt her lungs burn slightly as she wasn't really able to take a proper breath but she didn't really want to stop. Besides she couldn't have broken his grip if she wanted to. His hands dropped from her hair to her hips. Strong and sure, he slid them up her sides under her shirt still holding her solidly against him.

She brought her right hand up to the side of his face. The other was low on the side of his hip, she dropped her right hand to his shoulder for a moment when he moved his mouth from hers. He moved his mouth to the side of her neck, sucking lightly.

Kayla bit her lower lip, his hands where holding her sides. They felt a bit rough and callous but she didn't mind. He stiffened slightly suddenly going on alert and she felt a sudden spike of worry hit her.

"What's wrong?" She asked looking at him. He hadn't let her go and they were still close.

"Someone's here." He said and she noted that his eyes were brighter than they should be. Though she wasn't sure if it was because of this person or her.

"Who?" she asked looking around, her mind felt kind of sluggish.

"A group, people I don't know." Savon replied and looked down at her. He was severely annoyed at this turn in events. He'd been hit with the scent of others with the shift in the slight breeze. It was a decent sized group. He wasn't sure that they had been noticed yet. This would figure, fucking hell. He knew he should have sought her out sooner.

"Friend or foe?" She asked, her gaze growing sharper and looking around.

"Better to treat them like an enemy, than let them in as a friend and find out you were wrong." He let go of her, not wanting to but he had too. She straightened her shirt and moved toward the path, he followed her and they moved fast to the entrance.

At the door there they stopped and Savon reached up and pressed a button that had white tape next to it. It was a kind of alarm system for down below. It would register like a short alarm. There were different sounds for different things.

There were three colors there, white, black, and blue. Blue was for a friendly encounter or approach. White was an unknown group of humans, black was for anything else. Which was pretty much demons entering the area.

"You coming?" Kayla asked him as she opened the door to go in, he'd turned around.

"No, I'm going to see who it is." She just gave a nod and went in the door disappearing. He made an aggravated sound and moved off at a jog in the direction that he needed to go.

All he could really think at the moment was, what the fuck? Why was it that when he found something that he really wanted, he never seemed to be able to have it? He wanted Kayla, hadn't been able to have her yet. Didn't want Anna, could have her anytime. Wanted to be left alone, got a hellhound stuck to him. Save a person's life, get accused of murder.

Let's just kill them, easy enough.

I'm inclined to let us.

Excellent. He could feel his other half already sharpening its claws.

"There are nine of them." He paused near the old plant shop and looked in the trees meeting the orange eyes there.

"What have they been doing?"

"They are looking around the buildings. One of the humans here spotted them when you did." Savon glanced toward the group that was looking around the gas station at the moment. There was an older woman that seemed to be in charge.

"Check the surrounding buildings for anything useful." She said to the others and they broke up into groups.

"By the way, I saw Anna. I believe that she saw you and the one named Kayla." Savon gave a shrug. Good maybe now she would leave him alone. The other day she'd been at him again. He'd just been rude and left her standing there.

Savon moved out and into the open area, he moved up to the road there and started to walk toward the group casually. They didn't give him a dangerous vibe. Didn't set off any of the alarms in his head.

"Hold it right there!" One of the group shouted, and they had all turned to look at him. He kept walking in a slow non threatening way. He saw the movement in the gas station and new that others were moving into place around him from the different entrances and exits.

"You're trespassing." He said to them, keeping their attention on him and ignorant of the others.

"We have every right to look for supplies here. You don't own it." Said a man that was near the older woman that Savon knew was in charge. Savon stopped a short distance from the group. They had moved back closer together once he appeared.

"Can't let you do that, those that live here feel this is their property." He said, the breeze came to him and his gaze shifted to the vehicle that they had. It was larger, but they had at least two wounded in the vehicle. He could smell the blood.

"It's just you buddy." The man said.

"Not really." He said and those that had moved where they needed to be showed themselves. Though only the ones that had a higher vantage point. The group saw that they were at a disadvantage and they were practically surrounded.

"What can we help you with?" Came Drake's voice from behind the group. With him was Neil, Todd and Kayla.

"We are just looking for supplies. We have wounded." The older woman said. "Help would be appreciated."

"This group isn't going to help us, look at them they are clearly hiding out here hoping to not be found."

"Every group hopes not to be found." Drake said to the man. "However this group is well equipped and more than willing to defend our area if you mean us harm." They looked around, it wasn't like they were going anywhere unless Drake said.

"We are just looking for medical supplies and food. We have injured. We will be on our way soon enough."

"If we let you go, you could tell others that we are here." Neil said to the woman.

"We wouldn't. We fight for freedom of humans and know that the more there are free the better chance we have. We head to Fire city." No city had the same name that humans had given them during there reign. Fire city was to the north of here. Aptly named because everything around it had burned to the ground.

"Why would you go to Fire City if you mean us no harm. It would seem that you beg to get caught." Savon asked.

"May we talk without guns pointed at us and in a bit more civil matter?" The older woman asked and Drake made a motion. Weapons were lowered but they weren't put away. Drake moved and the older woman and man followed. So did a couple others from the group, the rest moved back to their vehicle. No one was going to relax until intent was determined.