Escape to an Embrace

"You going to be alright?" Kayla asked as they came up to the car. Kayla thought he'd gone rather quiet. He looked rather intense to her.

"After a bit, it affected me more than I thought it would." Especially being around others like him. With humans he didn't get the same violent urges. Didn't need to put others in their place as much but there was no real competition with humans. Or so his acolyte thought.

" How about now? We are out."

"Now I just have you. Out doesn't mean the effect is gone." Kayla looked at him. He was watching her. Out here she felt much more vulnerable to him than she had in there. Which made no sense. Then again in there he didn't have the liberties that he now gained.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" Kayla asked with a smile stopping near the car. She wanted to change her clothes. But she'd settle for the jacket in the back if nothing else.

"Depends on your point of view." Savon said stepping up to her. She took a step back but the car was there. She was by the front hood on the side with the truck. Kayla felt her heart speed up for a multitude of reasons. There was something exciting about how he looked at her, where they were and the danger it posed. Though her cautious side did try to speak up at here. They need to get miles between them and this place. She found herself watching him though.

Savon reached forward taking hold of the side of her face. Then came forward so that the backs of her legs pressed against the car and the front of them were between his. He leaned forward his mouth so close to hers. She could feel his breath against her lips and her mouth watered slightly. What was he doing? It was really not the best place for anything, right?

"I want you." Savon spoke with such a needy tone. He needed something. He'd been high strung all night, and his body on edge because of her. The voice was loud and insistent and didn't care what was going on around them. He felt the darker voice press forward and it felt like it might fight him, so he let it some control.

"Here?" Kayla asked half able to talk. Clearly hesitant, she didn't think here smart. They should be leaving. Part of him knew that, but the rest didn't give a shit.

"Yes." He moved, surprising her by stepping back from her slightly. He got a hold of her arm and then turned her around. He leaned against her back and forced her forearms down on the hood of the car. He was pressed against her and her stomach touched the cool metal. The contrast was sharp to her heated skin and she felt her skin prickle slightly. Kayla would be a liar if she didn't admit this excited her. Maybe it was wrong, but he did, the way he held on to her.

"Having you against me so close..." Savon said next to her ear. His hands let go of her arms and came to the back of her legs. He slid them up and to her skirt. He pushed the material up, his mouth brushed her ear and she felt needy rush hit her.

His hand moved so that his finger tips curved around digging into the front of her upper thighs. She bit her lip when he pressed against her and she could feel his arousal through the material of his pants. Her womb clenched and she responded instantly, his actions were unexpected. Kayla hadn't realized he'd act so quick on his desire.

Kayla had never thought she could respond in such a way so quickly to someone and with where they were. She didn't know if it was something that he did, or if it was just him. She found that this was a lot easier to do here than she thought. It was reckless and crazy. She shouldn't allow it, so why was she? He let go of her for a second with his hands, but his body was still against hers. He shifted just a bit and undid his pants.

"How much I'm going to enjoy you." He breathed against her ear. She felt like her whole body was on edge just waiting for him, wanting him. So quick and sharp. Where they were, that they could be easily found, just added to it. She definitely had a darker side to her and she loved it at the moment. What did it matter if someone saw? They weren't going to stop them, nor care here. There was no social etiquette here. Screw it, she was going to let him. She was still just as high strung from that place and the pheromones as he was. Well maybe he was a bit more, but whatever.

His hands came back to curve around her sides. Kayla gripped his one hand and guided it to between her legs. She wanted him to feel the response her body gave to him. How slick she grew thinking about his. She bit her lip rather hard as his fingers sank into her and she pressed up against him a bit.

"Just going to tease me Savon? Or are you going to do." Kayla asked suppressing a moan at how he played with her. He moved his hand and pulled her back slightly the tip of him pressing into her. His lips grazed the back of her ear.

"I like the idea of toying with you. Just as much as I like the idea of taking." His voice was deeper and sent a shiver through he. He said the last part sliding into her slowly. God did he feel good, and she gasped at the sensation of him. He was thick and hard and filled her completely. No more foreplay, just taking. She felt a bit of a burn as his body slid into hers but it left quickly. She'd never been with a man that she felt fit her so well. Filled her near that sweet point of pain, she loved the feel of him.

Kayla dug the tips of her fingers into the hood of the car. He pulled her back with a harsh movement and had his body completely in hers. His mouth closed over her shoulder, and his hands up her sides. She found it hard to think. She made a sound between a cry and a gasp when he pulled his body from hers and slammed back into her.

Savon held her down for the moment because it gave him a bit more control over the darker part. He bit down on her shoulder a bit harder than he meant too, but her body felt so fucking perfect. How it gripped him and how soft she was, and even her sounds. Exactly what he needed, and consumed his mind with it. He could sate all the urges riding him with her body. Everything that had been building since the moment they stepped in that building.

That part of him that had been aiming toward violence not so long ago, had a complete change. Its wants now centered completely around Kayla. He wrapped an arm around her waist and he kept his hold on her tight, forcing her back onto him how he wanted.

She let him have control. Not that he really gave her much choice, but she didn't fight him. She moved her hips as he demanded that she do. He decided that he needed more of her, and he'd get what he wanted.

Savon moved pulling himself from her and turned her around. He moved fast forcing her to move so that her back was to the truck behind them. He just lifted her taking hold of her hip and thigh, and drove his body into the silken heat of hers. She moaned and gripped his shoulder, her nails digging into the flesh through his shirt. The bite of pain in his skin just added to the lust.

Savon pressed against her bringing his mouth over hers and kissed her. His one hand coming up to the side of her face. His thumb pressing slightly on her chin forcing her mouth open for him. He kissed her in a possessive and demanding way. The same way that he took her body.

Kayla had never had such a demanding and controlling lover before. She found that she loved it. He drove his body into hers harshly and fully each time, forcing her to take all of him. She moved her hips encouraging him on. She pulled at his shirt wanting to move her hands over his skin, she heard material rip. She didn't know if it was hers or his but she didn't really care.

Kayla had her hands on his chest a moment later and slid one over his shoulder, the other down his side. His mouth left hers and she felt her body spiraling out of control. So close to the blissful release and she couldn't help the sounds that came from her. She knew she was being louder than she should, but it just felt really damn good. There was no controlling the moan that came out.

His mouth grazed her jaw. His sounds more animalistic and she enjoyed it. She liked the idea that she was the reason someone could lose control. His mouth moved over her throat a moment before his tongue slid up slowly. She brought a hand up to grip his hair, her body growing tighter around his.

"Yes Savon, god yes." She gasped out. His thrusts into her were almost painful, but she wanted it. She didn't care how hard her took her, pressed against her.

"More. I want more." She moaned sweetly.

His mouth closed over the pulse in her neck. She cried out as he bit down. There was a sharp pain but it changed. Kayla felt her body come apart right then and there. Her head tipped back. Her muscles clamping down, gripping him tightly and she didn't feel like herself with how good she felt at the moment.

She felt his tongue slide over her neck slowly, her body still strung high. Savon's body moving in hers just as demanding. Her legs were wrapped around him and the fingertips of his right hand dug into her flesh. She had her arms around his shoulders and her gaze met his.

Such a bright green, he moved so that his mouth was right above hers but didn't kiss her. He drove his body into hers again fully and let his own orgasm take him. He pressed his mouth to hers then. The kiss slower than before but thorough.

Savon raised his head after a moment and looked at her, his gaze still bright. His eyes shifted down her body and Kayla was trying to get her breathing back under control. His breathing was harsher than normal as well. She felt a rush hit her again as he slid his tongue over the edge of her jaw and his teeth pulled at her ear.

"I want you for myself." His tone was deep and nearly demanding. She didn't respond because she couldn't find her voice. This had been so fast and heated she couldn't think right. If it was like this all the time, then she sure didn't care. He was still buried inside of her and she wanted to do again.

Savon never thought that he could be so sated by a woman. Not that he wasn't able to find release, just not in this way. Not so intense or so pleasurable. He wanted her for himself, and only him. He wasn't kidding either. The acolyte in him had spoken up and it would not tolerate another around her. It had decided right here and marked her as his. It didn't give a fuck what she would want or think. If it decided something was theirs then that was it. Black and white.

"I'll have to think on that a bit." She said with a breathless laugh. "Right now it's highly in your favor." Savon did feel a smile in response. It took him a moment but he moved letting her down. He steadied her when she swayed for a moment.

'Again, I need to mark her again.' That statement was completely normal in his mind. It was related both to sexual and non. He frowned inwardly at himself and the voice. He didn't know what to think of that so he left it alone. He'd never had that urge before, however his acolyte thought it completely rational.

'Calm down.' He told it and he got a hiss in response.

"You going to keep holding on to me?" She asked with a smile.

"I was thinking about it." Kayla gave a bit of a laugh and he leaned forward his mouth coming down on hers. She stepped forward against him. His arm came around her back and she gave a bit of a sigh, he was something alright. She liked the embrace though, it made her feel good in a way that was hard to describe.

"You said if I brought you back out."

"I guess I did." Kayla commented her gaze meeting his. Then gave a slight laugh, he had a boyish smile then that made her heart flutter.

After a moment he pulled away from her and it was a quick movement like he'd managed to find the will and just did it. He turned from her to the car and she pulled at the skirt that was high on her waist at the moment down. He fixed his clothes opening the door of the car with a harsh movement.

Kayla was around the car and opened her side getting in, she closed the door. He was in as well and started the car. They had to leave the city before dawn. They would find a place outside of it to rest if needed.

Savon was wide awake however, he didn't really think that he was going to get any sleep even if he tried. Not with her right there and the voice in his head badgering him. His hold on the wheel had been tight before. Now it was a death grip, even though physically he felt great. Like a euphoria had gripped him, mentally was a bit of a war.

They hit the edge of the city and came into a residential area, the wind picked up. The fog moved with agitation but not leaving the area. Rain came down, rather fat drops, and Kayla leaned forward to look up at the black sky.

It came down harder the farther out they drove. It was hard to see even for him. He chose a spot to pull off the road and parked the car. Better to wait than drive off the road or into something once they were out of the main area.

Kayla reached back and grabbed the coat she'd thrown in the back seat and put the seat back. She used it as a kind of blanket and laid on her side facing him. He looked down at her, and she wasn't sure what was going on in that mind of his. Though his eyes were more a normal green.

"I'm taking a nap." Kayla said. It was really late and she could now feel the tiredness in her limbs. A happy giddy feeling in her stomach for having gotten out of that place. Of having liked what they'd done. The steady fall of rain on the car top wasn't so bad, it was a kind of ambiance.

"Not worried I'll do something while you are sleeping?" He asked her with a bit of a smile. She cracked one of her eyes open to look at him, and then closed it giving a shrug.

"Well anything too terrible you could have done before. I think that you've proven to me that you are trustworthy. Besides anything else I think you might do, I'd want to be awake for anyways." Kayla said with a smile. She heard him give a bit of a laugh. The sound of his seat going back came to her. She just let the tiredness take her after a few minutes feeling safe that he'd wake her or take action if need be.